Clues for the word "ODIN"
We've had 321 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 998 times in crosswords. It was last seen in King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph crossword on March 11, 2025.
Definition of odin
- n. - The supreme deity of the Scandinavians; -- the same as Woden, of the German tribes.
Referring Clues
- Thor's chief love: thunder (4)
- Frigg's husband
- Norse Zeus
- Viking deity
- Valhalla V.I.P.
- God with an eight-legged horse
- Norse war god
- Sleipnir's master
- God of war and poetry
- One-eyed overlord
- Sleipnir's rider
- His horse had eight legs
- Thor's father
- God attended by two ravens and two wolves
- Cosmos creator, in myth
- Valhalla host
- God of war, magic and poetry
- Scandinavian god
- Receiver of the souls of slain heroes in Valhalla
- Husband of Frigg
- Supreme Norse deity
- God who presided over the Aesir
- Norse deity
- Chief Norse god
- God who gave up an eye to drink from the spring of wisdom
- God who rides an eight-legged horse
- God attended by Valkyries
- Father of Balder, the god of goodness
- He gave an eye for wisdom
- God with raven messengers
- Thor's lord
- One-eyed Norse god
- God attended by two ravens
- "The ruler of the universe"
- Valhalla boss
- Presider over banquets of those slain in battle
- Gladsheim palace resident
- Viking's deity
- Father of Thor
- God who rode an eight-legged horse
- Slayer of Ymir, in myth
- God of wisdom
- Valhalla chief
- Mythical dweller across the Rainbow Bridge
- Pantheon head
- Chief Norse deity
- Ruler of the Aesir
- One-eyed god of myth
- Figure in the Edda
- Aesir biggie
- Ruler of Valhalla
- Aesir bigwig
- Norse god of war
- Valhalla VIP
- Wednesday was named after him
- Balder sire
- Valhalla god
- Valhalla's chief resident
- God attended by the Valkyries
- Deity with an eight-legged horse
- Master of the Valkyries
- Thor's dad
- Norse war deity
- Norse god
- Frigg's husband, in myth
- God of both wisdom and war
- Valhalla dweller
- Frigg's mate
- Norse god of wisdom and war
- Asgard ruler
- Valhalla overlord
- One-eyed Norse deity
- Father of Balder
- Norse god with an eight-legged horse
- Chief Valhalla god
- Scandinavian war god
- Norse god who rode the eight-legged horse Sleipnir
- The Zeus of Norse mythology
- Husband of Frigg, in mythology
- Hod's father
- Balder's father
- He rode an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir
- Aesir leader
- He gave up an eye in exchange for wisdom
- Balder parent
- Mount ___ (highest point on Baffin Island)
- Chief god in the Edda
- Viking war god
- Most powerful of the Aesir
- God who gave up an eye to gain wisdom
- Chief Scandinavian god
- Rider of Sleipnir
- Valhalla bigwig
- Supreme Norse god
- Whom Wednesday was named for
- Balder's dad
- Chief god to 58-Down
- Scandinavian god of war
- Asgard god
- Valhalla presider
- Valhalla honcho
- King of the Aesir
- Norse god of wisdom
- Frigg's husband, in Norse myth
- Chief Norse gods
- Nordic deity
- Head Norse god
- Mythical creator of the cosmos
- Valhalla ruler
- Aesir's god
- Norse god of art and culture
- Valkyries' boss
- Big name in Norse mythology
- God of the Vikings
- Wednesday was named for him
- Supreme god of the Norse
- Boss of Norse gods
- Ruler over Valhalla
- Aesir ruler
- Wednesday's namesake
- Frigg's spouse
- Wednesday's God
- Top Norse god
- Ruler of Asgard
- Fighter of the frost giant Ymir
- Asgard honcho
- Role in 2011's "Thor"
- Role in 2011's "Thor"
- Frigg's hubby
- Norse nabob
- Viking VIP
- Anthony Hopkins's "Thor" role
- Valkyries' lord
- Major Norse god
- Valhalla host
- Whom Wednesday is named for
- He banished Thor in Marvel Comics
- Hopkins's "Thor" role
- Berserkers' inspiration
- God of war and magic
- Valhalla war god
- Norse "father of all"
- Frigga's fellow
- Thor's pop
- Vahalla host
- God in both Eddas
- God who commanded the Valkyries
- Major Germanic god
- Hopkins, in "Thor"
- Thor's father, in Norse mythology
- The Valkyries answered to him
- Son of Bor and Bestla
- Norse notable
- Role in "Thor"
- God with two ravens on his shoulders
- Norse god of war and poetry
- Norse god associated with magic
- Norse god of war and wisdom
- Two-time role for Hopkins
- Mythological deity with two ravens
- Jupiter's Norse counterpart
- Asgard head
- Father of Balder, in myth
- Two-time film role for Anthony Hopkins
- Saga VIP
- Anthony Hopkins' "Thor" role
- Major Norse deity
- Sleipnir's master, in myth
- Two-time mythological role for Anthony Hopkins
- Ruler of the Valkyries
- Figure in the Ynglinga saga
- Role in the 2011 film "Thor"
- Purported ancestor of Ragnar Lothbrok on TV's "Vikings"
- Anthony Hopkins's role in "Thor"
- Aesir god
- Viking god
- Character in 2013's "Thor: The Dark World"
- Valhalla's ruling god
- Hopkins' role in "Thor"
- A god of war
- Chief god of Asgard
- Anthony Hopkins two-time role
- God on an eight-legged horse
- Anthony Hopkins role in "Thor"
- God for whom a weekday is named
- Owner of the horse Sleipnir
- Norse god with raven messengers
- God who oversees Valhalla
- God who inspired Gandalf
- Hopkins, in Marvel movies
- Oslo god
- Thor's mythical dad
- Mr. Wednesday's real identity in "American Gods"
- The all-wise, of myth
- Frigga's spouse
- Loki's dad
- War god of 52-Across mythology
- Host of Valhalla
- Mythical Norse god
- His throne was Hlidskjalf
- God with nothing to eat, lacking energy
- Creator, in Norse myth
- Valhalla figure
- Norse Allfather
- Norse counterpart of Ares
- Norse god, husband of Frigg, father of Thor
- Ulster party rejected god
- Poetry spoken by popular deity
- Norse god of war
- Divine figure from sculptor needing no introduction
- The immortal love racket
- Top sculptor's god?
