Clues for the word "UFOS"
We've had 312 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 491 times in crosswords. It was last seen in LA Times crossword on March 09, 2025.
Referring Clues
- ET carriers
- E.T. vehicles
- Abduction sites, supposedly
- Saucers, maybe
- Eerie sightings
- Unaccounted-for radar blips
- Subjects of a U.S. Air Force cover-up?
- Abductors' craft, some say
- Roswell sightings
- ET's transports
- Govt. secrets?
- Tabloid fliers
- Ships to a far-off place?
- Some blinking lights, for short
- ETs' ships
- Some streaking lights, briefly
- Sci-fi fliers
- Strange sightings
- Sci-fi sightings
- Fantastic craft
- Sightings the U.S.A.F. may investigate
- ET transporters
- Sky lights?
- Project Blue Book subject
- "The X-Files" fodder
- They're encountered in "close encounters"
- They travel very long distances
- Alien craft
- Aliens' craft, for short
- Potential hoax subjects
- They're involved in some reported abductions
- E.T. transports, perhaps
- Saucers in the sky
- Flying saucers
- Pies in the sky?
- E.T.s' crafts, maybe
- Roswell "sightings"
- Sci-fi saucers
- ET transports
- Tabloid saucers
- Tabloid topics
- Night lights?
- Fleet from far away
- "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" sightings
- Saturn vehicles?
- Roswell sightings, briefly
- What humans came to Earth in, according to Raelians
- Crafts for crop circle crafters?
- Pluto platters?
- Sky line creators, perhaps
- Mysterious hoverers
- Hovering saucers, maybe
- Space opera crafts
- Martians' ships, for short
- Subject of Project Blue Book
- Sci-fi hoverers
- Scary sightings
- Strange hoverers
- Sci-fi ships
- Aerial enigmas
- WWII foo fighters, e.g.
- Ships from space, briefly
- Unsettling sightings
- Sci-fi craft
- "The X-Files" sightings
- Tabloid hoverers
- "X-Files" subjects
- Sci-fi vehicles
- Sci-fi sightings: Abbr.
- Sci-fi vehicles: Abbr.
- Sci-fi transport
- Sci-fi staples
- USAF coinage of '52
- Craft for 73 Across
- Tabloid subjects, sometimes
- Extraterrestrials' fleet
- Abduction vehicles, supposedly
- Tabloid subjects, often
- Strange sky lights
- Abductors' crafts, some say
- Oft-blurred images?
- Sci-fi sights
- Some strange sightings
- Some unexplained sightings
- Mercury or Saturn vehicles?
- Eerie sightings, briefly
- Unexplained sightings
- Tabloid subjects
- Some saucers
- Sites for some abductees
- "X-Files "investigations
- Weather balloons, to some viewers
- What E.T.s travel in
- Area 51 sightings
- Pilot's sightings
- "Independence Day" fleet
- Close-encounter crafts
- Alien fleet
- Sci-fi crafts
- Mysterious sightings
- Far away fleet?
- Fleet from far away?
- Subject of some faked photos
- Strange craft
- Sci-fi sky sights
- Strange things floating around
- "X-Files" subjects
- Fleet from afar
- Subjects of some supposed government cover-ups
- Fuzzily photographed craft
- Extraterrestrial vehs.
- Astounding Stories subjects
- Foreign visitors
- E.T. carriers, theoretically
- Wormhole ships
- Alleged Roswell sightings
- Sci-fi subjects
- Area 51 holdings, supposedly
- Area 51 phenomena
- Aerial anomalies
- Saucers without cups?
- Sci-fi film vehicles
- Sci-fi film vehicles
- Faraway fleet?
- Venusian vessels?
- Fleet from outer space?
- X-file topics
- Sky sightings
- Hover crafts?
- Venusian fleet?
- Venusian fleet
- Fleet from far off?
- Faraway fleet
- Sci-fi fleet
- Extraterrestrial fleet?
- Extraterrestrial spacecraft
- Alien bearers
- Alien ships
- Alien crafts
- 'X-Files' sightings
- Airborne anomalies
- ETs' rides
- They're seen but not recognized
- Strange sky sightings: Abbr.
- Sci-fi space vehicles
- Subjects of sightings
- Mysterious aerial sightings
- Saucers in the air
- Sci-fi saucers: Abbr.
- Meteors, at times
- Vehicles in some close encounters, for short
- ET vehicles
- Fleet from faraway?
- Ets' transportation
- Space saucers, briefly
- Mysterious sky sightings, for short
- Crop circle makers, supposedly
- Certain saucers
- Space saucers
- Some sky lights, to some
- Some conspiracy subjects
- Roswell craft
- Usually fuzzy tabloid pics
- Enigmatic sightings
- Sci-fi airships
- Topic of the USAF's Project Blue Book
- 1999 Richard Belzer book, "___, JFK, and Elvis"
- What weather balloons may be mistaken for
- Some flashes in the sky, perhaps
- Subjects of some 911 calls
- ETs pilot them
- Strange sky sightings
- Some vehicles in sci-fi movies
- Sci-fi film staples
- Fantastic Adventures topics
- Celestial sightings
- Hard-to-explain vehicles
- Aliens' craft
- Acronym for sky watchers
- ETs' vehicles
- Radar anomalies
- Abductees' destinations, in some hard-to-believe stories
- Sci-fi transports
- Tabloid craft
- "Did I just see that?" things
- Alleged visitors
- Subjects of a top-secret government cover-up, some believe
- Controversial hoverers
- Hover craft?
