Clues for the word "EAR"
We've had 1222 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 3509 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Penny Dell Daily crossword on March 11, 2025.
Definition of ear
- n. - The organ of hearing; the external ear.
- n. - The sense of hearing; the perception of sounds; the power of discriminating between different tones; as, a nice ear for music; -- in the singular only.
- n. - That which resembles in shape or position the ear of an animal; any prominence or projection on an object, -- usually one for support or attachment; a lug; a handle; as, the ears of a tub, a skillet, or dish. The ears of a boat are outside kneepieces near the bow. See Illust. of Bell.
- n. - Same as Acroterium.
- n. - Same as Crossette.
- n. - Privilege of being kindly heard; favor; attention.
- v. t. - To take in with the ears; to hear.
- n. - The spike or head of any cereal (as, wheat, rye, barley, Indian corn, etc.), containing the kernels.
- v. i. - To put forth ears in growing; to form ears, as grain; as, this corn ears well.
- v. t. - To plow or till; to cultivate.
Referring Clues
- Musical ability
- Canal site
- Pitcher part
- Kernel carrier
- It may be pulled in charades
- Corn serving
- Listening device
- Barber's obstruction
- Stirrup site
- It may be lent or bent
- Ring spot
- Place for a plug
- Sympathetic attention
- Musician's pride
- It may be lent
- Sensitivity
- Canal zone?
- Notice
- Wax producer
- Place for jewelry
- Place for a stud
- Keen perception
- Order of corn
- Something to lend or bend
- Wax collector
- Site of a helix and antihelix
- Cup handle
- Prominent dachshund feature
- Musical gift
- Musician's asset
- Otologist's study
- A barber might nick it
- Drum site
- Organ with a drum in it
- Mr. Potato Head part
- Lent part?
- Canal locale
- Swab target
- Musician's need
- Pencil holder, at times
- Teacup handle
- Word with drum or trumpet
- One sense, figuratively
- Kind of drum or trumpet
- Barber's obstacle
- Musician's gift
- With 62-Down, animal identifier
- Ring bearer, maybe
- You can lend it or bend it
- A hoop may hang from it
- Object near a temple
- Cereal plant portion
- Serving of corn
- Stud site
- Where to find a hammer or anvil
- Attention
- It sticks out at the side
- Hammer site
- Drum locale
- Musical sense
- Musical perception
- Audience
- Music appreciation
- Musical sensitivity
- Listen here
- Spot for a headphone
- Bean sprout?
- Sound receiver
- Ring locale
- Something to shuck
- Corn order
- Musical aptitude
- Piercing site
- Stalk outgrowth
- Q-Tip target
- Musical talent
- Pencil holder
- A barber has to work around it
- Shucker's unit
- Mr. Potato Head piece
- Word with candy or drops
- Labyrinth locale
- "Lent" body part
- Ring site
- Lobe site
- ___ canal
- Hearing aid
- Big feature of an elephant
- It may be sympathetic
- Grin's boundary, so it's said
- Conductor's need
- Listener
- ___ candy (pop music)
- Eustachian tube site
- It's often next to a phone
- End point for an iPod cord
- Big part of an elephant
- Pencil holder, sometimes
- Stud's place
- Dog-___
- Sound system component?
- Place for a stirrup
- You might play something by it
- Where a phone is held
- It's needed to find the right key
- Floppy rabbit feature
- What barotrauma affects
- Prominent part of a dachshund
- Audio receiver
- Big elephant feature
- Side flap
- Prominent Chihuahua feature
- ___ candy (some pop tunes)
- Wave catcher?
- Plug place
- Pitching asset?
- Ring setting
- Where the utricle is
- Iowa harvest unit
- Inner ___
- Audiologist's concern
- Where the antihelix is
- Tin ___
- Plug's place
- It may be cupped or cuffed
- A hoop may be attached to it
- Cauliflower ___
- Place for a ring
- Place for a headphone
- Prominent donkey feature
- It may be cocked
- The "E" in 64-Across
- Tarsus : foot :: incus : ___
- It may pop on a plane
- What a barber has to trim around
- Obstacle for a barber
- Folded corner
- It might get a plug
- It may be floppy or pointy
- What an aurilave cleans
- Something that may be pricked
- There can be a ring in it or on it
- Mr. Potato Head accessory
- Musical acuity
- Carol Burnett tugged on hers
- Pencil holder, perhaps
- Anvil locale
- Matador's trophy
- Corn unit
- Lobe's location
- Musicianship
- Waxworks?
