Clues for the word "TRAP"
We've had 459 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1135 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Evening Standard Cryptic crossword on March 11, 2025.
Definition of trap
- v. t. - To dress with ornaments; to adorn; -- said especially of horses.
- n. - An old term rather loosely used to designate various dark-colored, heavy igneous rocks, including especially the feldspathic-augitic rocks, basalt, dolerite, amygdaloid, etc., but including also some kinds of diorite. Called also trap rock.
- a. - Of or pertaining to trap rock; as, a trap dike.
- n. - A machine or contrivance that shuts suddenly, as with a spring, used for taking game or other animals; as, a trap for foxes.
- n. - Fig.: A snare; an ambush; a stratagem; any device by which one may be caught unawares.
- n. - A wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball. It consists of a pivoted arm on one end of which is placed the ball to be thrown into the air by striking the other end. Also, a machine for throwing into the air glass balls, clay pigeons, etc., to be shot at.
- n. - The game of trapball.
- n. - A bend, sag, or partitioned chamber, in a drain, soil pipe, sewer, etc., arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents passage of air or gas, but permits the flow of liquids.
- n. - A place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for want of an outlet.
- n. - A wagon, or other vehicle.
- n. - A kind of movable stepladder.
- v. t. - To catch in a trap or traps; as, to trap foxes.
- v. t. - Fig.: To insnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
- v. t. - To provide with a trap; as, to trap a drain; to trap a sewer pipe. See 4th Trap, 5.
- v. i. - To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver.
Referring Clues
- Kisser
- Sting operation
- Lobster pot
- Pitfall
- Golf hazard
- Skeet device
- Green flanker
- Sting
- Subterfuge
- Sand ___
- Big fat mouth
- It's catching
- Police sting
- Golf peril
- Duffer's locale
- Links hazard
- Football play
- Kind of door
- Snare
- Mouth, slangily
- Fat mouth
- Lint collector
- Word with sand or speed
- Mouth, in slang
- Big mouth
- Police operation
- Spring site
- Drain part
- Duffer's obstacle
- Pebble Beach hazard
- Duffer's challenge
- 1-Down catcher
- Mouse catcher
- Drainpipe part
- Sting, of sorts
- Sink pipe part
- Sting, basically
- Catch-22
- Spider web, e.g.
- Word with speed or fire
- Police sting, e.g.
- Pipe section
- Piehole
- "Shut your ___!"
- Decoy
- Clay pigeon tosser
- Hazard for 16-Across
- Sting operation, e.g.
- Catching contrivance
- Bend in a sink pipe
- Lobster pot, for one
- Keep from escaping
- Drainpipe bend
- Yap
- Course hazard
- Speed or tourist follower
- Sand at Augusta
- Drainpipe section
- Golfer's hazard
- "Shut your ___!" ("Hush up!")
- Sand at Pebble Beach, maybe
- Golf course hazard
- Box in
- Bear snare
- Capture
- Ambush
- Use a ruse on
- Help in hunting
- It may be sprung
- Golf course pitfall
- Deadfall, e.g.
- Set up
- Word that can follow the ends of 18-, 25-, 43- and 58-Across
- Lobster catcher
- Fairway hazard
- Driving hazard?
- Animal catcher
- Weapon of mouse destruction?
- U-shaped section of a pipe
- Rat catcher
- Sandy hazard
- Spider web, say
- Clay pigeon hurler
- Speed ___
- Game catcher
- Catch
- Device that's sprung
- Ensnare
- Mouse-catching device
- Get into a corner
- Duffer's worry
- Clay-pigeon hurler
- Golfer's bane
- Clay-pigeon thrower
- Catch unawares
- Drain protection
- Green guarder
- Golf-course hazard
- Lint grabber
- Attractive device?
- Weapon of mouse destruction
- It's sometimes fallen into
- Word with "bear" or "sand"
- Corner
- U-shaped section of pipe
- It's catchy
- Catch using trickery
- Catch with cunning
- Duffer's dread
- Last word in the title of a Lindsay Lohan film
- What the sand at Pebble Beach is
- "The Parent ___" (1961)
- Catch in a sting
- "The Parent ___"
- Door type
- Word with "speed" or "sand"
- Word with "bear" or "sand"
- Mouth that needs to be shut?
- Web, to bugs
- Drainpipe feature
- Force into a corner
- Part reversal?
- Sting operation, basically
- Word with "bear" or "booby"
- Word with "fly" or "clap"
- Gridiron play
- Baited device
- Word with fly or speed
- Word with fly or clap
- Word with rat or mouse
- Word with fly or bear
- Two-wheeled carriage
- Lint or lobster collector
- Golfing hazard
- Under-the-sink item
- A device for catching animals
- Snag
- Speed ___
- Big mouth, slangily
- Sink part
- It may be set to catch a speeder
- Hunter's device
- Spider web, essentially
- Sand bunker
- Plumbing feature
- Plumbing pipe feature
- Hidden obstacle
- Sink plumbing piece
- Hazard in golf
- Lint catcher
- Door without a knob, say
- Lobster pot, e.g.
