Clues for the word "STAG"
We've had 355 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1165 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Mirror Daily crossword on March 24, 2025.
Definition of stag
- n. - The adult male of the red deer (Cervus elaphus), a large European species closely related to the American elk, or wapiti.
- n. - The male of certain other species of large deer.
- n. - A colt, or filly; also, a romping girl.
- n. - A castrated bull; -- called also bull stag, and bull seg. See the Note under Ox.
- n. - An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a member of the exchange.
- n. - One who applies for the allotment of shares in new projects, with a view to sell immediately at a premium, and not to hold the stock.
- n. - The European wren.
- v. i. - To act as a "stag", or irregular dealer in stocks.
- v. t. - To watch; to dog, or keep track of.
Referring Clues
- Alone
- Solo, in a way
- Daddy deer
- Dateless
- Without a date
- Actaeon, ultimately, in Greek myth
- Hind's partner
- Party animal?
- For men only
- Without women
- For guys
- Like some parties
- For the boys
- Deer sir
- Hunting target
- Like bachelor parties
- Like some shows
- Certain partygoer
- Like some dinners
- Unaccompanied
- One way to go to a party
- All-male
- Kind of show
- Kind of beetle
- Doe's mate
- Male deer
- Solo
- Just for men
- Men-only affair
- It's a guy thing
- Night-before event
- Guys-only
- Word with beetle or movie
- Like a smoker
- Men-only
- Antlered animal
- Way to attend a party
- Alone, in a way
- Six-pointer, perhaps
- Antler holder
- Male-only
- Just for guys
- Hind's mate
- Do before I do's
- How some people go to a party
- For fellows only
- Deer fellow?
- Adult male deer
- Bambi's dad, e.g.
- Doe's beau
- Kind of beetle or party
- Deer fellow
- Male red deer
- Party type
- Buck
- Bambi, at the film's end
- Bachelor party
- Dateless dancer
- Doe beau
- Fete forbidden to females
- Kind of party
- Bambi, eventually
- Bachelor party, usually
- Deer dad
- The Hartford's logo
- Alone at a party
- Bambi, at adulthood
- Guys' gathering
- Pornographic
- Men-only party
- Partnerless, as at a party
- Restricted to men
- Undated?
- Hind's counterpart
- Trophy hunter's quarry
- One way to attend a party
- Apt John Deere logo
- Dateless party attendee
- Beast with a rack
- Bambi, as an adult
- Party with carousing, often
- Oft-raucous party
- Gathering for guys
- Forest male
- Guys-only party
- Guys-only event
- Alone, at a party
- For guys only
- Fawn's father
- Just for the boys
- Type of frat party
- 53 Down at a party
- Sans escort
- Just for the guys
- Men-only, as a party
- Large male deer
- Bambi, at story's end
- Prenuptial party
- Dateless at the prom
- Type of party
- Type of beetle or party
- Party for men
- Deer John?
- Beau for a doe
- "Guys only" party
- Solo state
- Buck of the woods
- Guys' gala
- Cervine male
- Males only affair
- Hunting target, perhaps
- Alone at the prom
- Hunter's trophy
- Does partner for
- Pre-wedding party
- All-male party
- Buck in the forest
- Solitary
- Doe wooer
- Doe's partner
- Frat party
- Woodlands male
- Lonely way to go?
- 62-Across's woodlands mate
- Bambi, by the end of "Bambi"
- Guys-only gathering
- He's a deer
- One way to go to a dance
- One with a rack
- For men only party
- Unescorted
- Party without women
- All-male bash
- Companionless
- Doe fancier
- John Deere logo
- Doe's counterpart
- Single partygoer
- Missing women?
- Kind of film
- "Flation" opener
- Party guy, perhaps
- Forest creature
- Men only
- Unpartnered
- Male 29-Down
- Unescorted, in a way
- Men-only event
- Grownup Bambi
- Male caribou
- Doe's other half
- Hart
- Hartford symbol
- Male elk
- ___ beetle
- Dateless attendee
- Certain deer
- Male 38-Across
- Alone, at the prom
- Fawn's dad
- Antlered deer
- Daddy deerest?
- Hartford insurance company symbol
- Doe nut?
- Party for men only
- Like sausage fests
- Without an escort
- Fawn's pop
- Alone at a dance
- Deer guy
- Certain exclusive party
- Hunting target, sometimes
- Bambi's father, for one
- Bachelor's party
- ___ party
- Like some restrictive dinners
- Like a bachelor party
- Deer sir?
- Doe's dear
- Out of date?