- Anvil location
- Sound processor
- Van Gogh had one
- Musical taste
- Ringing site
- Mr. Potato Head attachment
- Swimmer's ___
- Piece of corn
- Big grin terminus?
- Hammer and anvil locale
- Cornstalk offshoot
- Musical discernment
- Big grin delimiter?
- Lobe locale
- Anvil's place
- Van Gogh's love offering
- Target of many a piercing
- Place for a cow's 34-Down
- Tin organ?
- Jug lug
- Ringing or ring site
- Dumbo's "wing"
- Word before plug or horn
- Dumbo "wing"
- Attention, metaphorically
- Organ with a drum inside
- Spike
- Where to find a hammer
- Lobe location
- Canal zone
- Talent for music
- Phone attachment?
- Hammer's location
- Either end of a wide grin
- Something to whisper into
- Equilibrium organ
- Flair for music
- Good listener?
- Spot for a stud
- It may be ringed or ringing
- Pencil holder?
- Plug setting?
- Cereal spike
- Word before phone or ring
- Mike Tyson's 1997 mouthpiece?
- Hearing need
- Cute as a bug's ___
- Auricle
- Listening organ
- Auditory canal locale
- It's inside a husk
- Auditory nerve's locale
- Lead-in to ring or drum
- Hear here
- It's cupped to catch a whisper
- Drum location
- Hammer and anvil site
- Organ with a canal
- Major elephant feature
- It can be pierced or plugged
- Prominent part of Mickey's silhouette
- Ring bearer?
- Hole in the head?
- Head extension?
- Otologist's concern
- Corn spike
- Din detector
- It can be pierced or pricked up
- It's near a temple
- Mr. Spock's had a point
- Plug place, perhaps
- Hearing aid?
- Keen perception, musically
- Word after dog or tin
- Stud setting
- Knack for music
- Whisperer's target
- Hoop site
- Organ with a hammer
- Site of the smallest bone in the body
- It may be cocked or cupped
- Human body part with vestigial muscles
- Organ near a temple?
- Auditory organ
- Jaime Sommers had a bionic one
- Pitch catcher
- Anvil's setting
- Stirrup setting
- Body part to lend or bend
- Hammer and anvil setting
- "In one ___ and out the other"
- Keep an ___ to the ground
- Piercing locale
- Cochlea's locale
- Hoop holder, maybe
- It can be lent or bent
- Cerumen's spot
- "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ___"
- Locale of a tiny stirrup
- Trophy for a matador
- Pointy body part on a Vulcan
- Stud's spot
- It can be swabbed
- A cricket has one below each front leg joint
- Subject of otology
- Labyrinth location
- See 44-Across
- Holder of kernels
- "___-Resistible" (Temptations album)
- Cochlear implant site
- Part of ENT
- Acoustic organ
- It's found near a temple
- Stirrup's spot
- Thing pulled when playing charades
- Hammer home?
- Kernel holder
- Ring bearer
- Hoop holder
- Crooner's asset
- Site of semicircular canals
- Word with mark or muff
- Organ with a drum
- Organ for an otolaryngologist
- Where you might see the last word of 20-, 32-, 41- and 53-Across
- Bit of corn
- Word with canal or drum
- Singer's asset
- Sound detector
- Organ with a lobe
- Sound catcher
- Cellist's gift
- Jug handle
- Tympanic membrane site
- Spike in a field
- Word with muff or mark
- It may be pierced
- Spike in a grain field
- Spike, as of grain
- Oft-pierced body part
- Corncrib item
- Corn portion
- Stirrup spot
- Cobful of corn
- ___ candy (pleasing music)
- Anvil site
- Pitcher handle
- Tonal sense
- 11 Down portion
- Lend an ___ (listen)
- Portion of corn
- Pencil holder, often
- Sense of pitch
- Ossicles' site
- Hearing organ
- Temple neighbor
- Musical asset
- Glasses support
- Cob + kernels
- "In one ___ and out . . ."