- Sci-fi vehicles, for short
- Air Force enigmas
- Mysterious sightings that hover
- Things in some tabloid pics
- Supposedly seen saucers
- Vehicles that aliens supposedly travel in
- Supernatural tabloid fodder
- Strange vessels that take up space?
- Old tabloid fodder
- Controversial sightings
- Unexplained sightings, for short
- Area 51 phenomena ... or what five puzzle answers are?
- Tabloid staples
- E.T. carriers
- Sky saucers
- Flying saucers, e.g.
- Subjects of a Roswell museum
- Subjects of some fuzzy photos, for short
- Tabloid fodder
- Abductors in tabloids
- "Weekly World News" topic
- Crafts from another planet
- Craft-y tabloid subjects?
- Crafts questioned by skeptics
- Craft some try to reverse-engineer, in the movies
- Sky enigmas
- Some buffoons even say you can take a ride in them
- Some oddities of uncertain recollection
- Mystifying hoverers
- Anomalous craft
- Space travellers of US origin?
- Craft (not recognised) of weaving in America
- Hovering flyers
- Freaky flyers
- Sci-fi transportation
- Crafts for ETs
- Sci-fi phenomena
- Mysterious craft
- Lights up?
- Alien spacecraft
- Telescopes of universities partially looking up for them
- Flying saucers?
- First indications of understanding from outlandish sources?
- Roswell sightings?
- Saucers suspended, some say, without handles
- Spooky sightings
- Extraterrestrial vehicles: Abbr.
- Flying saucers (inits)
- Sci-fi saucers, for short
- "Mars Attacks!" fleet
- Saucers in 9 Across novels
- Hovering craft
- Weird ships
- Ships that might be piloted by Martians: Abbr.
- Mysterious sky sightings: Abbr.
- Unexplained vehicles
- Subjects of many Skeptic articles
- "Independence Day" craft
- Foreign dishes?
- Saucers from space, for short
- Eerie fliers
- World travelers?
- Foreign vehicles?
- Strange sightings, for short
- Overhead mysteries
- Crafts in a "close encounter of the third kind"
- "Mars Attacks!" vessels
- Alien carriers
- Discs in tabloid pics
- Saturn vehicles?
- Tabloids hoverers
- Mysterious sci-fi ships
- Alien vessels
- Visitants that may be the ruin of us?
- ET vehicles, in theory
- Eerie aircraft
- Sci-fi travelers, for short
- Cosmic craft
- "Close Encounters" hoverers, briefly
- Super strange aircraft
- Curious sightings
- Some people believe swamp gas causes them, for short
- Spooky aerial sightings
- Unexplained hoverers
- Some 61 Across creators, for short
- Subjects of some eerie videos
- Causes of some 911 calls
- Sci-fi flyers
- Intergalactic vehicles
- Ships passing in the night?
- Vehicles in some tabloid photos
- Vehicles for aliens, perhaps
- Interplanetary craft, for short
- Strange movie aircraft
- Crafts people find unexplainable
- Flying enigmas
- Spacecraft from who knows where
- Causes of some mysterious radar blips, in brief
- Alien transports
- Vehicles for ETs
- Sci-fi flying vehicles
- Sci-fi conveyances
- Strange sci-fi aircrafts
- SETI subjects
- Some fuzzy tabloid pics
- Alien conveyances
- Phenomena in "Mars Attacks!" and "Arrival," briefly
- 59-Down carriers
- Mysterious sky sightings
- Popular tabloid subjects
- "Mars Attacks!" ships
- Focus of the U.S.A.F.'s Project Blue Book (1952-1969)
- Sightings of them can be reported on the Enigma app
- ETs' spacecrafts
- Typically, they turn out to be military aircraft
- They're out of this world
- ET rides
- Subjects of Project Blue Book
- Martians' vehicles
- "Arrival" vehicles, for short
- Vehicles in "Mars Attacks"
- "Arrival" vehicles
- Mysterious blips
Last Seen In
- LA Times - March 09, 2025
- USA Today - March 02, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 13, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - February 07, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - December 25, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - December 24, 2024
- New York Times - December 09, 2024
- Daily American - November 26, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 23, 2024
- USA Today - November 02, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - October 23, 2024
- Daily American - October 17, 2024
- Daily American - October 02, 2024
- LA Times - September 27, 2024
- USA Today - September 27, 2024
- Daily American - September 18, 2024
- USA Today - September 08, 2024
- LA Times - August 27, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - August 02, 2024
- New York Times - August 01, 2024
- LA Times - July 21, 2024
- New York Times - July 19, 2024
- Daily American - July 07, 2024
- New York Times - June 28, 2024
- LA Times - June 18, 2024
- New York Times - June 16, 2024
- Your Life Choices - June 11, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - June 06, 2024
- LA Times - May 17, 2024
- Your Life Choices - April 24, 2024
- And in 461 more crossword puzzles...