Clues for the word "WAR"
We've had 477 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1017 times in crosswords. It was last seen in King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph crossword on March 18, 2025.
Definition of war
- a. - Ware; aware.
- n. - A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities.
- n. - A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force. In this sense, levying war against the sovereign authority is treason.
- n. - Instruments of war.
- n. - Forces; army.
- n. - The profession of arms; the art of war.
- n. - a state of opposition or contest; an act of opposition; an inimical contest, act, or action; enmity; hostility.
- v. i. - To make war; to invade or attack a state or nation with force of arms; to carry on hostilities; to be in a state by violence.
- v. i. - To contend; to strive violently; to fight.
- v. t. - To make war upon; to fight.
- v. t. - To carry on, as a contest; to wage.
Referring Clues
- Card game for two
- Wouk topic
- "This means ___!"
- Gulf ___
- Kind of chest or paint
- "Saving Private Ryan" subject
- Area of Mars
- Kind of dance or bride
- Dull card game
- Former Cabinet department
- Word that can follow the start of 15-, 18-, 34-, 48- or 55-Across
- Dove's aversion
- Simple card game
- General Assembly topic
- Part of 46-Down
- Combat
- Kids' card game
- Children's card game
- Kind of cloud
- Failed negotiation result
- "The blood-red blossom of ___ ...": Tennyson
- Reason for restrictions
- Word before cry or baby
- Conflict
- Easy card game
- ___ correspondent
- More than a brawl
- Declaration of Congress
- Kind of cabinet
- ___ powers
- Congressional declaration
- With 59-Across, battle planning site
- Realm of Ares
- 1970 #1 hit with the lyric "huh, yeah, What is it good for?"
- Subject in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution
- Realm of 3-Down
- "The child of Pride," according to Jonathan Swift
- "That mad game the world so loves to play," to Jonathan Swift
- Sun Tzu's "The Art of ___"
- Drug ___
- ___ Emblem (2002 Kentucky Derby winner)
- Cabinet department until 1947
- Campaign setting
- See 3-Down
- "The ___ of the Worlds" (H. G. Wells novel)
- Battle, and then some
- Wouk's "The Winds of ___"
- Mindless card game
- Interminable card game
- Major fight
- Ares' area
- Repetitive card game
- Big battle
- Armed conflict
- Severe skirmish
- Dove's dislike
- International trouble
- Civil ___
- "The ___ of the Worlds"
- Part of the name of four Preakness winners
- What the United Nations hopes to prevent
- Kind of baby or bonnet
- Cry or paint preceder
- Kid's card game
- Serious conflict
- Numbers game?
- One of the Four Horsemen
- "What is it good for, absolutely nothing!"
- Word before chest or cry
- One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Tolstoy title word
- Type of paint or party
- ___ Admiral (1937 Triple Crown winner)
- What protesters may protest
- Hell, to Sherman
- "This means ___!"
- Big conflict
- Hawk's cause
- ___ of 1812
- Declaration of 1941
- It was hell, to Sherman
- Card game for 11-Down
- Original Cabinet department renamed Defense in 1949
- Go fish alternative
- Word with party or game
- What a dove despises
- Part of WWII
- It's good for "absolutely nothing," according to a 1970 #1 hit
- It can cause a draft
- Part of POW
- Word with baby or story
- Old maid alternative
- Hawk's desire
- Word with cry or baby
- "The trade of kings": Dryden
- Hell, to General Sherman
- Cold ___
- Gulf ___
- Serious hostilities
- Hawk's concern
- "Much too serious a thing to be left to the military": Clemenceau
- 1970 Edwin Starr protest song
- Sherman's hell
- Hawks support it
- Tedious card game
- "There never was a good" one, according to Franklin
- Card game
- Word before baby or bonnet
- Machiavelli subject
- Major event of 1812
- Ten years' or hundred years' event
- Dire declaration
- Mars' thing
- All's fair in it
- One was civil in America
- All-out hostility
- Protest topic, often
- Battle of nations
- In song, it's good for absolutely nothing
- Type of correspondent
- Major undertaking?
- General concern?
- General assembly?
- Entente interrupter
- Tolstoy title start
- Classic one-word headline
- Vietnam ___
- All's fair in it?
- Mars' domain
- It's good for "absolutely nothing" according to a 1970 hit
- *Edwin Starr, 1970
- ___ of the Roses
- Raw reversal?
- Collect-all-the-cards game
- "The Naked and the Dead" subject
- It's more than a mere battle
- Domain of 78 Down
- It's hell, axiomatically
- All-out conflict
- Something played out in a theater
- See 48-Across
- "Saving Private Ryan" backdrop
- General activity
- Basic card game
- Edwin Starr hit
- What's broken out of the answers to the starred clues?
- Battle field
- See 9-Across
- Series of battles
- Protest subject
- Hawk's advocacy
- Type of cry or paint
- Cold ___
- WWII's W#2
- Hawk's hope
- "This means ---!"