- Corn purchase
- Van Gogh's loss
- Van Gogh had one in his later years
- Wax trapper
- Stirrup's site
- A friend may lend one
- Ability to discern good music
- Unit of corn
- Organ near the temple
- Something to lend a storyteller?
- Ability to distinguish pitch
- Wax container
- Wheat spike
- Ability to hit pitches?
- Word with "drop" or "drum"
- "In one ___ and out the other"
- It may ring or have a ring
- Type of wax
- Locale of a small stirrup
- Cerumen locale
- Aptitude for note-worthy creations?
- Toreador's trophy
- Van Gogh had one later in life
- Cornfield unit
- Pencil parking place
- Auditory apparatus
- Auditory sensor
- Wax manufacturer
- Traditional piercing site
- Drop target, sometimes
- Affinity for music
- Anvil and stirrup site
- Where to find a cochlea
- It's used to find the right key
- Anvil setting
- It's used when looking for the right key
- Where the incus bone is
- Thermometer insertion point, perhaps
- Otic organ
- Word with "mark" or "splitting"
- You may lend it or bend it
- Organ of equilibrium
- It has its own drum
- It's part of a head
- Word with drops or canal
- A hole in the head?
- Word with wax or drops
- Place for a small drum?
- Equilibrium provider
- One of a boxed set?
- Something to bend on a human
- It's laid back on an angry horse
- It may be pulled
- Word with muff or flap
- Vulcan feature
- Hammer's home
- It helps keep one balanced
- Musician's boon
- Musical acumen
- Listen here!
- Trophy handle
- Word with "flap" or "drum"
- Where the smallest bones in the body are located
- Shucked item
- Stirrup location
- Distinctive Vulcan feature
- Topic of corn-versation?
- Thing to bend or lend
- Elephant's floppy feature
- Big beagle feature
- Spot for a hammer in the head
- Musical aptitude, of a sort
- Play by ___ (without sheet music)
- Place to put a bud
- Mr. Potato Head stick-on
- Musical knack
- Canal setting
- Sideburn neighbor
- Ability to appreciate music
- Van Gogh's missing piece?
- Where you'll find a stirrup
- Traditionalist's piercing site
- Eustachian tube locale
- You might play something by this
- It may be plugged or pierced
- Elephant's-___ (plant)
- A pencil may be parked behind here
- Pitcher feature
- Musical skill
- Song played at the school dance in "Back to the Future"
- Field unit
- Improviser's asset
- Ring holder ... or receiver?
- Drum holder
- Otologist's focus
- Word before canal or candy
- Sense of sound
- Bud's place
- Word with "drop" or "drum"
- Where 76-Across may be worn
- Elephant's ___ (plant)
- Makeshift pencil holder
- ___ candy
- Pierced organ
- Tyson's infamous biting target
- Poor listener's in-and-out organ
- Tin ___ (lack of musical sense)
- Bud holder
- "... silk purse out of a sow%C2%92s ___"
- Swab's target
- "... silk purse out of a sows ___"
- It's bent by a bore
- Ring or phone lead-in
- Wide grin terminus
- Van Gogh wound up with one
- Hammer-and-anvil site
- Semicircular-canal site
- "In one ___ and out ..."
- ___ candy (pleasing music)
- Lend an ___ (listen)
- Corny bit?
- ___ candy
- Bud holder?
- Place to whisper sweet nothings
- ENT part
- See 11-Down
- Pinna's place
- Cochlea site
- Word before "buds"
- Tyson nugget?
- Where to hold a telephone receiver
- Van Gogh lost one
- Receptor
- Listening device?
- Audition
- Head part
- Lend an ______
- Corn cob
- Musicians gift
- Part of a corn plant
- Musical cognizance
- A musical talent
- Sensor
- Corn container?
- ____ Falls, Ontario
- Musical sound receiver
- It can ache
- Bionic part of the Bionic Woman
- Dumbo's wing
- Acoustic organ?
- It's beside a sideburn
- Pencil-parking place
- Ring location?
- Aural organ
- Pointy Spock feature
- It contains a human drum
- Hoop spot
- Jug part
- Shape of orecchietta pasta
- Lend an ___
- Tuner's talent
- Site of the body's smallest bones
- 51-Across target
- Van Gogh: ___ today, gone tomorrow?
