Clues for the word "USSR"
We've had 513 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 962 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Daily American crossword on February 19, 2025.
Referring Clues
- Once-mighty initials
- 1980 Olympics host
- 90-Down's land
- Soyuz launcher
- Pre-1991 atlas abbr.
- One of the Allies of W.W. II
- Former G.D.R. ally
- Red letters?
- Stalin's domain
- It broke up in Dec. 1991
- Atlas abbr. before 1991
- Former world power, for short
- The Beatles' "Back in the ___"
- Cold war inits.
- Brezhnev's land
- Subj. of a 1991 breakup
- Russia was part of it: Abbr.
- Cold war initials
- Warsaw Pact land
- Boycotter of the '84 L.A. Olympics
- Khrushchev's concern
- SALT signatory
- Cold war foe
- Former "evil empire"
- Former empire
- "Back in the ___"
- Moscow's land, once: Abbr.
- Country founded in 1922: Abbr.
- Where Kalinin was pres.
- W.W. II ally
- Locale in a Beatles song
- Five-Year Plan nation
- SALT party
- Gorbachev was its last leader: Abbr.
- 15-Down rival, once
- Lenin's land, for short
- "Red" letters
- U.N. member through 1991
- Superpower initials until 1991
- Former empire inits.
- Brezhnev's land, in brief
- SALT I signer
- U.S. ally in W.W. II
- Cold war superpower
- Yalta conf. locale
- Five-Year Plan implementer, for short
- "Evil empire" of the '80s
- Stalingrad's land, for short
- Reagan's "evil empire"
- Cold war power: Abbr.
- Cold war foe, for short
- Mir launcher
- See 4-Down
- 56-Across's cold war foe
- UN member until 1991
- Cold War rival of the USA
- "Back in the ___" (Beatles song)
- Pre-1991 world power
- World power until '91
- Pre-1991 superpower
- Nation in Dec. 1991 news
- Superpower until 1991
- "Back in the ___" (Beatles tune)
- It became the CIS
- Ray Stevens' "Surfin' ___"
- Gorbachev's country (abbr.)
- Country in a 1969 Beatles song title
- Letters on an old map of Asia
- Khrushchev's land (abbr.)
- Old map letters
- Nation that dissolved in 1991
- Reagan's "Evil Empire" (abbr.)
- Gorbachev's nation
- Bloc that dissolved in 1991
- USA rival in the Cold War
- SALT signer
- The KGB's country
- Five-Year Plan empire
- Cold War bloc
- It broke up in Dec. of '91
- Former Red giant
- The Olympics' 1980 host and 1984 boycotter
- 1984 Summer Games boycotter
- Country in a Beatle song
- Country featured in a Beatles song
- "Back in the ___" (Beatles hit)
- Moscow was its cap.
- Cosigner of the ABM Treaty
- One-time Red giant
- Russia was part of it (abbr.)
- Old UN member
- Its parts included an Arm. and a Lat.
- Warsaw Pact country
- Empire until 1991: Abbr.
- CCCP, in English
- Former part of 11-Down: Abbr.
- Cold War empire: Abbr.
- Cold War power
- Former Olympics powerhouse
- 1984 Summer Olympics boycotter
- Sputnik launcher
- Former U.N. power
- Space race participant
- KGB funder
- Old atlas abbr.
- Focus of a big breakup in '91
- "Miracle on Ice" losing team
- Cold War letters
- Old atlas initials
- CIS predecessor
- KGB country
- Amer. WWII ally
- 20th-cen. superpower
- Warsaw Treaty Org. member
- WWII U.S. ally
- U.S. ally in WWII
- Outdated globe letters
- SALT talks participant
- Cold War rival: Abbr.
- 1980 Summer Olympics host
- Old polit. letters
- Cold War adversary
- Khrushchev's country: Abbr.
- Former Security Council member
- Cold War principal
- 20th-c. nation
- WWII ally
- Ex-UN member
- Former UN member
- Erstwhile power
- SALT superpower
- Lenin's land
- Moscow's former country: Abbr.
- Warsaw Pact nation
- Onetime UN power
- Pre-1992 map abbr.
