Clues for the word "STOP"
We've had 519 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1485 times in crosswords. It was last seen in LA Times crossword on March 12, 2025.
Definition of stop
- v. t. - To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing; as, to stop the ears; hence, to stanch, as a wound.
- v. t. - To obstruct; to render impassable; as, to stop a way, road, or passage.
- v. t. - To arrest the progress of; to hinder; to impede; to shut in; as, to stop a traveler; to stop the course of a stream, or a flow of blood.
- v. t. - To hinder from acting or moving; to prevent the effect or efficiency of; to cause to cease; to repress; to restrain; to suppress; to interrupt; to suspend; as, to stop the execution of a decree, the progress of vice, the approaches of old age or infirmity.
- v. t. - To regulate the sounds of, as musical strings, by pressing them against the finger board with the finger, or by shortening in any way the vibrating part.
- v. t. - To point, as a composition; to punctuate.
- v. t. - To make fast; to stopper.
- v. i. - To cease to go on; to halt, or stand still; to come to a stop.
- v. i. - To cease from any motion, or course of action.
- v. i. - To spend a short time; to reside temporarily; to stay; to tarry; as, to stop with a friend.
- n. - The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction.
- n. - That which stops, impedes, or obstructs; as obstacle; an impediment; an obstruction.
- n. - A device, or piece, as a pin, block, pawl, etc., for arresting or limiting motion, or for determining the position to which another part shall be brought.
- n. - The closing of an aperture in the air passage, or pressure of the finger upon the string, of an instrument of music, so as to modify the tone; hence, any contrivance by which the sounds of a musical instrument are regulated.
- n. - In the organ, one of the knobs or handles at each side of the organist, by which he can draw on or shut off any register or row of pipes; the register itself; as, the vox humana stop.
- n. - A member, plain or molded, formed of a separate piece and fixed to a jamb, against which a door or window shuts. This takes the place, or answers the purpose, of a rebate. Also, a pin or block to prevent a drawer from sliding too far.
- n. - A point or mark in writing or printing intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence, or clauses; a mark of punctuation. See Punctuation.
- n. - The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses.
- n. - The depression in the face of a dog between the skull and the nasal bones. It is conspicuous in the bulldog, pug, and some other breeds.
- n. - Some part of the articulating organs, as the lips, or the tongue and palate, closed (a) so as to cut off the passage of breath or voice through the mouth and the nose (distinguished as a lip-stop, or a front-stop, etc., as in p, t, d, etc.), or (b) so as to obstruct, but not entirely cut off, the passage, as in l, n, etc.; also, any of the consonants so formed.
Referring Clues
- "Knock it off!"
- Halt
- Telegram punctuation
- Call it a day
- Station
- Cautious advice
- Word in an octagon
- Red light directive
- Boarding place
- Red, to a motorist
- Depot
- Nonplus
- Quash
- "Cut that out!"
- What red means
- Freeze
- Respond to seeing red?
- "All ___!" (captain's cry)
- Knock off
- Cop's cry
- Direction at many a corner
- Cease and desist
- Clog (up)
- See red?
- Organ knob
- "Quit it!"
- Sign on the corner
- Pull the plug on
- One of several on a milk run
- Check
- Don't go on
- Desist
- Red light
- Point on a bus map
- *Sign ... organ ... telegram
- "I don't want to hear any more!"
- Market order
- Train station
- "Enough!"
- "Whoa!"
- Organ part
- Obey a red light
- Break
- Cry from a tickled person
- "No more!"
- "That's enough!"
- "Halt!"
- Cease
- Pull over
- Ticklee's cry
- Lie to, in nautical lingo
- "Hold everything!"
- With 2-Down, handle perfectly, as a car
- Go no further
- "Cut it out!"
- Period in English literature
- Organ piece
- "Avast!"
- Cry after the sound of a bell
- Metro map feature
- "Enough, you're killing me!"
- Pull up
- Sign outside a post office
- What red means to a motorist
- Bus follower?
- "Go no further!"