- Place to put a plug
- Acoustic instrument
- Corn measure
- Plant's grain-bearing part
- "In My ___" (Toad the Wet Sprocket song)
- Labyrinth setting
- Word with phone or ring
- Sense organ
- Sense organ
- Lobe spot
- Lobed organ
- Corn holder
- Cochlea setting
- Lobe setting
- Corn helping
- Musical appreciation
- Elephant feature
- Canal spot
- Sound receptor
- Anvil's site
- Otologist's subject
- One part of ENT ...
- Audiology subject
- Cauliflower, maybe
- Good hearing
- Dumbo's 'wing'
- Otology subject
- Stirrup's locale
- Ring setting
- Lobe setting
- Lobed thing
- Play it by ___
- Piercing target
- Audio receiver?
- Wax collector?
- With 19 Down, otalgia
- Musical aptitude, as it were
- Maestro's gift
- You may eavesdrop with it
- With 76 Down, cerumen
- "... silk purse out of a sow's ___"
- Aural aptitude
- Where the smallest human bone is
- Place for some plugs
- Hammer home
- Hearing device
- Floppy feature of a basset hound
- Gift for music
- Big part of a hare
- A listener's need
- Ring site?
- Barbecue side dish unit
- Van Gogh pun: ___ today, gone tomorrow?
- 36 Across portion
- Bud's beginning
- Organ of hearing
- Perfect pitch organ
- Organ that's sensitive to vibrations
- Hairstylist's obstacle?
- Swimmer's ___ (medical ailment)
- Knack for dialogue
- Musician's gift?
- Put an H in front of it to make something you can do with it
- Where singing is heard?
- Mike Tyson's in-fight snack
- Spot for a ring
- Beagle's drooper
- What a headphone goes over
- Part of E.N.T.
- Big grin stopping point?
- Listening post
- Where to find the Cochlea
- What a barber must cut around
- It helps hold glasses
- Hearing thing
- Prominent part of a basset hound
- Corn amount
- Noise detector
- Hoop siite
- George has a bad one in "It's A Wonderful Life"
- Teacup part
- Kind of plug or bud
- Knack for notes
- See 32 Down
- Discernment of a sort
- Word with "muff" or "mark"
- Organ of balance
- One may play something by this
- Musicians gift?
- Auditory sense
- Cauliflower ___: boxing injury
- Melodic sense
- People use it to eavesdrop
- Piercing place
- Corn-on-the-cob helping
- Flea site, idiomatically
- Prominent part of Mickey Mouse
- Floppy feature of a dachshund
- "Tin" body part
- Drum organ?
- Stud spot
- "Wing" for Dumbo
- Location of the tragus
- An ___ for dialogue
- Tuner's asset
- Corn bearer
- Musicality
- Sound sense
- Audio part?
- Talk one's ___ off
- Pointy part of Mr. Spock
- Place for a ring or a stud
- Piercing option
- Wave catcher
- Listener's loan
- It's sometimes lent
- Pencil holder everyone has
- Violinist's gift
- Where a bud hangs out
- Its inner part contains a vestibule
- "Star Trek" prosthesis
- Hearing location
- Site of a piercing
- See 8-Down
- Word before drop or drum
- One might be kept to the ground
- "Who hath a story ready for your ___": Shak.
- Otologist's specialty
- Body part that may have a spacer
- Place for a bud
- Kernel source
- Corn roast serving
- It's at eye level
- Prominent feature of an Obama caricature
- A wing, for Dumbo
- Bit of audio equipment?
- ___-piercing
- Locale for a hammer
- A missing pencil may be behind one
- A beagle's prominent feature
- Wing for Dumbo
- Word before "drop" or "flap"
- Exaggerated feature in Obama caricatures
- Piercing spot
- Smallest-human-bone locale
- Corn-on-the-cob serving
- Part of the teacup
- Ring bearer, often
- Talent for melody
- Big part of an Obama caricature?
- Word before "drop" or "drum"
- Canal location
- Word with dog or elephant
- Sense of music, perhaps
- Teacup feature
- Place for a hammer
- Incus site
- Pierced lobe
- Trendy cuff site
- Hammer setting
- Used for listening to TV
- Stud locale
- One of Dumbo's "wings"
- Inner, middle or outer thing
- Word with "mark" or "muff"
- Where to find Darwin's tubercle
- Piano tuner's asset
- Organ underneath a temple
- Cochlea locale
- Vase handle
- *NT
- Spot for a Bluetooth headset
- Aural factory?