- Nothing but clamour in Valhalla
- Disorientated Indo-European god
- He was worshipped in some foreboding
- Mythical creator of some foreboding
- The brooding god?
- Not right for sculptor to make a god
- For whom Wednesday is named
- 2011 role for Anthony Hopkins
- Wielder of the spear Gungnir
- Duck noise, by god!
- God - I nod (anag)
- God mostly at home
- Norse god is full of good intentions
- Imprisoner of Brynhildr
- Norse god back in Benidorm
- Norse pantheon bigwig
- Head Norse?
- Valhalla cheese
- Ruler at Gladsheim
- Ruler at Valhalla
- Edda figure
- Prominent character in the Edda
- Party rising in power in old Scandinavia
- Our Wednesday, or a godlike "duck noise" joke
- Row beneath the circle or in the gods?
- Top sculptor's god?
- God of peace?
- Artist shaving head for god
- See 10
- Chief figure in the Eddas
- Norse god of wisdom and poetry
- Deity incarnated as Mr. Wednesday in "American Gods"
- Volsunga saga deity
- Chief Asgard god
- Norse god played by Anthony Hopkins
- Norse god on an eight-legged horse
- Role in "Thor," 2011
- One-eyed deity
- Boss at Valhalla
- Chief god of Valhalla
- Norse god found in 26-Across
- Frigg's mythical hubby
- One-eyed god
- God right to desert French artist?
- Former Asgard ruler
- Anthony Hopkins, in "Thor"
- God in fallen idol making a comeback
- Norse god of poetry
- Mr. Big, to the Norse
- Norse deity of war
- Nothing but pandemonium in Valhalla
- Allfather of myth
- Ares : Greek :: ___ : Norse
- Wise Norse god
- Norse god who rode Sleipnir
- Revered Norse god
- VIP in Norse mythology
- Tolkien's inspiration for Gandalf
- Norse god for whom Wednesday is named
- He rules over Valhalla
- God who gave an eye in his search for wisdom
- The brooding god?
- King of Asgard
- Asgard head honcho
- Husband of Frigg, in Norse mythology
- Ruler in "Thor"
- Norse god married to Frigg
- Battler of the frost giant Ymir
- Hopkins' "Thor" role
- Stealer of the Mead of Poetry
- Norse namesake of Wednesday
- A brooding god?
- Good intentions involving god
- In Norse myth, the father of Balder
- Valhalla leader
- God played by Anthony Hopkins in "Thor"
- Thor’s father
- Norse god with an eye patch
- Mythical Norse god of war
- For whom the ravens Huginn and Muninn collect intel, in legend
- God of war
- Thor : Thursday :: ___ : Wednesday
- Do wrong in being a deity
- Norse god whom Gandalf has parallels to
- Frigg's one-eyed husband
- Heavenly piece of wood at the pine centre
- Frigga's husband
- Norse god with two ravens
- Allfather in Norse myth
- Anthony Hopkins's role in the "Thor" film franchise
- Anthony Hopkins's character in the Marvel Universe
- Norse god played in film by Anthony Hopkins
- One-eyed war god
- Aesir VIP
- "Thor" role for Anthony Hopkins
- Wednesday eponym
- Mr. Wednesday's true identity in Neil Gaiman's "American Gods"
- Frigg's husband, in Norse mythology
- So-called "All-Father" of myth
- Mythical figure who sacrificed an eye in order to drink from the well of knowledge
- Norse ruler of Valhalla
- Bigwig Norse god
- All-father of Norse myth
- Gungnir was his spear
- Norse god of war and death
- Mythological owner of an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir
- Sleipnir's rider, in myth
- God for whom Wednesday is named
- Deity for whom Wednesday is named
Last Seen In
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - March 09, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - March 03, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 11, 2025
- New York Times - January 31, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - January 27, 2025
- Daily American - January 26, 2025
- New York Times - January 19, 2025
- New York Times - January 12, 2025
- New York Times - December 30, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - December 24, 2024
- Penny Dell Sunday - December 15, 2024
- LA Times - December 10, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 26, 2024
- Daily American - November 25, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - November 04, 2024
- Daily American - October 16, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - October 14, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - September 26, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - September 24, 2024
- USA Today - September 23, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 23, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - September 12, 2024
- USA Today - September 12, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - September 05, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 27, 2024
- USA Today - August 22, 2024
- LA Times - August 11, 2024
- Daily American - August 01, 2024
- Daily American - July 23, 2024
- And in 968 more crossword puzzles...