Clues for the word "SERA"
We've had 321 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1076 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Penny Dell Daily crossword on March 20, 2025.
Referring Clues
- Bug shots?
- Blood supplies
- Transfusion fluids
- Antivenins
- Antitoxins
- Word repeated after "Que"
- Antitoxin fluids
- Will be, to Doris Day
- Intravenous infusions
- Hospital supplies
- Watery fluids
- Some transfusions
- Toxin fighters
- Hospital fluids
- Flu fighters
- Red Cross supplies
- They can repel bugs
- Infection suppressants
- See 10-Across
- Shot fluids
- "Buona ___" (Italian greeting)
- Medical liquids
- "Will be," to Doris Day
- "Que" follower, in song
- Blood fluids
- Immunologists' samples
- Vaccines
- Evening in Venezia
- Stuff on slides
- Some injections
- Word repeated after "Que" in a song
- Evening in Rome
- Clinic fluids
- Word repeated after "Que," in song
- Some medicines
- Evening on Mt. Etna
- Word repeated after "Que" in song
- Red Cross inventories
- They may carry antibodies
- "Buona ___"
- Some infusions
- Hospital supply
- "Buona ___!"
- Antivenins, e.g.
- Word repeated in a Doris Day song
- Fluids in bags
- Hospital shipments
- Evening for Evangelo
- Corriere della ___, Italy's top-selling newspaper
- Clinic supplies
- Roman evening
- Word following "Que," in song
- Word following "Que" twice, in song
- Medical supplies
- Repeated word in a Doris Day song title
- Medicinal fluids
- Blood bank fluids
- Plasmas
- It's repeated after "Que," in song
- It comes twice after "Qué" in a song
- Contents of test tubes
- Body fluids
- Evening, in Venezia
- It's repeated after "Que" in a song
- Infection fighters
- Immunological fluids
- Lab fluids
- Fluid parts of blood
- Word in a Doris Day song
- End of Doris Day's theme song
- Word sung twice after "Que"
- Fluids in shots
- Infirmary fluids
- Word repeated in the title of Doris Day's signature song
- Evening, on Elba
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be"
- Antibody fluids
- Notte preceder
- Shot contents
- Day's "will be"
- Will be in Spain?
- Blood bank supply
- Repeated word in a 1956 hit
- Immunization fluids
- Some shots
- Bug fighters
- Inoculation fluids
- Evening, in Rome
- Word before "whatever," in a 1956 hit
- Blood components
- "Que ___ ..."
- "... ___, whatever will be ..." (Doris Day lyric)
- Blood-bank inventory
- Certain antidotes
- Time of "giorno"
- Medical fluids
- Ettore's evening
- Transfusion liquids
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be"
- "Will be," in a Doris Day song
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be" (Day lyric)
- "... ___, whatever will be ..."
- Doris Day song word
- They're delivered in shots
- Title word in a Doris Day song
- Part of Doris Day's theme song
- Repeated word in a Doris Day hit
- "Buona ___" (Italian greeting)
- Day's "will be"
- Word sung twice after "que"
- Red Cross collection
- An evening in Florence
- Red Cross collections
- ". . . ___, whatever will be, will be"
- Watery fluids (Var.)
- Blood bank deposits
- Vaccination fluids
- Corriere della ___ (Italian newspaper)
- Watery blood components
- Antitoxins, perhaps
- Contents of some injections
- Word in Doris Day's theme song
- Hospital lab supplies
- Word sung by Doris Day
- It follows "Que" in a song
- Word after "que," in song
- Some body fluids (Var.)
- It's repeated after "Que" in song
- Word sung by Day
- Word repeated after "que" in a famous song
- End of Doris Day's theme song title
- Doris Day song title word after "que"
- Word sung twice after "Que," in a Day tune
- Evening, along the Arno
- When Italian ghouls come out?
- Word repeated in Doris Day's signature song
- Some vaccines
- Doris Day song title word
- Evening in Italy
- Will be, in a Doris Day song
- Venetian evening
- Evening in Naples
- "... ___, whatever will be ..."
- Word repeated in a Doris Day hit
- "... ___, whatever will be ..." (Doris Day lyric)
- "Que ___ ..."
- Immunity fluids
- Evening in Parma
- Time of "giorno"
- Protein-rich liquids
- Que___
- Milky wheys, e.g.
- Doris Day song word repeated after "Que"
- Florentine evening
- Evening in Padua
- Evening in Roma
- Fluids
- Some biologicals
- Anti-snakebite supplies, e.g.
- "Will be," in a Day song
- Song word repeated after "Que"
- Innoculants
- Word twice in a Doris Day song
- Evening (Ital.)
- Twice, this follows 'Que'
- Red Cross supply
- This twice follows 'Que'
- Anti-toxins
- This follows 'Que' twice
- Word repeated after 'qu'
- Word sung twice after 'que'
- Word said twice after 'que'
- Will be (Sp.)