- What a flap may cover
- Spock's feature
- Saccule spot
- Lobe's locale
- Give ___: pay attention
- Shucked corn part
- Q-tip target, maybe
- Place for a hammer and stirrup
- C-shaped sensor
- Something grown - or eaten - in rows
- Ache site
- Listening locale
- Balancing aid
- Common ringbearer
- Place for a decorative clip
- Listener?
- Ring or mark start
- Head protrusion
- Listening requirement
- Anvil's organ
- Corrida trophy
- Cochlea's site
- Rabbit's prominent feature
- Place for a stud or hoop
- Anvil and hammer setting
- Middle ___
- Place to put a cupped hand
- Facial feature
- Cartilaginous structure
- Organ to lend or bend
- Corny item
- Pierced body part
- See 63-Across
- Corn carrier
- Cob of corn
- Part of a fancy pitcher
- Piercing subject
- Linguist's ability
- Maestro's forte
- Word with bud or flap
- Place for a piercing
- What an otoscope examines
- Place for a hoop
- Word from the Latin for "husk"
- Van Gogh's partial loss
- Either of Dumbo's "wings"
- Might need a good one
- Golf pencil holder
- Organ associated with van Gogh
- Corn piece
- Place for an anvil
- Where waves come in?
- Piano tuner's talent
- It may be tin
- Cauliflower, for one
- Dachshund's drooper
- See 102-Across
- Big feature on a donkey
- Thing on some stalks
- Sensory organ
- Have a good ___ for music
- Corn growth
- Corn plant feature
- Eye-level sensor
- Handy pencil holder
- It may be pierced or plugged
- Aural discernment
- Kernels' home
- Lent item?
- See 57-Down
- Spot for an AirPod
- Common listening device?
- Head organ
- Body part
- Cute part of a bug, in a saying
- Shape of orecchiette pasta
- Corn plant part
- Piece in Mr. Potato Head
- Place for a bud?
- Place for a bud or a stud
- A good one is important for music
- Appendage that a barber might nick
- Place for an AirPod
- Jam session musician's asset
- Where wax can build up
- It's used to pick things up
- Site of a van Gogh bandage
- Aptitude for music
- Head of corn
- Natural wax producer
- ___-splitting (really loud)
- Elephant ___ (pastry)
- Site of our smallest bones
- Something popped on a plane
- Pitch sensitivity
- Incus' organ
- Thing with a tiny stirrup
- Aural receptor
- Eye-level receptor
- Ringing organ?
- Body part that some people wiggle
- Sound-detecting organ
- Something a barber has to work around
- Cochlea location
- Part of a jug
- It may have a ring to it
- Something pressed against a conch
- 65 Across locale
- See 16-Across
- Tenor's talent
- Spike of corn
- Something a mantis has only one of, surprisingly
- Spock feature
- Handle
- Maize spike
- Head flanker
- Lobe's place
- Bend an ___
- Lobe place
- Maize unit
- Sound organ
- Spike of maize
- Listen with this
- Hear with it
- It's used to hear
- Antony's loan request
- Wax maker
- Site of wax buildup
- Stirrup's place
- Place for waxy buildup
- It's lent for support
- Otitis location
- Part of the body, and what Cockneys do with it
- Body part associated with Van Gogh
- It's required in hearing!
- Hoop locale
- Place to find a stud?
- Hoop site, maybe
- See 15-across
- Clip-on locale
- Bud's spot
- It can hear
- You listen with this
- Word with lobe or drum
- Swabbed spot
- Word with plug or bud
- Place for a hammer and anvil
- It can hear you
- It's often pulled in charades
- Tympanum site
- Producer's tool?