- Organ control
- Where to get off
- Cut out
- Word shouted at a thief?
- Train schedule listing
- Octagonal-sign word
- Arrest
- Abort
- Road sign behest
- "Say no more!"
- Word on a red sign
- "___! In The Name Of Love"
- Word on an octagon
- "Freeze!"
- Shout to a fleeing thief
- "Enough already!"
- Eight-sided sign
- Period of telegraphy
- Put the brakes on
- Discontinue
- Tour part
- Obey the red light
- Cut off
- Metro station
- Word before the first word in this puzzle's theme answers
- "Don't even go there!"
- Plug (up)
- Word for "end" that is split in three answers
- Bus depot
- Arrest (and word that can precede the first word of 17-, 25-, 43-, and 57-Across)
- "¡No más!"
- Cautionary advice
- Come to a halt
- Finish
- With 28-Across, like some traffic
- Telegram period
- Red street sign
- What you should do when you see red
- Red alert?
- End
- Organ setting
- Organist's selection
- Block
- Word before or after traffic
- Prevent
- Quit
- Telegram "period"
- Place to catch a bus
- Passé punctuator
- "Cut it out!"
- "Hold it!"
- "Enough already!"
- Cool it
- "That's enough!"
- Octagonal order
- Wire punctuation
- Red traffic sign
- Don't continue
- With 32 Down, type of Wall Street order
- Leave off
- Road sign
- Close
- Grind to a halt
- "Cut!"
- "Cut that out!"
- Organ component
- "Knock it off!"
- Hit the brakes
- Call a halt to
- Bring to an end
- Bring an end to
- Knock it off
- Dam up
- Break off
- Eight-sided road sign
- "Wait a minute!"
- Bus-schedule listing
- "Go no farther!"
- Red's meaning, at times
- You may come to it
- "Freeze!"
- Word on a red-and-white sign
- "Hit the brakes!"
- "Say no more"
- What to do when you see red
- Tops a different way?
- Word before or after "traffic"
- Telegrammic period
- Come to a standstill
- What to do "in the name of love"
- Do this in the name of love
- Getting-off place
- Instruction at many a corner
- Telegraphic period
- Get off here
- Bus destination
- "Go no farther!"
- Flag down
- Telegram word
- Route interruption
- Subway station
- Do it in the name of love
- Where do you get off?
- Place to pull over
- "Not so fast!"
- Telegram break
- Red sign
- Arresting word
- What you often do on the road
- "Enough, already!"
- "Hold the phone"
- What to do "in the name of love"
- Put the kibosh on
- "Say no more"
- Cry from one being tickled, perhaps
- You may come to one
- Street sign
- See 1-Across
- Where to get off?
- Word on a sign
- Cry from the tickled?
- Sign on a corner
- Layover
- Order on an octagonal sign
- "Lay off!"
- Ban
- Bring to a halt
- Sign at a RR crossing
- Word before "You're killing me!"
- Word on an octagonal sign
- What to do when you see red?
- "Now hold on there!"
- Red sign's word
- Traffic sign
- Octagonal traffic sign
- "Uncle!"
- Cut it out
- Word after bus or pit
- Intersection sign
- Bus route component
- Restrain
- Cessation
- Word before or after "traffic"
- Word on the street
- Respond to seeing red
- "That will do!"
- "Wait a minute!"
- "Hold it!"
- "Cut!"
- Truck or bus follower?
- Short pursuer
- Kind of order
- Street-corner sign
- What to do in the name of love
- Word shouted at a thief
- "Cool it!"
- [Red]
- Conclude
- Octagon inscription
- Word on a red octagon
- Passenger pickup point
- Period, in a telegram
- Arrest
- Put an end to
- Telegraph period
- Terminate
- DVR button
- VCR button
- What 28-Across means
- Period
- ... that makes you do this
- Call off
- Put a halt to
- See 5-Across
- Go no farther
- What to do if you see red
- 'Cut it out!'
- 'Enough!'
- 'Whoa!'
- 'Freeze!'
- 'Halt!'