- Bushwhack
- Springs
- Surround from all sides
- Burrowing arthropods
- "The Parent ___" (1961)
- Word with "sand" or "speed"
- Sink pipe feature
- Corner, in a way
- Cheese holder
- Fairway feature
- Waste catcher
- Waste catcher
- "The Parent ___" ('61 film)
- Golfer's concern
- Silents-serial plot device
- Ruse
- Police setup
- Danger at Augusta National
- Colonial policeman
- Fairway sight
- Golf bunker
- Golfer's problem
- Catch red-handed
- Web
- Clay pigeon flinger
- Clay pigeon launcher
- Mouth, informally
- Device for catching animals
- Make escape impossible for
- Sprung thing
- Mouth, so to speak
- Sand on a golf course
- Golf-green guarder
- Device to catch mice
- Acquire pelts
- Word after sand or speed
- Word before door
- It may be laid or set
- It is set to catch
- Duffer's hazard
- Web, to a fly
- Sucker bet
- Crab pot, e.g.
- Captain von ___ (musical role)
- Bit of trickery
- "The Parent ___" (1961 film)
- "Shut yer ___!"
- Part of a drain
- Sand at Pebble Beach
- Setup
- Hunter's setting
- Woods hazard?
- What a lobster may fall into
- Game strategy?
- Aid for catching a mouse
- Sting operation, essentially
- Pie hole
- Golf course obstacle
- Trickster's stratagem
- Skeet launcher
- Dark igneous rock
- Rubinstein, in chess
- Tourist ___
- Trick
- Web, to flies
- Thing to spring
- It may be set in the woods
- Bit of deception
- Chess maneuver
- Lawyer's clever question, say
- Duffer's headache
- Sting, perhaps
- Augusta obstacle
- Duffer's sandy challenge
- Where to use a wedge
- Word after speed or sand
- Spiderweb, e.g.
- Dangerous deception
- Drain feature
- See 49-Across
- Ambusher's setup
- Deceitful lure
- Run a sting operation on
- Links obstacle
- Snare in a web
- Melodrama predicament
- Entangle
- Pie hole relative
- Unfortunate destination for a tee shot
- Bad thing to walk into
- Sting, essentially
- Door in the floor
- Critter catcher
- Sneaky stratagem
- Sandy fairway spot
- Sandy golf hazard
- Bate
- Capture by surprise
- Spiderweb, to a fly
- Sand, in golf
- Catch by stratagem
- Keddah, e.g.
- Win at cat-and-mouse
- Something bad to walk into
- Ensnare by trickery
- Booby ___
- Cage
- Deadfall
- Sink feature
- "The Parent ___" (movie)
- Movie "The Parent ___"
- "The Parent ___" (film)
- "The Parent ___" (Disney film)
- It can catch a mouse
- Disney film, "The Parent ___"
- Lobster holder
- Sneaky way to catch something
- Catch-y item?
- Device for catching mice
- Cure song to fall into?
- Cure song they caught a bear in?
- U2 "Bass ___"
- Catch-22 INXS song (with "The")?
- U2 fell into a "Bass" one
- Ratt "I know this rat's caught in her ___"
- Boomtown Rats "Rat ___"
- Catch-22 Biohazard song?
- Pony carriage
- Cakehole (slang)
- Crosspiece put over hole in floor
- Gin? Some coming up
- Light horse-drawn carriage
- Vehicle part replaced
- Catch the part that breaks
- Component to raise catch
- Bunker some go back into
- Catch a blow on the back of the foot
- It's worse for a mouse than for a greyhound
- Go up, 22 20
- Gin
- Vehicle hard to get out of?
- Measure piece the wrong way, making hole in floor?
- Kisser's repellent organ
- A snare to race out of?
- There may be a catch in it
- Knock around the railhead in a carriage
- Catch an unwary rat on the piano
- Unsuitable part you wouldn't want to get into
- Catch and knock out a redhead!
- Vehicle turns over, but not altogether
- Return some you catch
- Catch with an outright blow
- Device to catch prey
- Pitfall for member when rising
- Gin finds the mouth
- Catch some on return
- Leave no escape
- Carriage in ambush
- Snare - mouth
- Return of piece to go with 23
- Corner portion turned over
- See 19 across
- Gin found in the orchestra pit
- See 22
- Pipe bend
- Spot for a sand wedge
- "The Tender ___" (1955 movie)
- Deceptive stratagem
- Course obstacle
- Tomb raider's concern
- Game strategy?