- Musicians have a good one, usually
- Musical talent, slang
- '96 King's X album "___ Candy"
- Musician asset, slang
- Improv musician's need
- Cage the Elephant "In One ___"
- See 24
- Improv jammers have a good one
- Operation Ivy "Yellin' in My ___"
- Black Sabbath "___ in the Wall"
- Anthrax "When you stick your fingers in your ___ and create another scene"
- Bravery "Every Word Is a Knife in My ___"
- The Pretenders "Got in my ___ when I'd just begun"
- See 8
- Lug stuff that's no good
- One hasn't been taught to play by it
- Part of a cereal plant containing the seeds
- Organ used by sea rangers
- Attention during rehearsals
- It's receptive at the heart centre
- Going back again to conceal a listening device
- "The Archers", it seems. has at least one listener!
- In an arable area, a little corn
- Part of the arrangements for audition
- For organ music?
- That of a sea rover may have a ring in it
- Organ needing attention?
- A notedly hard-hearted listener?
- To hear clearly, you need more than one
- Listener's noted warm heart
- Are misguidedly upsetting a listener
- Organ visibly smaller than the heart
- The listener notes the rousing start
- The Archers have at least one listener!
- You have more than one, dear heart!
- A musical one will get the notes right
- Attention to something corny?
- Lug out of the arena
- Having one for music, you get the notes right
- Something shell-like from the sea, really
- In earnest, dear, you need more than one!
- Attention paid in learning lessons
- Attention is part of learning
- Organ involved with balance
- Heart-to-heart listener
- Beagle's flopper
- Vestibule setting
- Husking unit
- It may be pierced, or just pricked
- Hoop holder, at times
- Cochlea's place
- Shucking unit
- Shucks contents
- Hammer and anvil place
- Listener's double share of yearly earnings
- Left, perhaps, though each is on the right
- Trophy part
- A tuner's asset
- Word with "wig," "wax" or "ring"
- It may be pulled or bent
- Whisper target
- Canal spot on a human
- Eustachian tube setting
- H___ing organ
- Utricle location
- Organ with a saccule
- It ranks above a kernel?
- Rock concert sufferer?
- Turned on one's ___
- Injured body part in a 2013 "Girls" episode
- Good listener?
- Place for some of Beethoven's trumpets
- Floppy dachshund feature
- Prominent part of a bat
- Cereal-plant part
- Noggin protrusion
- What otitis media affects
- Its often on an iPhones screen
- What the blind man who thought the elephant was "like a fan" touched
- Otoplasty target
- Wood ___ (fungus that grows on trees)
- "The avenue to the heart," per Voltaire
- One of two body parts covered by headphones
- Wheat tip
- Head of wheat
- Tip of grain
- Organ repairs regularly required
- "Attention" in the army
- Almost deserve appreciation
- Nobleman, for the most part getting attention
- Audio receiver?
- Body part on either side of the head
- Mickey Mouse silhouette feature
- Listener with a noted warm heart
- Basset hound's floppy feature
- You can lend one without letting go of it
- Sensory organ involved in hearing and balance
- Cock an ___
- It listens
- Listening part
- Body part where wax forms
- Hearing aid?
- It's assaulted by noise
- Trim facial hair to get attention
- Conductor's talent
- Metaphor for attention
- Something seen in a profile
- Part of the body examined by an audiologist
- Audio component?
- Body part with a drum
- "While I have your ___ ..." ("Before you hang up ...")
- "Let's play it by ___"
- Body part that contains the hammer, anvil, and stirrup
- Maestro's talent
- Sense of hearing
- Attentive organ
- Have an ___ for music
- Something found near a temple
- Sympathetic ___
- Floppy feature on a beagle
- Something to bend or lend
- ___ trumpet
- Organ with an auricle
- Organ with an anvil
- Organ with a canal and a "drum"
- Body part that picks up sounds
- Something you can lend without having to part with
- Cornstalk growth
- Audiologist's study
- Auditory receptor
- What a muff may protect
- Big elephant part
- Husky unit?
- Has an ___ to the ground
- It's listening
- Spot for a ring or stud
- Hoop setting, at times
- It's found behind a temple
- Bend this
- Thing to lend or bend
- Canal zone?
- Bud insertion site
- Sound system?
- Audition user?
- Saccule site
- Organ in the leg of a katydid, bizarrely
- Target of a whisper
- Tinnitus site
- Husking target
- It's affected by tinnitus
- Hearing part
- Hearing aid's place
- Lobe's site
- Distinctive feature of Mr. Spock
- "Dumbo" feature
- Ring bearer?
