Clues for the word "RUNE"
We've had 134 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 361 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Daily American crossword on February 06, 2025.
Definition of rune
- n. - A letter, or character, belonging to the written language of the ancient Norsemen, or Scandinavians; in a wider sense, applied to the letters of the ancient nations of Northern Europe in general.
- n. - Old Norse poetry expressed in runes.
Referring Clues
- Archeological inscription
- Letter for Cynewulf
- Ancient alphabetic character
- Ancient inscription
- Mystical saying
- Letter for Gandalf
- Mysterious character
- Mystical character
- Old-fashioned letter
- Part of an ancient inscription
- Ancient symbol
- Old character
- Part of an old inscription
- Mysterious letter
- Ancient letter
- Viking letter
- Ancient writing
- Viking character
- Something Eric the Red read
- Mysterious writing
- Bit of writing on the wall?
- Something written in stone
- Old Germanic character
- Letter in a mysterious inscription
- Ancient alphabetic symbol
- Old alphabetic character
- Alphabetic character of the Middle Ages
- Ancient character
- Tolkien inscription
- Archaeological inscription
- Ancient German character
- Cryptic character
- Mystical letter
- Anglo-Saxon writing symbol
- Futhark character
- Odd character
- One of 24 in the Elder Futhark
- Old Norse character
- Mystical symbol
- Ancient Germanic letter
- Part of a futhark
- Alphabetic symbol of yore
- Mystical poem
- Old alphabetical character
- Mystic character
- Ancient mystical character
- Germanic letter
- Ancient alphabetical character
- Symbol in the Elder Futhark alphabet
- Character in "Beowulf"
- Dead letter?
- It may be written in stone
- Magical mark
- Mysterious old character
- Bit of Viking writing
- Mysterious symbol in "The Hobbit"
- Ancient alphabet
- Character in "The Hobbit"
- Old norse poem
- Old Norse letter
- Celtic letter
- Old letter
- Mysteri-ous letter
- Old alphabet character
- Ancient alphabet character
- Alphabet character
- Graphic symbol
- Letter to Odin?
- Druidic letter
- Kylver Stone letter
- Mystical marking
- Mystical old letter
- Letter from millennia ago
- Old Norse inscription
- Mystical mark
- Anglo-Saxon alphabetic symbol
- Letter to a Viking?
- Ancient mystical letter
- Bit of Old Norse writing
- Secret writing
- Character seen in "The Hobbit"
- Hard-to-read character
- Hard-to-read letter
- Medieval letter
- Tolkien character
- Letter in an Anglo-Saxon script
- Enigmatic one in "The Hobbit"
- Alphabetic symbol of old
- Cult character
- Symbol in a Tolkien alphabet
- Alphabetic symbol of yore
- Symbol in Tolkien novels
- It may be carved in stone
- Thorn, for one
- Mystical verse
- Alphabetic symbol
- Ancient Germanic character
- Letter from Iceland?
- Ancient lettering
- Norse letter
- Mysterious old letter
- Anglo-Saxon letter
- Character in old stories
- Bit of Viking script
- Symbol on Gandalf's sword
- First to recognise a French character
- Ancient symbol, like in Dungeons & Dragons
- Symbol in old Scandinavian writing
- Norse poem
- Old alphabet symbol
- Part of an ancient alphabet
- "Lord of the Rings" character?
- Tolkien symbol
- Part of a Viking message
- Character from Scandinavia
- Old alphabetic symbol
- Ancient letter form
- It may be set in stone
- Magical symbol
- Bit of ancient script
- Letter in a Viking inscription
- Symbol in Tolkien books
- Bit of ancient text
- Either of two in the Bluetooth logo
- Early letter
- Medieval character
- Mystical video game symbol
- Early writing symbol
- Norse verse
- Mythological character?
- Magical writing, as in Dungeons & Dragons
- Bit of ancient Viking text
- Diviner's letter
- Bit of Old Norse
Last Seen In
- Daily American - February 06, 2025
- Daily American - January 09, 2025
- LA Times - November 05, 2024
- LA Times - September 05, 2024
- New York Times - August 21, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - May 25, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 28, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - February 27, 2024
- Daily American - January 29, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 02, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - November 13, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 24, 2023
- USA Today - September 06, 2023
- Daily American - September 01, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - August 29, 2023
- USA Today - August 18, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - August 10, 2023
- Penny Dell Sunday - August 06, 2023
- New York Times - July 30, 2023
- Daily American - July 13, 2023
- LA Times - July 09, 2023
- Daily American - May 27, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - May 06, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - May 05, 2023
- New York Times - March 21, 2023
- LA Times - March 14, 2023
- LA Times - March 09, 2023
- LA Times - March 03, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 28, 2023
- Daily American - February 06, 2023
- And in 331 more crossword puzzles...