- For males only
- One way to attend prom
- Companion to Artemis
- Male-only, partywise
- Antler sporter
- Going without a date
- Deer hunter's prize
- Deer
- Trophy-hunter's quarry, sometimes
- Lacking a date
- Party lacking ladies
- Males-only party
- Antlered male
- Unattached
- Party just for guys
- Bambi's dad
- Solo male at the dance
- Dateless male
- Forest buck
- Male in the woods
- Forest father
- Lonely way to attend prom
- Symbol of the Hartford
- Bambi's father was one
- Bambi, in adulthood
- Men's bash
- John Deere logo creature
- ___ film
- Doe partner
- Fawn's parent
- Animal form of Harry Potter's Patronus
- Kind of movie
- Bellows painting "___ at Sharkey's"
- Animal depicted in Edwin Landseer's "The Monarch of the Glen"
- Kind of horn or line
- Animal with a rack
- What does follow?
- Saint with silver deer
- Hart or Caribou
- Animal with antlers
- Taking part in protest against deer
- A speculator, by the way, gets silver
- Male caribou, for example
- Large male 5-Across
- Flying solo
- House Baratheon's sigil
- Solo Grammy-goer
- Alone at a concert
- '96 Melvins album about going dateless?
- Dateless showgoer
- Going dateless to the Grammys
- Like solo Grammy-goer
- '01 Amy Ray album about going solo?
- Like solo concertgoer
- Like going dateless to concert
- Share speculator
- As written, all the world is 80% male?
- Animal's period of development cut short
- Guns raised, when animal being hunted appears
- P for self-starter on day in Berlin
- Sexually exclusive second name
- Bringing the guns back, he hopes to make a quick profit
- Animal
- Weapons turned on quarry
- Unaccompanied man at party
- Possible opposite of –hen"
- Male animal
- Male beast
- Game unsuitable for women
- Second name for male
- Deer with short leg
- Artemis transformed Actaeon into one
- Minus arm candy
- Hartford mascot
- Without a partner
- Weapons turned on men only
- Saint Mark is not for women
- Does he buck the market?
- 4 with arms raised
- Game hunted with recoiling weapons
- Game point short of level
- Trite quotation by squadron leader excluding women
- Without accompaniment
- Actaeon's transformed form
- A beast, though not with women
- Party when going to 23 - a hind?
- Man taking up arms
- Guns are raised in this game
- Party man must agree to avoid some left- and rightwingers
- Speculator making first trade during slump
- Kind of party animal
- Male-only beetle?
- Speculator with a shilling ticket
- Animal doesn't finish the course
- Attach label to small animal
- Zoologist agrees to provide home for animal
- Adult male deer, often with antlers
- Beast leading nation to zero growth
- Animal in forest, a gorilla
- Deer with cut leg
- Male part shortened
- Deer with singular designation
- Susan's 7 just men?
- No hinds at the party?
- Party animal?
- Beast in 12 Down's logo
- Word before party or beetle
- Male 23 Across
- Racked animal
- The opposite of hen, in a sense
- Single, so to speak
- Non-spendable buck
- The Hartford symbol
- John Deere logo animal
- Illustration atop
- Saint with silver for men only
- Logo on some combines
- Without a woman
- Doe chaser
- Deer sir?
- Small label for men only
- Dudes-only
- Exclusively male
- By oneself, in a way
- Forest forager
- Buck in the woods
- John Deere logo beast
- He has antlers
- Like bachelor party attendees
- With no women invited
- Bambi, ultimately
- Cave painting depiction
- Unaccompanied, at a party
- He goes for does
- Antlered ruminant
- Strong male deer
- Not for women
- Art atop
- Alone at prom
- Male dear
- Creature with antlers
- Meadow dad
- Male in the forest
- Rack bearer
- Only the men are up in arms
- Artemis changed Actaeon into one
- Deer with antlers
- One who goes into a seasonal rut
- Creature with a rack
- Antlered grazer
- Sigil of House Baratheon
- Only man the guns coming back
- Stately male deer
- One way to go to prom
- Deere logo depiction
- Logo of The Hartford
- Bambi, by the end of the story
- Solo, at prom
- Forest dweller
- Kind of party of beetle
- Huge male dear
- ___ beetle (insect with antlerlike mandibles)
- Animal on a Jägermeister bottle
- Kind of beetle with large jaws
- Animal in the Hartford's logo
- Animal whose skull is the subject of Georgia O'Keeffe's "Summer Days"
- Without a plus-one, say
- Groom's party
- Doe's boyfriend
- Single party election?
- Doe's counterpart, in the forest
- Four- or six-pointer, say
- Animal of the most agile kind?
- Partnerless
Last Seen In
- Mirror Daily - March 24, 2025
- USA Today - March 14, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - March 02, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - February 22, 2025
- USA Today - February 15, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 13, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 12, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 10, 2025
- New York Times - February 01, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 30, 2025
- USA Today - January 24, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 21, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 15, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - January 08, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - January 03, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - December 24, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 23, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 19, 2024
- Daily American - December 15, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 14, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - December 12, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 09, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - December 04, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - December 03, 2024
- LA Times - November 29, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - November 27, 2024
- USA Today - November 19, 2024
- Mirror Daily - November 14, 2024
- USA Today - November 09, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - November 05, 2024
- And in 1135 more crossword puzzles...