Clues for the word "RAF"
We've had 251 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 511 times in crosswords. It was last seen in New York Times crossword on February 24, 2025.
Referring Clues
- "A Yank in the ___" (1941 movie)
- 1941 film "A Yank in the ___"
- Churchill's "so few": Abbr.
- Battle of Britain grp.
- Brit. W.W. II heroes
- Churchill's "few"
- W.W. II heroes: Abbr.
- Foe of the Luftwaffe: Abbr.
- W.W. II fliers: Abbr.
- Brit. fliers
- "A Yank in the ___" (1941 war film)
- The "so few" of 1940: Abbr.
- Eng. defender
- W.W. II fliers
- "A Yank in the ___" (1941 film)
- Berlin bombers of W.W. II
- Org. with a college in Cranwell, England
- W.W. II bombers
- Berlin Airlift grp.
- Spitfire fliers, briefly
- U.K. fliers
- The pilots of Penzance: Abbr.
- W.W. II fighters
- Heroic W.W. II grp.
- Battle of Britain fliers: Abbr.
- W.W. II inits.
- Org. with the motto "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Part of Britain's mil.
- Flying grp. since 1918
- Luftwaffe foe: Abbr.
- Org. involved in the gulf war
- "Per ardua ad astra" org.
- U.K. military fliers
- Brit. mil. branch
- British bombers' gp.
- Luftwaffe battlers (abbr.)
- British mil. branch
- WWII fighter pilots' gp.
- WWII fliers
- British WWII fliers
- "Their Finest Hour" fighters (abbr.)
- Luftwaffe opponent (abbr.)
- Battle of Britain gp.
- UK defense gp.
- Brit. bombers
- UK flyers
- WWII flying heroes
- Flying Brits, initially
- British bombers of WWII
- Brit. mil. org.
- Brit. flying group
- Battle of Britain group, briefly
- Some WWII fliers
- Battle of Britain defense gp.
- WWII Brit. fliers
- Org. whose emblem features an eagle and a crown
- Spitfire-flying grp.
- British fliers: Abbr.
- Org. concerned with national defence
- Wing commander's org.
- Flight lieutenant's org.
- "The Few" of the U.K.
- "Battle of Britain" grp.
- "A Yank in the ___": 1941 war film
- WWII fleet
- UK fliers
- Prince Charles served in it: Abbr.
- UK defense arm
- Gulf War participant
- George V approved its flag
- Ministry of Defence div.
- Battle of Britain heroes
- Brit. flyers
- Its motto is "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Churchill's "so few"
- WWII flyers
- U.K. defense arm
- Battle of Britain fighter (Abbr.)
- U.K.'s air arm
- Brit. flyboys
- Flying Brits
- U.K. flying corps
- British flying gp.
- British bomber grp.
- U.K. defense org.
- Brit's air force
- Brit's air arm
- Spitfire org.
- Battle of Britain participant
- Battle of Britain org.
- U.K. defense gp.
- U.K. mil. branch
- Brit fliers
- Churchill's pride of WWII
- UK defense group
- Churchill's flyers
- WWII Luftwaffe foe
- British fliers of WWII
- "A Yank in the ___": 1941 war film
- Luftwaffe stopper
- UK defenders
- Brits' air arm
- Spitfire fliers
- Luftwaffe 95A
- Churchill's "so few"
- Brit. fighting branch
- Its motto is "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- Org. in which Roald Dahl served
- Gp. commanded by Churchill
- British fliers of WW2
- British Military org.
- British mil. unit
- Spitfire flyers, abbr.
- Br. air aces
- Brit. air aces
- WWII U.K. defenders
- UK flyboys
- Org. with a targetlike mark on its flag
- U.K. mil. org.
- Fliers O.H.M.S.
- U.K fliers.
- Churchill's 'so few' (Abbr.)
- Her Majesty's fliers
- Brit fliers.
- U.K. mil. fliers
- British mil. fliers
- U.K. military arm
- Br. air aces
- Battle of Britain fliers (Abbr.)
- Oldest military fliers
- Battle of Britain fliers, briefly
- Rafael, to friends
- WWII flying group
- U.K. mil. group
- Luftwaffe foe (Abbr.)
- WWII British flyers
- Fliers praised by Churchill
- Part of Great Britain's defense
- Spitfire fliers, for short
- WWII UK flying group
- Ministry of Defence arm
- U.K. flyers
- Brit. bombers of WWII
- Battle of Britain victor, for short
- Brit. WWII fliers
- Military service HQ'd at Whitehall
- Battle of Britain flying gp.