- George Kennan specialty
- Russia was part of it
- Superpower that dissolved in the 1990s
- CIS forerunner
- Cold War participant
- Warsaw Pact country (Abbr.)
- "Miracle on Ice" opponent
- Former GDR ally
- Warsaw Pact member (Abbr.)
- Former communist country, briefly
- "Back in the ___"
- '84 Olympics boycotter
- Former world power, briefly
- SALT participant
- One-time superpower
- Former Olympic team
- WWII power
- Gorby's former domain
- Russia, once
- Former world power
- Cold war side
- 1984 Olympics no-show
- 1980 Winter Olympics host
- Letters on an old map
- Notable break-up of 1991
- Soyuz 1 launcher
- Where "the Ukraine girls really knock me out"
- START I treaty party
- Russia, before 1991
- KGB locale
- Extinct red giant
- Red giant now in pieces?
- Cold War country
- It died in 1991
- Khrushchev's home
- Country founded in 1922
- Country dissolved Dec. 8, 1991
- Letters on an old Asian map
- See 1-Across
- Bygone atlas listing
- Red giant now broken up
- KGB whereabouts
- HUAC concern
- Former UN Security Council member
- Russia, of yesterday
- Gorby's domain
- Atlas abbr. until 1991
- J.F.K. adversary
- Nikita's realm, once
- It disappeared on Dec. 26, 1991
- State in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991
- Cold War foe, briefly
- KGB creator
- Cold-war adversary
- Red letters
- Locale in a 1968 Beatles song
- US%C2%92 cold-war adversary
- Khrushchev's country
- Pres. Reagan's "evil empire"
- Former Eurasian superpower
- Cold War adversary: Abbr.
- Gp. dissolved 12/26/1991
- Former communist state
- Country in a Beatles song
- Ex-superpower letters
- Former communist country
- Political org. until 1991
- Sputnik launcher (Abbr.)
- BOAC destination, in song
- Erstwhile empire, in brief
- Country that disappeared in '91
- US cold-war adversary
- U.N. member until 1991
- Country in a Beatles title
- Beatles' "Back in the ---"
- Pre-1991 power
- Brezhnev's initials?
- "The Kremlin Letter" state
- Whence Drago from "Rocky IV"
- Zangief's country in "Street Fighter II"
- World power until 1991
- Country with a hammer-and-sickle flag, for short
- Fed. dissolved by the Belavezha Accords
- Fallen Russian govt.
- Old Eurasian letters
- Amer. ally in W.W. II
- "Back in the ___" (Beatles)
- Red giant, once?
- 1984 Olympics boycotter
- "Evil empire" initials
- Treaty signer with Ger. in 1939
- Old NATO worry
- Gorby's realm
- Old NATO worry
- 1-Down's land
- Notable breakup of 1991
- Abbr. in old atlases
- Glasnost initials
- Glasnost initials
- Glasnot initials
- Cold War country (Abbr.)
- Cold War abbr.
- Old map abbr.
- KGB's home
- Cold War-era map abbr.
- Abbr. on old maps
- Cold War nation (Abbr.)
- Cold War faction (Abbr.)
- Abbr. on old Eurasian maps
- Abbr. on old Asian maps
- Cold War-era abbr.
- CIS preceder
- 'Back in the ___'
- See 23-Across
- Cold War nation
- Cold War era letters
- Khrushchev's home (Abbr.)
- Gorbachev's fed.
- KGB's land
- Pre-'91 superpower
- Moscow's fed., once
- KGB's place
- Brezhnev's fed.
- Stalin's empire
- Brezhnev's empire
- Former Russian nation: Abbr.
- One-time Red giant (abbr.)
- Red state, once
- Pre-'91 world power
- Old NATO target
- Locale in a Beatles title
- Old map initials
- Gorbachev's empire
- Cold War country: Abbr.
- Boycotter in 1984 headlines
- 1984 summer Olympics no-show
- Reagan's "evil empire," for short
- Red power, initially
- Red state, formerly
- Georgia was a part of it: Abbr.
- It broke up in 1991: Abbr.
- One of the WWII Allies
- Letters on old Asian maps
- 1979 Afghanistan invader: Abbr.
- Country founded in 1922 (abbr.)