- Kind of paint or powers
- No-brainer card game
- Reason for face painting
- General concern
- It's hell, they say
- "The Hurt Locker" subject
- Hell, as they say
- One of the W's in W.W. I
- Kind of cry or paint
- "The ___ of the Roses"
- Strategy-free card game
- Sherman called it "hell"
- Clash of arms
- Armed combat
- Card game with a belligerent name
- 1970 hit that asks about its title, "What is it good for?"
- '___ and Peace'
- Sherman called it 'hell'
- Sherman called it hell
- Series of skirmishes
- Revolutionary, for one
- Fighting
- Kids card game
- General practice
- Child's card game
- 1940s headline word
- 'This means ___!'
- Peacenik's worry
- Ares' realm
- Peace opposite
- Gen. Sherman called it hell
- Kids card game'
- Hostilities
- 'Dr. Strange-love subject'
- Do battle
- Giant fight
- 1812 event
- Giant conflict
- Huge conflict
- Big fight
- Big skirmish
- Huge fight
- Major battle
- Member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- "All's fair" in it
- Doves' aversion
- It may precede a treaty
- Peace antithesis
- "___ of the Roses"
- Serious struggle
- All-out fight
- Military sicence
- Major conflict
- Word with game or room
- Battle
- Symbolic dove's aversion
- It may be civil, yet raging
- Word before cloud or cry
- It may be civil yet raging
- Common video game milieu
- Cabinet department phased out in 1947
- Serious fight
- Word with "dance" or "party"
- Combative card game
- Peace's opposite
- Horrific conflict
- See 111-Down
- "All's fair" in it, it's said
- "The Chocolate ___": classic young-adult novel
- Stratego situation
- The second "W" of W.W. II
- Big international conflict
- Military science
- "A defeat for humanity," per Pope John Paul II
- Huge battle
- Card game for two, usually
- ___ games
- "___ and Peace"
- "Low Rider" band
- The Crimean ___
- It may have a general assembly?
- Mars' realm
- Kind of dance or paint
- Edwin Starr protest song
- Disturber of the peace
- Series ofskirmishes
- Game of pure chance
- Where there's a general assembly?
- It's conducted in a theater
- 1914 headlines
- Start of a Tolstoy title
- Opposite of 31-Across
- Armed hostility
- Strife
- ____won ton
- Price ___
- 1914 outbreak
- Like some deals
- Man-o'-___ (old battleship)
- Word with cry or crime
- See 74 Down
- 'This means !'
- Hawk's love
- Diplomacy alternative
- Belligerent state
- General Assembly topic?
- It's full of battles
- "Family Law"s theme song
- What polemology is the study of
- Tolstoy topic
- Trojan, for one
- "A symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal": Steinbeck
- "The Iliad" subject
- It may be declared
- Card game that can go on and on
- "... let slip the dogs of ___": Shak.
- General purpose?
- Word before god or games
- Subject of 12/8/1941 headlines
- Civil, for one
- Card game using the entire deck
- 1960s-'70s protest topic
- Trojan ___
- Sun Tzu subject
- Domain of Mars and Ares
- Military engagement
- String of engagements
- High-card-wins game
- Word in 12/8/41 headlines
- Part of WWI
- It's of general concern
- Word before horse or hero
- Massive fight
- Called for
- Battle milieu
- "The ___ Cry" (Salvation Army publication)
- Jihad
- Tolstoy subject
- General battle?
- Topic for Sun Tzu
- Battle's big brother
- Armed fight
- World ___ II
- Clash
- "Love and ___"
- Kid's game card
- Desert Storm, e.g.
- Opposite of peace
- What's in the middle of upwards?
- Sphere of Mars
- The Civil ___
- Classic Springsteen tune
- Two-player card game
- Kids' card game for two
- Conflict between countries
- It's good for absolutely nothing, in a song
- It's in the middle of upwards?
- Child's card game for two
- It's good for nothing, in song
- Major conflict between nations
- Korean or Civil, e.g.
- It's good for absolutely nothing [hunh]
- Classic U2 album
- Armed conflict between countries
- Civil or Trojan
- Hell, it's said
- Hundred Years' ___ (which lasted less than 100 years)
- Failure of diplomacy
- Thumb battle
- Good for absolutely nothing
- Headline of 1914
- Military conflict
- Domain of Ares
- "The Cisco Kid" band
- "Spill the Wine" band
- Eric Burdon band
- "Why Can't We Be Friends?" band
- The big fight
- Fighting to give cowards heart
- Open hostility
- It has its heroes - and some cowards
- Half warmed cold one?
- State of conflict
- Greenback from Mars?
- Edward's big struggle
- Conflict warily started
- English novelist, it's said - and the sort of press correspondent he once was?
- In which there'll always be some cowards?