- Brit flrers
- Churchill's "so few," for short
- Gulf War contingent
- Flying WWII notables
- UK military branch
- British mil. service
- Dam-busting grp. of 1943
- Brit. flying force
- WW2 flyers
- Large group of NATO fighters
- Pilot officer's org.
- U.K. flying squad
- British flying grp.
- Richard Burton served in it: abbr.
- Churchill's military "few"
- U.K. airmen
- UK military pilots
- Luftwaffe foes of WWII
- Luftwaffe foe, for short
- Prince Charles served in it (Abbr.)
- Battle of Br. heroes
- U.K. fighter pilots' gp.
- Battle of Br. aces
- Prince William's mil. branch
- The "so few" Churchill referred to
- The "few" in a Churchill speech
- U.K. military branch
- English fliers (abbr.)
- Battle of Br. winner
- W.W. II "Dambusters," for short
- Its Museum has a Battle of Britain Hall
- British mil. flyers
- Churchill's "so few" (Abbr.)
- Grp. conducting raids in W.W. II
- UK's Gulf War contingent
- British flyers, briefly
- British fliers (Abbr.)
- Org. in the gulf war's Operation Granby
- UK military pilots' org.
- UK flying group
- Churchill's "so few," briefly
- Luftwaffe foes: Abbr.
- UK military unit
- Brit's military air arm
- Flying British mil. branch
- UK defence arm
- Ministry of Defence supporter
- WW2 airforce
- Br. mil. force
- Battle of Britain VIPs
- "The Few" of the U.K. military
- U.K. flying group
- British military air grp.
- Luftwaffe attacker
- UK flyers of WWII (abbr.)
- The airmen started firing at gunners!
- Service, far up in the blue
- Far back, it had to deal with the Luftwaffe
- Airmen engaged in strafing
- Service some aircraft
- Not the senior service, but it goes far back
- Luftwaffe's U.K. foes
- Squadron leader's org.
- Luftwaffe stoppers of '40
- Defence gp.
- Org. with squadrons of Spitfires
- Brit. defenders up high
- UK air force
- British military force
- Part of the British military
- WWII British fliers
- Brit. pilots' squad
- Spitfire fliers of WWII
- Battle of Britain air gp.
- Eng. fliers
- Battle of Britain flying org.
- Spitfire fliers (Abbr.)
- Org. in 2017's "Dunkirk"
- U.K. flying grp.
- WWII Dambusters' employer
- Heroes of the Battle of Britain, for short
- U.K. air arm
- Air chief marshal's org.
- U.K. flying aces' org.
- Grp. authorised to fly
- The "so few" to whom "so much" was owed: abbr.
- In which a raw recruit can rise far
- Part of the U.K.'s military
- "Battle of Britain" victors
- Military org. that Prince William served in
- Org. for W.W. II Hurricane pilots
- "El Cid" actor Vallone
- Such men go far up in the air
- Ultrafine service?
- In armed force, gunners are at the forefront
- Mil. branch of the U.K.
- Defence Ministry concern
- Where Prince William served: Abbr.
- W.W. II Dambusters grp.
- Org. whose motto is "Per Ardua ad Astra"
- As in the battles of Britain and Traflagar
- Pilots stuck in traffic
- Subj. of Churchill's "Never ... was so much owed by so many to so few"
- U.K. military branch with jets
Last Seen In
- New York Times - February 24, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 20, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 13, 2025
- Your Life Choices - February 11, 2025
- Daily American - December 15, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - November 28, 2024
- New York Times - November 24, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 24, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - September 29, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - September 25, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 11, 2024
- Daily American - September 07, 2024
- Your Life Choices - July 16, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 04, 2024
- New York Times - June 23, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - June 04, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - May 13, 2024
- Daily American - April 16, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - February 07, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - November 23, 2023
- Mindfood Daily - November 21, 2023
- Penny Dell Sunday - November 19, 2023
- New Zealand Herald - November 14, 2023
- Daily American - August 29, 2023
- Evening Standard Cryptic - August 17, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - July 12, 2023
- Your Life Choices - July 01, 2023
- Evening Standard Cryptic - June 07, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 24, 2023
- Penny Dell Sunday - May 14, 2023
- And in 481 more crossword puzzles...