- Beatles' 'Back in the ___'
- It dissolved in Dec. 1991
- Sov. Union
- It ceased to be in Dec. 1991
- Bygone U.N. member
- Letters for an ex-superpower
- Whence the villains in the original "Red Dawn"
- "Master and Margarita" locale
- Software purchaser
- Cold war initals
- It dissolved in December 1991
- Ally of E. Germany
- Letters on the Allied side in WWII
- Bloc established officially in Moscow in 1922
- Apt anagram of "Russ."
- State for which "Animal Farm" is an allegory
- Red giant that's broken apart
- Cold War opponent: Abbr.
- Gorbachev led it last
- Space-race participant
- Stalin's land
- Letters on Gagarin's helmet
- Bygone atlas initals
- KGB's country
- Cold way letters
- Cold War power, briefly
- Stalin's land, in brief
- Gorbachev's land: Abbr.
- Khrushchev's country (abbr.)
- Defunct acronym
- BOAC destination in a Beatles hit
- Biggest breakup of 1991
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty signatory, briefly
- It broke up in 1991
- Nation once led by Gorbachev, abbr.
- World power until 1991: Abbr.
- Miracle on Ice loser of '80
- Lith. and Ukr. were part of it
- Euro has-been
- Red giant that disintegrated?
- Group of red states, for short?
- KGB's milieu
- Initialism in a Beatles title
- Empire until '91
- Khrushchev's land, for short
- Abbr. in outdated atlases
- Vanished superpower
- Russia between 1917 and 1991 (abbr.)
- Gorbachev's land
- It broke up in 1991 (abbr.)
- "Back in the ___" (Beatles jam)
- Gorbachev's nation, once
- Gorbachev's land, for short
- BOAC flier's destination in a 1968 song
- One 29-Across of the U.S. in W.W. II
- Pre-'91 empire
- Moscow's land, once (Abbr.)
- 1991 breakup newsmaker
- Brezhnev's domain
- Cold War country, briefly
- Moscow's land, once
- Onetime USA foe
- Cold war concern
- 'Back in the '
- "Back in the ___, you don't know how lucky you are, boy"
- Amer. ally in WWII
- Former Soviet inits.
- Where Kazakhstan was, once
- Country in a classic Beatles title
- Map initials until 1991
- " . . . riddle wrapped in a mystery"
- CCCP to us
- SALT I participant
- Space race competitor, for short
- Uzbek, Tajik, etc.
- Atlas initials until 1991
- Superpower no more
- Nation in stunning 1991 news
- America's Cold War foe, for short
- World power inits. until '91
- Fed. of Brezhnev
- Second country to develop the atom bomb
- Former superpower
- Sputnik's birthplace
- Foe in a four-plus-decade "war"
- Stalin's fed.
- Country renamed in 1991
- Sputnik launcher, briefly
- UN member, 1945-1991
- Superpower of old
- "red" initials
- World power initials until 1991
- Russia, formerly
- Russia, formerly (Abbr)
- Where Gorbachev ruled (Abbr.)
- '84 Olympics no-show
- State dissolved in 1991
- Largest nation, once
- Home of chess champs, once
- Communist state
- Big blotch on old maps
- Superpower that left the map in the 1990s
- Georgia used to be part of it
- Superpower that split up
- Where the Beatles were "Back in"?
- Billy Joel's Beatles cover "Back in the ___"
- Where The Beatles went "Back" to?
- Beatles were "Back in" it
- Where The Beatles went "Back"
- Former Soviet Union
- Gorbachev's nation: Abbr.
- 1991 breakup site
- Guardian leaders in series ridiculing former union
- Ger. invaded it in June 1941
- Former world power (Abbr.)
- Gorbachev's former domain
- Sputnik's birthplace, for short
- Setting of the 1983 film "Gorky Park"
- Setting of the 1942 book "Behind the Urals"
- Most of Asia, once: abbr.
- Georgia's home, formerly: abbr.
- Vostok launcher
- Former gp. of red states?
- Where to "hear your balalaikas ringing out," in a Beatles tune
- "Back in the___" (1968 song)
- Country that launched Sputnik: Abbr.
