Clues for the word "OKLA"
We've had 96 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 184 times in crosswords. It was last seen in King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph crossword on February 06, 2025.
Referring Clues
- Where Ron Howard was born: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Kan.
- Where Tulsa is: Abbr.
- Tex. neighbor
- Kan. neighbor
- Bartlesville's home: Abbr.
- Kan. borderer
- Kans. neighbor
- Home of 3-Down: Abbr.
- Tulsa's locale: Abbr.
- Joad family's home state: Abbr.
- State with a panhandle: Abbr.
- It's south of Kans.
- Sooner State (abbr.)
- The Sooner St.
- Sooner's st.
- Norman's home (abbr.)
- State name that's a Broadway mus. title
- Ozark Mountains st.
- Ark. neighbor
- St. with a panhandle
- Ark. adjoiner
- It's above Tex.
- Tulsa's state, briefly
- The Sooner State (abbr.)
- Sooner St.
- St. with counties named Comanche and Choctaw
- The redbud is one of its symbols: Abbr.
- Dust Bowl state: Abbr.
- Sooner State: Abbr.
- Norman's setting: Abbr.
- Neighbor of Mo.
- "Labor omnia vincit" is its motto: Abbr.
- Dust Bowl st.
- Neighbor of Tex.
- Muskogee's st.
- First st. admitted to the union in the 20th century
- Norman's home: Abbr.
- Tulsa's loc.
- Tulsa's state: Abbr.
- Sooners' st.
- Tulsa locale, briefly
- TX neighbor
- St. of the Union
- Norman's state (Abbr.)
- It borders 19-Across (Abbr.)
- It's n. of Tex.
- Neighbor of Ark.
- Former US territory
- Oral Roberts U. locale
- 46th U.S. state
- State the Joads left: abbr.
- 69 Across neighbor
- Norman's place: abbr.
- Home of the Wichita Mts.
- Tulsa's st.
- Norman loc.
- Site of the Arbuckle Mtns.
- Tulsa's home: Abbr.
- It's between Kan. and Tex.
- Fort Sill's home: Abbr.
- Oral Roberts Univ. locale
- Ark. neighbour
- Colo. neighbor
- Arkansas neighbor
- Rte. 66 goes through it
- Stillwater's home: Abbr.
- Where I-35 and I-40 meet: Abbr.
- Locale of Ada and Enid: Abbr.
- Home of Broken Arrow and Broken Bow: Abbr.
- Stillwater's state: Abbr.
- Tulsa's state (Abbr.)
- Mo. neighbor
- Cowboy Hall of Fame st.
- It's n. of Texas
- Great Plains st.
- A panhandle st.
- Tulsa locale (Abbr.)
- Neighbor of Kans.
- Neighbor of Tex. and N. Mex.
- Neighbor of Tex. and Ariz.
- It's next to Kans.
- Ada's st.
- Osage Hills State Pk. location
- The Thunder's state: Abbr.
- Its Cimarron Co. borders four other states
- Enid's home: abbr.
- St. since 1907
- Northern neighbor of Tex.
- Chickasaw Natl. Recreation Area location
- Muskogee's state (Abbr.)
- Home of Cherokee Landing State Pk.
- It's w. of Arkansas
- Its panhandle touches Colo.
- State north of Tex.
- Choctaw word for "people," as seen in a U.S. state name
Last Seen In
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 06, 2025
- Daily American - December 03, 2024
- Daily American - September 27, 2024
- Daily American - July 09, 2024
- Daily American - May 18, 2024
- Daily American - April 10, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 22, 2023
- Daily American - December 16, 2023
- LA Times - October 07, 2023
- New York Times - July 30, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 13, 2023
- Daily American - December 03, 2022
- Daily American - September 27, 2022
- Daily American - July 09, 2022
- Washington Post Classic - February 04, 2018
- Daily American - December 16, 2017
- USA Today - November 14, 2017
- Netword - November 10, 2017
- Penny Dell Sunday - October 08, 2017
- Pat Sajack's Code Letter - October 05, 2017
- LA Times - September 09, 2017
- Netword - June 07, 2017
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 19, 2017
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - April 06, 2017
- Netword - April 03, 2017
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 08, 2016
- Daily American - December 03, 2016
- Wall Street Journal - October 20, 2016
- Wall Street Journal - October 12, 2016
- Wall Street Journal - September 14, 2016
- And in 154 more crossword puzzles...