- Bony labyrinth location
- Place for a Q-tip
- Dachshund's floppy feature
- Cranial organ
- Wave detector
- Van Gogh's lack
- Listening tool?
- Organ with a hammer and anvil
- Place for a hoop or stud
- Place for a stud to go
- You haven't only one, dear heart
- Ringing organ, at times
- Word with "drum" or "drop"
- Husker's handful
- Irrigated organ
- Locale of a tiny "hammer"
- Eye-level organ
- Left, right, or clearly central
- Place for an otoscope
- Listener twice in terrible arrears
- Kernel container
- "For all in vain comes counsel to his ___": Shak.
- Stud location
- Musician's skill
- Body part that might be "sympathetic"
- Centre of the heart or other organ
- Like a hole in the head?
- Livestock ID tag spot
- Hammer and anvil location
- In the army, it means 'attention'
- Place for a digital thermometer
- Van Gogh's lost body part
- Floppy beagle part
- Cochlea's organ
- Cerumen producer
- It has a drum
- It has three small bones
- It has many kernels
- Corn or wheat unit
- Otoscope target
- Notedly warm hearted listener
- Singer's skill
- You listen with it
- Organ at the rehearsal centre
- Cerumen-producing organ
- Lead-in for worm
- Place for a stud or a ring
- Body part with a canal
- What a plug may plug
- It listens for you?
- Musician's acuity
- Husking bee unit
- An organ in the arterial system
- Place for a tiny stirrup
- Locale of the anvil and stirrup
- Face flanker
- What the first letter of 56-Down stands for
- Talent for pitches
- Insect's shell-like rug?
- Word after "pierced" or before "piercing"
- One of Yoda's pointy pair
- Unit of wheat
- Ring or stud site
- Stud’s place
- Word aptly contained in "hearing"
- Either of Dumbo's flappers
- To get the notes right, you need one for music
- Elephant ___
- Sound sensitivity
- It grows on a stalk
- What a hoop may hang from
- One might be lent or bent
- Mickey Mouse headband part
- Bud setting
- Something stalked in a field?
- Holder of corn kernels
- Facial projection
- Organ with a stirrup
- Organ necessary in rehearsal
- Dog part that may perk up
- Symbol for an audio device
- It's trained in music school
- It hears what you say
- Site of a small canal
- Kind of drum needing attention?
- AirPod spot
- Heart to heart attention
- Metaphorical thing to lend
- What may have a ring to it?
- What a listener lends
- Place for a bud or a plug
- Ability to hit pitches?
- Shucker’s unit
- An organ for music
- See 1 Down
- Prominent part of Dumbo
- Elephant's flapper
- Something to "play it by"
- Something lent to a friend
- Heart to heart organ
- Balance-facilitating organ
- It might be lent or bent
- A listener to something corny?
- Listening device?
- Part that might be pierced
- Part of the auditory system
- Large part of an elephant
- Protuberant organ
- Put a ring on it!
- Acoustic organ?
- See 3-Down
- Orecchiette shape
- Place to hear or wear a ring
- Body part hidden in "forearm"
- Organ that sticks out
- Droopy feature of a cocker spaniel
- Organ
- Organ whose name becomes a related verb if you add a letter
- Floppy part of a dachshund
- Something stalked in a field
- Droopy part of a basset hound
- Piano tuner's skill
- Locale of the anvil and the stirrup
- Shape of abalone shells
- Thing on the side of your face
- Organ often missing from an emoji
- Organ to whisper into
- "Fly swatter" for an elephant
- Floppy part of a rabbit
- Hammer home?
- Picnic serving
- Attention paid in learning
- Ring bearer, maybe?
- Place for an industrial piercing
- Organ next to a sideburn
- Body part with a hammer
- Distinctive part of a Batman costume
- Playing it by ___
- One may be pierced
- Pointy feature of a 6-Down
- Lead-in to trumpet or drum
- Organ treated by an audiologist
- Word with "canal" or "candy"
- ___ of corn
- Jug handle, you hear?
- Spike of wheat
- Body part hidden in "Hear that?"