- What to do "in the name of love," in song
- Sign that often got "BUSH" spray painted on it
- Obstruct
- Get in the way of
- Standstill
- Organ valve
- Octagonal street sign
- Diapason or vox humana
- "TMI!"
- Withhold
- "I've had enough!"
- Octagonal-sign command
- Word in a red octagon
- Take a break
- Organ pull
- Telegraphic punctuation
- What a raised hand may signal
- With 58-Down, drop by
- Octagonal sign
- Part of a traffic trio
- Word of whoa?
- Part of a fire-safety trio
- Don't go ahead
- Bus route point
- Bus schedule listing
- Word at the end of SAT sections
- Bit of sign language?
- Break in the action
- Order on an octagon
- What a red octagon means
- Way station
- Cry to a tickler
- Trucker's alert
- Telegraphy word
- Arrive in the pit
- Bus route element
- 'Quit that!'
- Sort of sign
- What a red light signifies
- Point on a train schedule
- "Freeze!" ... or, when broken into three parts, how the answer for each of the six starred clues goes
- Come to a conclusion
- Some do it on a dime
- Squelch
- Block (up)
- Telegram sentence ender
- Ticklish person's shout
- "___ Susan Williams"
- Obstruct, with "up"
- Intercept
- Come to rest
- Call it quits
- Heed a red light
- Octagonal warning sign
- Put on hold
- "Now hold on, there!"
- 'Go no further!'
- Four-way ___
- Eight-sided traffic sign
- Coach's hands-up signal
- See 62-Across
- Metro map point
- Remote button with a square
- Anagram of "pots"
- Getting-off-the-bus place
- Subway ___
- Prevent from scoring
- 'Hold it!'
- Break or brake
- Common street sign's command
- Thing to do before you restart
- Type of street sign
- "Don't take another step!"
- Bring to a standstill
- "No more of that!"
- Place to get on or off
- Command given at many corners
- It may be full
- End of a pet's choice
- F-___
- Where people get off
- Hold back
- Word with "f" or full
- Pipe organ component
- Pause
- Interrupt
- Hinder
- Opposite of go
- Come to a ___
- Quit moving
- Sign at a street corner
- Red sign's meaning
- Common street sign
- Second best bar
- Prevent containers being brought up
- Final word
- Punctuation in a telegram
- Word on an red, octagon sign
- Telegram punctuation word
- "Stay right there!"
- Wall Street sign
- OneRepublic: "___ and Stare"
- Halting Jane's Addiction song?
- Halting Jon Butcher Axis song?
- What The Supremes told us to do "in the Name of Love"
- What OneRepublic does before they "Stare"?
- Against Me! song that's dead in its tracks?
- Dead in its tracks Against Me! song?
- The Hollies "Bus ___"
- Michael Jackson "Don't ___ 'Til You Get Enough"
- Spin Doctors "When she walks in the room boys ___ and stare"
- Put off for ever
- Blockage in colon, say
- A full one should give you a capital start
- Block series of TGVs to Paris
- Don't go on to the snow cap
- Pack up and post, perhaps
- Shoots back to put an end to it
- See 24
- The point at which to make an arrest?
- Point made by returning pots
- Christopher Columbus's port of call
- Large quantities raised at station
- Remain in a post-operative condition
- Prevent vessels capsizing
- Give up making pots
- Quantities coming up - hold it!
- Stay there and you won't miss the bus!
- Kitty's back to stay
- Arrest and get the trophies back
- Second-best place for boarding
- Block and tackle
- Keep misdirecting the post
- Where the bus won't go?
- Finish roadwork
- Red light signal
- Boarding site
- Pull up second best drink
- Investor's order
- Rest period
- Bus map dot
- Prevent attendant causing obstruction
- Check plug
- Close arrest
- Second best? Call it a day
- When full, it marks the end
- Interrupt the cricket and stay for the night
- Prevent vessels turning back
- Bung is a large amount given over
- Second most important period
- Rocky paints logs red
- Small container for 19 across turned up - it may be full!
- Finish second best
- "Hold it right there!"