- Clinic shipments
- Evening on the Arno
- Evening in Torino
- Doris Day lyric repeated after "Que"
- Word from a Doris Day song
- Clinic shipment
- Hypo liquids
- Evening, in Roma
- Evening, at La Scala
- Shot liquids
- Antitoxin sources
- Vital fluids
- Antidotes, say
- Word famously sung by Doris Day
- Some blood bank collections
- Lyric sung by Doris Day
- They often pass through needles
- Que sera ___
- Some antitoxins
- Vial fluids
- Test tube fluids
- Evening, in Italy
- Doris Day lyric
- They may be used in veins
- Day song word
- Fluids in syringes
- Some body fluids
- Evening at Lake Como
- Evening, in Milano
- Flu preventers
- Immunizing fluids
- "Will be" in a Doris Day song
- They're measured in shots
- Intravenous infusion
- Evening, in Venice
- Blood products
- Injected fluids
- Yellowish blood bank donations
- Plural of 49-Across
- Word in a Doris Day tune
- Repeated word in a Doris Day song
- Emergency room supplies
- Vial liquids
- Florence's evening
- Part of blood
- Blood fluids, e.g.
- Evening on Mount Etna
- "... ___, whatever will be, will be" (song lyric)
- Medicinal shipment
- Blood-bank supply
- Plasmas minus fibrinogens
- Word in a Doris Day song title
- "Buona ___" (greeting in Italy)
- Flu shots
- Shot putters' needs?
- Emilio's evening
- Shot putter's supply?
- Blood parts
- Evening, in Milan
- Evening, in Italia
- "Buona ___" (Italian welcome)
- "Buona ___" (Italian "Good evening"
- "que ___ . . .": 1956 hit
- "Buona ___" (Italian phrase)
- Fluids with antibodies
- Evening, in Naples
- Night time, in Italy
- Bug zappers?
- Lyric repeated after "Que"
- Italian evening
- Blood-bank stuff
- Lake Como "evening"
- Evening in Venice
- Milan's evening
- Italian night
- Fluids stocked in hospitals
- "Buona ___": Gino's "Good evening"
- Evening in Pisa
- Subjects of biochemical analyses
- Evening, in Palermo
- Inoculated fluids
- "Buona ___" (good night)
- Contents of IV bags
- Shipment to a hospital
- "... ___, whatever will be..."
- Pomeriggio follower
- Night, in Rome
- ".. ___, whatever will be, will be22
- Word after "Que"
- It follows "Que" twice, in song
- It comes twice after "Que" in a song
- Fluids run into ocean
- Evening, in Amalfi
- Roma evening
- Repeated Doris Day song word
- Will be, in a song
- Lyric after "Que"
- Evening, in Sardinia
- Animal fluids
- Mario's evening
- Evening on Etna
- Plasma
- Vaccine fluids
- Word sung after 'que'
- Liquid hospital supply
- IV bag's innards
- E.R. fluids
- Anticancer injections
- Protein-rich fluids
- Immunologists' fluids
- Precious bodily fluids
- Medical lab liquids
- Some antidotes
- Drip contents
- Some hospital supplies
- Some inoculants
- Watery components of blood
- Bodily fluids
- Centrifuge products
- Lab vial contents
- Fluids in IV bags
- "Buona ___, Mrs. Campbell," Gina Lollobrigida comedy
- What Doris Day sang after "Que"
- La fine del giorno
- Italian for "evening"
- Liquids in shots
- Elba evening
- Immunology lab array
- Wellness fluids
- Neapolitan night
- Blood drive fluids
- Fluids used for blood typing
- Red Cross fluids
- Some skin-care products
- Some lab liquids
- Protein-rich blood components
- Spanish : noche :: Italian : ___
- "Buona ___" ("Good evening" in Italian)
- "..
- Some hydrating skin-care products
- "Will be," in Spanish
- Crime lab fluids
- Word repeated in a 1956 Doris Day single
- Lab liquids
- Antivenoms, e.g.
- Italian counterpart to "mattina"
- Word sung twice after "Que" in a classic song
- Contents of some shots
Last Seen In
- Penny Dell Daily - March 20, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - March 02, 2025
- New York Times - February 26, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 26, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 23, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 20, 2025
- Family Time - February 17, 2025
- Daily American - February 13, 2025
- LA Times - January 20, 2025
- LA Times - December 27, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 18, 2024
- LA Times - December 11, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 09, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 29, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 23, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 08, 2024
- LA Times - November 04, 2024
- LA Times - October 23, 2024
- LA Times - October 06, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - September 25, 2024
- LA Times - August 25, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 17, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - August 16, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 22, 2024
- Daily American - July 19, 2024
- Daily American - July 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 03, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - June 25, 2024
- LA Times - June 22, 2024
- And in 1046 more crossword puzzles...