- Place for a canal or a kernel
- Lead-in to "buds" or "muffs"
- Lent feature
- ___ candy (catchy, pleasant music)
- Aid in balance
- 12-Down unit
- Big part of a dachshund
- See 126-Down
- Common piercing site
- Prominent elephant part
- Body part that someone might "lend"
- Vital listening device
- Spot for a bud
- Spot for a hearing aid
- Place for a hoop or plug
- Place for a helix piercing
- Tragus piercing's place
- It's always listening
- Word before "lobe" or "canal"
- Place for piercings
- It's hear for you?
- ___ cuffs (jewelry)
- For organ music?
- Organ that might be lent or bent
- Body part that a piece of orecchiette resembles
- Body part with three tiny bones
- Temple organ?
- Organ needing attention?
- Organ that might be covered by headphones
- Silver ___ cuffs
- Place for a daith piercing
- The Archers has at least one listener
- Body part hidden by a blunt bob
- Body part with a lobe
- A notedly hard-hearted listener?
- Pointy part of an elf
- It picks up sounds
- Something often lent, but never returned
- Prominent feature of a fennec fox
- Either side of a beaming grin, in a phrase
- Anatomical canal locale
- Weimaraner's floppy feature
- Unit of maize
- Site of a conch piercing
- Pointy part of a shiba inu
- Elephant part that may be six feet long
- Distinctive body part of a papillon
- Loud-noise receiver
- Thing a head and corn both have
- Home of the body's vestibular system
- In the other foot there's a corn
- Corn-on-the-cob quantity
- Location of a daith piercing
- Prominent feature of an elephant or dachshund
- One hearing things?
- It's bandaged in a classic van Gogh self-portrait
- Corny item?
- AirPod holder
- Big part of a basset hound
- Pointy feature of a cat
- Pointed part of a fox
- Knack for music appreciation
- Spot for a stud ... or a "bud"
- Body part with ossicles
- Where the smallest bones in the body are found
- Vulcan's pointy body part
- Human organ with a drum
- Place for a stud or a hoop
- Anvil and stirrup place
- The "E" of ENT
- Hearing object
- Commonly pierced body part
- Spot for a tragus piercing
- Place to find a hammer and anvil
- Site for a cartilage piercing
- Audiologist's subject of study
- The Archers, it seems, have at least one listener
- Corny unit?
- Body part that can be "lent"
- Something to listen with
- Musician's ability
- Organ with a hammer, anvil and stirrup
- Location for a tragus piercing
- Word before drum or trumpet
- Attention to something corny?
- Organ that can hear you
- It might be cocked or bent
- Something some pierce
- It's stuck on the side of your face
- Location of a human's tiniest bones
- What might be drawn with a "C" in cartoons
- It contains a tiny drum
- Often-pierced body part
- It has a drum one can't beat
- Place for a stud or a spacer
- The Archers clearly possess more than one listener
- AirPod locale
- Place for a tiny hammer
- Conductor's gift
- Body part with a ring, or a ringing
- Part of a dog that might perk up at the word "walk"
- Part of an African elephant shaped like Africa
- Meaning of the prefix "oto-"
- Body part with a cochlea
- Organ to "play it by"
- Body part examined by an otolaryngologist
- Metonym for attention
- Wood ___ mushrooms
- Where the malleus and incus bones are found
- Part of a cat that listens for prey (and can openers!)
- Corncob unit
- Popular piercing site
- Organ for hearing
- Where to catch some waves?
- Floppy feature of a schnauzer
- Pointy part on a husky
- Whisper receiver
- It's connected to the eustachian tube
- Kernel locale
Last Seen In
- Penny Dell Daily - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - March 11, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - March 10, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - March 05, 2025
- Mirror Daily - March 03, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - March 02, 2025
- USA Today - March 02, 2025
- Penny Dell Sunday - March 02, 2025
- USA Today - February 28, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 19, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 18, 2025
- New York Times - February 17, 2025
- USA Today - February 15, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 13, 2025
- Your Life Choices - February 12, 2025
- USA Today - February 12, 2025
- USA Today - February 11, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 10, 2025
- USA Today - February 10, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 10, 2025
- USA Today - February 08, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 06, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - February 05, 2025
- Family Time - February 03, 2025
- Mirror Mini - February 01, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 01, 2025
- New York Times - January 29, 2025
- New York Times - January 28, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - January 27, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 23, 2025
- And in 3479 more crossword puzzles...