- "Don't say another word!"
- Proctor's call
- Discontinue misdirecting the post
- Traffic sign word
- Telegrapher's "period"
- See 52 Down
- I dont want to hear it!
- Driver's-ed instruction
- Pipe-organ feature
- Button with a square logo, often
- Halt or cease
- Close check
- China's revolution has to cease
- Arranged spot check
- Refrain from raising large amounts
- Strike makes us work quietly in the theatre
- Block Somerset's foremost spinner
- Finish second and first
- Up-downs cease abruptly at 26 across
- See 23
- Don't go from lentils to pizza
- See 17
- What to do when you see red?
- Shoots up in making an arrest
- Railroad crossing word
- Word on an octagonal street sign
- Quash or squelch
- Where do you get off?
- Eight-sided street sign
- Terminate Sierra, Romeo, Quebec, Papa?
- Red street-corner sign
- Flute or reed, on an organ
- Timetable listing
- Transit map dot
- Take off Somerset's first spinner
- Word of warning
- Four-way ___: certain intersection
- Leg of a tour
- Intersection sign word
- Cease, halt
- Pack up trophies in retirement
- Conclusion
- What a red traffic light means
- Keep straying from one's post
- See 22
- Discontinue concession over time
- DVD player remote button
- "You're killing me!"
- Start of a Supremes hit
- Bus map indication
- Sign on a school bus
- The Supremes' "___! In the Name of Love"
- "This is my ___"
- Baseball coach's hands-up signal
- Place to board
- Octagon word
- Sign at a corner, often
- Word on many street signs
- Keep spinning tops
- U-turn from go
- Investor’s order
- Don't go to the wrong spot
- Arrest a skinhead, at best
- Put to bed
- Bring to a close
- Sign that anagrams to "post"
- Red alert?
- "Enough of this!"
- React to red
- Word before or after short
- Pack up for post, possibly
- Bus place
- What red might mean
- End of a telegraph line
- Set of organ pipes
- Keep breaking pots
- Cease to go
- Cease or desist
- "Quit playing!"
- Rubberneck
- Remain second best
- The point of an arrest
- What an outstretched arm with an open palm can mean
- Finish pulling over
- Obey an octagonal street sign
- What the Supremes said to do "in the name of love"
- "OK, that's enough!"
- Hang it up
- "Last ___ on Market Street"
- "Don't do that!"
- Take a break from doing
- Train station, e.g.
- The point at which to make an arrest?
- "Quit doing that!"
- Dot on a subway map
- Cry from one being tickled, maybe
- Don't go south to finish up
- "Give it a rest!"
- Finish doing
- Word with bus or whistle
- "You're doing it all wrong!"
- Subway map dot
- Red light instruction
- Red light meaning
- What a crossing guard's outstretched arm means
- Word with bus or door
- Word on a red sign, and, when parsed in three parts, a hint to this puzzle's longest answers
- Word on a red octagonal sign
- Word to opt out of a text subscription
- Plug
- Wrap up
- "I can't take it any longer!"
- "Don't go any further!"
- Where the bus won't go?
- What trains do at stations
- "Hold your horses!"
- Word on the street?
- Point on a bus route
Last Seen In
- LA Times - March 12, 2025
- LA Times - March 10, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - February 25, 2025
- USA Today - February 21, 2025
- LA Times - February 17, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - February 11, 2025
- Penny Dell Sunday - February 09, 2025
- Daily Quick - February 08, 2025
- USA Today - January 21, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 21, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 19, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 17, 2025
- New York Times - January 17, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 15, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 11, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - January 09, 2025
- LA Times - January 07, 2025
- Daily American - January 03, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - December 24, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 18, 2024
- New York Times - December 16, 2024
- Daily Quick - December 15, 2024
- Daily Quick - November 21, 2024
- Family Time - November 17, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - November 14, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 13, 2024
- LA Times - November 12, 2024
- Daily American - November 06, 2024
- New York Times - November 02, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - October 29, 2024
- And in 1455 more crossword puzzles...