- Hell, per Sherman
- It might cause a draft
- City division
- Greenback that's part of the bulge on 26 down
- Amorous maiden denied being offensive
- Game in which twos lose
- Cowards at heart showing great fight
- Cause of a draft, perhaps
- "Fear cloaked in courage," per William Westmoreland
- It's 14 Down with bloodshed, per Mao Zedong
- Megadeath madness
- It kicks the L out of "glory"
- Sun Tzus area of expertise
- Campaigner's contest (or the start of a 1930s movie actor's split personality)
- Card game requiring no skill
- Cabinet department that split in 1947
- Highest-card-wins game
- "___ is hell"
- Strength contest, tug o' ___
- Struggle, untrained, to reverse
- Open eyes about both sides - one is hostile
- Overcooked? Not at all
- "___ and Peace" (Tolstoy novel)
- Word with "cry"
- In it, there are always some cowards
- "World ___ Z" (Brad Pitt movie)
- Cold, maybe, but it starts warm
- Battle between nations
- "God created ___ so that Americans would learn geography" (line attributed to Mark Twain)
- "___ has no use for free speech": Julius Caesar
- General battle?
- "Dunkirk" movie genre
- Group of raiders*
- U-turn from peace
- In attrition, perhaps, endlessly wary
- Hecatomb causer
- Ultimate confrontation
- Wherein half the army is at the Western Front
- Hawk's cry
- Subject for "Dunkirk" or "Apocalypse Now"
- Edwin Starr classic
- A degree of cowardice in fighting
- It once caused a draft
- Prolonged conflict
- Doves despise it
- Game in which no decisions are made
- World conflict
- Large conflict
- Newspaper headline of 12/8/1941
- "The Hurt Locker" backdrop
- "___Games": 1983 Matthew Broderick film
- Game with many ties
- Fighting between nations
- Fighting between countries
- ___ of attrition
- Major operation?
- Word before bride or paint
- Ares' domain
- A treaty may end one
- General concern?
- Conflict; hostilities
- "What happens when language fails," per Margaret Atwood
- 49 Across setting
- Edwin Starr asked, "What is it good for?"
- Child's first card game, maybe
- Mindless card game for two
- "___ of the Worlds"
- Serious declaration
- Series of campaigns
- Field for Mars
- "The most successful ___ seldom pays for its losses": Thomas Jefferson
- Word after "Civil" or "Infinity" in the MCU
- ___ movie
- Cold, maybe; but there's some warmth
- Subject of "1917"
- "1917" subject
- Domain of 69-Across
- Edwin Starr hit originally recorded by the Temptations
- "The Art of ___"
- Large-scale conflict
- "Iliad" activity
- Game that's 100% luck
- General practice?
- What truth is said to be the first casualty of
- It's bigger than a battle
- "I have seen ___. I have seen ___ on land and sea. ... I hate ___.": F.D.R.
- Card game of chance
- Tug of ___
- 1970 #1 hit with the line "What is it good for?"
- "___ is mainly a catalog of blunders": Churchill
- Game of luck
- All's fair in love and this
- ___ games (military practice)
- Target of some Bob Dylan songs
- Active hostility
- Card-vs.-card game
- Peace's counterpart
- Card-beats-card game
- Journalist Hemingway's assignment
- Half warmed cold one?
- All-luck card game
- Word with bonds or games
- Churchill ___ Rooms (London tourist attraction)
- Mindless two-player card game
- *Word in a classic Tolstoy title
- Domain of Mars
- It may be revolutionary
- Game with the objective of winning all the cards
- Luck-based card game
- "If we don't end ___, ___ will end us": H. G. Wells
- "Captain America: Civil ___"
- What games like chess, Stratego and Risk simulate
- Word with horse or hero
- "All the Light We Cannot See" backdrop
- - of 1812
- "___ Games," 1983 film
- Realm of Ares and Mars
- Less than warm, possibly cold
- Horrific event filled with battles
- Inward strife?
- In which there'll always be some cowards?
- "A symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal," according to John Steinbeck
- It has a peaceful end
- It's good for "absolutely nothing," per a 1970 #1 hit
- "Foyle's ___" (British TV drama)
- Epic backdrop, maybe
- "The Winds of ___"
- Two-person card game
- "1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb ___!"
- Card game for two players
- Armed conflict between nations
- Backdrop of many novels set in the 1940s
- Simple two-player card game
Last Seen In
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 18, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - March 05, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 15, 2025
- Daily American - February 15, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - February 14, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 08, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 04, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 29, 2025
- USA Today - January 14, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - January 01, 2025
- New York Times - December 31, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 29, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 21, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 17, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 11, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 04, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 29, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 29, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 28, 2024
- LA Times - November 18, 2024
- Penny Dell Sunday - November 17, 2024
- LA Times - November 11, 2024
- Family Time - October 21, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 19, 2024
- Mirror Daily - October 18, 2024
- Family Time - October 13, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 10, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - October 09, 2024
- Mirror Daily - October 09, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - October 06, 2024
- And in 987 more crossword puzzles...