- "Miracle on Ice" loser
- Soviet states
- Former federation
- Communist state to 1991
- Stalin's state
- State dissolved 31 December 1991
- It dissolved on 12/31/91
- 70-Down launcher
- TASS country
- Russia, pre-1991
- Former country that was once led by Brezhnev: Abbr.
- Red letters?
- Eastern Bloc letters until 1991
- Nation of Trump senior, a major power no more
- Dissolver of Dec. 1991
- It's Russia now
- Big part of old maps
- American ally in W.W. II
- 1922-91 initials
- Former abbr. for Russia
- World power until 1991, briefly
- Map initials no more
- Nation that found breaking up hard to do: abbr.
- Old map letters: abbr.
- Land in a Beatles song
- Collapsed red giant?
- Former map letters
- Dissolved bloc (abbr.)
- "Evil Empire," per RWR
- Space Race contender
- Estonia's former bloc, briefly
- Setting of several Solzhenitsyn novels
- Bygone map letters
- Largest country until late '91
- "Rocky IV" setting
- Space Race competitor
- Superpower until '91
- Former superpower's letters
- "The Evil Empire" (Abbr.)
- State led by Lenin, in brief
- Allegiance of "The Americans" on TV, ironically
- Space Race inits.
- MiG developer
- CCCP, to the West
- Defunct Asian country, briefly
- Space Race rival of the U.S.
- Former state, disbanded 26 December 1991
- 44-Across' land: Abbr.
- It dissolved in '91
- Khrushchev’s country: Abbr.
- Georgia was once a part of it
- What Russia used to be
- Founding member of the U.N. Security Council, for short
- KGB’s base
- Red states, once
- Mir launcher: Abbr.
- Geographical inits. until 1991
- Red state, once, for short
- Confederation that included Latvia, for short
- Former country occupying much of 22
- KGB organizer
- KGB state, once
- World power from 1922-1991
- "A Gentleman in Moscow" setting, briefly
- Home of the KGB
- Global power that broke up in '91
- Cold War enemy
- World power from 1922 to 1991 (Abbr.)
- Space race initials
- Name in a noted '90s breakup
- Founding member of the U.N. Security Council
- It raised a major red flag
- Space Race country
- Cold War group's letters
- KGB's country, once
- Brezhnev's country
- U.S.'s Space Race competitor
- Leningrad's land, for short
- Red states, once, in brief
- Losing team in the "Miracle on Ice" hockey game
- Federation formed in 1922, for short
- Spy-fi country
- World's largest country from 1922 to 1991
- Old map inits.
- Map inits. until 1991
- Cold War power, in brief
- World power in many spy-fi novels
- Old org. for Armenia
- One side on "The Americans," initially
- One-sixth of the world's ground surface until 1991, in brief
- Space Race rival for the U.S.
- "Miracle on Ice" losing team: Abbr.
- Former governor of Georgia?
- Grp. that launched 41-Across
- Spy-fi side, often
- Russia from 1922-1991
- It's written as "C.C.C.P." in Cyrillic
- Old Russia
- Russia before it was Russia
- Nat. dissolved in 1991
- Letters on an outdated globe
- Spy-fi side
- Locale of a 1991 coup attempt by the Gang of Eight, in brief
- Home to Leningrad, for short
- USA rival in the space drama "For All Mankind"
- Letters on outdated maps
Last Seen In
- Daily American - February 19, 2025
- LA Times - February 09, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - January 24, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 16, 2025
- LA Times - December 17, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - December 12, 2024
- LA Times - December 05, 2024
- New York Times - November 27, 2024
- Daily American - November 26, 2024
- New York Times - November 01, 2024
- LA Times - October 18, 2024
- LA Times - September 21, 2024
- Daily American - August 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 13, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 03, 2024
- New York Times - August 03, 2024
- Daily American - July 30, 2024
- LA Times - July 21, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 20, 2024
- Daily American - July 12, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - June 25, 2024
- Daily American - June 04, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 29, 2024
- Daily American - May 23, 2024
- Your Life Choices - May 18, 2024
- New York Times - April 19, 2024
- Family Time - April 15, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - April 03, 2024
- Family Time - March 31, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - March 22, 2024
- And in 932 more crossword puzzles...