- Pipe segment prone to clogs
- Device triggered by a tripwire
- Catcher's implement
- Ant-lion pit, e.g.
- See 13
- Means of transport, sometimes sprung
- Hidden danger in role reversal
- See 1
- A bit overcome by trick
- Catch last post and raising of standard
- Catch some in retreat
- See 10
- See 24
- Leave, going uphill in carriage
- Role reversal in carriage
- Catch in revolutionary role
- Hidden danger for Tory leader taking blame
- Go up with catch
- Mouth needing bit pulled up
- Drivers try to avoid this carriage
- Catch in a snare
- Illegal baseball catch
- Vehicle difficult to get out of?
- Lobster-catching device
- Device to catch a mouse
- Booby ___ (pitfall)
- Sand surrounded by greenery?
- Chinese finger ___ (type of practical joke)
- Quicksand pit, e.g.
- Leave no escape for
- Place for a sand wedge
- Hem in
- Catching strategy
- Green guard
- Snare for retreating section
- Spiderweb, essentially
- Bad destination for a tee shot
- But a greyhound can get out of it
- No-way-out situation
- Sucker deal
- Catch with a right and knock out
- Sting, e.g.
- See 26
- Replacement part for a vehicle
- Mouse's hazard
- Place for a bunker rake
- Green neighbor, at times
- Bear woe
- Headline? / Snare
- Some standing in the vehicle
- Exterminator's gadget
- Lobsterer's need
- Under-the-sink assembly
- Mouse-catching device with a spring
- Sand ___ (golf hazard)
- Place to wield a wedge
- Word after "sand" or "tourist"
- Something under the sink
- Chess ruse
- Golfer's obstacle
- Something you don't want to fall into
- Bad thing to fall for
- Hidden hazard
- Style of hip-hop music
- One is hidden in "orchestra pit"
- Device that catches mice
- Catch only in part?
- Spiderweb, for one
- Setup for a police sting
- Lobster holder?
- Spiderweb, for example
- Crab snagger
- Cakehole
- Green guardian
- After the pony, it may suggest a greyhound
- Part of this clue backward
- Word after "sand" or "steel"
- Word after "thirst" or "tourist"
- Latin ___ (hip-hop offshoot)
- Catch and knock out with a right!
- Slang for drug house
- Bunker on a course
- Golfer's challenge
- Ambush, e.g.
- Capturing device
- Some turn to gin
- Could you catch a greyhound in one?
- Subtle stratagem
- Catch in a web
- Trick, in a way
- Something for a mouse to avoid
- Venus fly ___
- Treasure hunter's hindrance
- Sport shooting variety
- Word after "tourist" or before "door"
- Hip-hop subgenre
- Tough-to-get-out-of situation
- Good thing for a mouse to avoid
- Music style from Atlanta
- Word before "beat" or "door"
- Something a clever detective sets
- Sneakily capture
- Lobster pot, for example
- Big ol' mouth
- Hip-hop subgenre in Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road"
- For a start, a dog may be in one!
- Green hazard
- Bunker
- Vehicle hard to get out of?
- Hip hop genre
- A snare to race out of?
- Something to avoid falling into
- Word with shoot or door
- Hip-hop subgenre pioneered by Gucci Mane
- Lex Luger music genre
- "It's a ___, don't fall for it"
- Leave no way out
- Lure tenor with type of music
- Word after "tourist" or "booby"
- Word with sand or tourist
- Mouse ___ (board game)
- Word after "speed" or "steel"
- Trick question, e.g.
- Genre of Ariana Grande's "7 Rings"
- Back into a corner
- Hunter's construction
- Yapper
- Word following sand or steel
- Box in, perhaps
- Dangerous thing for a mouse
- Catch in a cage
- Where a wedge may be used
- Bad thing to be caught in
- Word after "sand" or "grease"
- "Home Alone" hazard
Last Seen In
- Evening Standard Cryptic - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - March 10, 2025
- Daily American - March 09, 2025
- USA Today - March 08, 2025
- Your Life Choices - March 07, 2025
- USA Today - March 04, 2025
- Daily American - March 03, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - March 01, 2025
- USA Today - February 18, 2025
- Daily American - February 17, 2025
- New York Times - February 16, 2025
- New York Times - February 12, 2025
- Daily American - February 09, 2025
- LA Times - January 29, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 25, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 22, 2025
- Family Time - January 19, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - January 17, 2025
- Mirror Mini - January 16, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - January 06, 2025
- LA Times - January 02, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 01, 2025
- Your Life Choices - December 30, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 29, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - November 26, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - November 18, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - November 12, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 11, 2024
- Mirror Daily - November 08, 2024
- Daily American - November 05, 2024
- And in 1105 more crossword puzzles...