Clues for the word "NON"
We've had 347 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 745 times in crosswords. It was last seen in King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph crossword on March 24, 2025.
Definition of non
- a. - No; not. See No, a.
Referring Clues
- Alternative to "smoking"
- United Nations vote
- Vote in Quebec
- "Smoking or ___?"
- Sine qua ___
- Prefix with dairy
- ___ grata
- Stop start
- Québec vote
- ___ compos mentis
- Oui's opposite
- Vote in Verdun
- Tours turndown
- Alternative to smoking
- The "N" in NCO
- Starter starter
- Vote in Vichy
- Prefix with profit
- Negative in Normandy
- Quebecer's vote
- Security Council veto
- Security Council vote
- Start for starter
- Normandy negative
- Choice for un votant
- Start to stop?
- NCO part
- Dijon denial
- Discriminatory leader?
- French rejection
- Partisan leader?
- Dauphin's denial
- Prefix for profit
- Prefix with payment or partisan
- French refusal
- Word of denial, in Quebec
- Prefix with discrimination
- Prefix with professional
- Smoking start?
- Smoking alternative
- Prefix with smoking
- Nice 62-Across
- Persona ___ grata
- Plus prefix
- Rouen refusal
- Gallic refusal
- Parisian turndown
- Alternative to smoking?
- Chirac's veto
- Nanette's negative
- "Smoking, or ___?"
- Partisan prefix
- Opposite of oui
- Stop starter?
- "Smoking or ___?"
- Nantes negative
- Vote in une législature
- French vote
- Lille denial
- Champs Élysées refusal
- The only word spoken by 37-Across in 26-Down
- Nancy negative
- Vote in Versailles
- Québec refusal
- Nice way to beg off?
- ___ sequitur
- Sine qua ___
- Nice way to say no?
- Nice refusal
- Smoking alternative?
- ___ compos mentis
- Part of a restaurant host's question
- Event opening
- Persona ___ grata
- Nice way to refuse?
- Nantes refusal
- Pierre's denial
- Nice way to say no
- Nice turndown
- "Smoking or ___?"
- Rheims refusal
- Bordeaux brushoff
- Plus preceder
- Versailles veto
- Speaking start
- Monsieur's refusal
- René's refusal
- Opposite of "oui"
- Negative prefix
- "Oui" opposite
- "Smoking or ___?"
- Palindromic prefix
- Persona-grata link
- Prefix with "dairy"
- ___ sequitur
- French nix
- Contrary start
- Standard introduction?
- "Stop" or "stick" lead-in
- End of a bistro greeter's query
- ___ troppo (moderately, in music)
- The N of NCO
- Violent leader?
- Prefix with "profit" or "partisan"
- Only word spoken in Mel Brooks's "Silent Movie"
- Prefix for stop or skid
- Stop start?
- Ren%C3%A9's refusal
- Prefix with "stop" or "stick"
- Prefix for stop
- Référendum vote
- Bordeaux brush-off
- Rousillon refusal
- Prefix with "smoker"
- Sénat vote
- Prefix with -com
- Prefix with "dairy"
- "Oui" opposite
- No, to Nanette
- Vichy veto
- Monique's nix
- Toulouse turndown
- Marceau's veto
- With 74 Down, a type of milk
- Opposite of "oui"
- "Smoking or ___?" (waiter's query)
- No, to Normand
- Toxic preceder
- No, in Noranda
- Pareil preceder
- Prefix with "partisan"
- Reims rejection
- Fatal opening?
- Prefix with "stick" or "violent"
- No, to Pierre
- Plus or pareil preceder
- Miss Piggy's refusal
- Sarkozy's denial
- Com lead-in
- Start to stick?
- Prefix for fat or profit
- Opposite of 'oui'
- 'Smoking or ___?'
- French denial
- French turndown
- Prefix with proliferation
- Part of NCO
- Prefix with stop or stick
- Negating prefix
- Prefix with partisan
- Part of 40 Across
- Ren?'s refusal
- Prefix for skid
- Prefix for plus
- Prefix like a-
- Blaise's brush-off
- Parisian negative
- Reims refusal
- Prefix with interference
- No, in Noranda
- Refusal of Paris
- Prefix that negates
- Parisian vote
- Plus or partisan preceder
- Miss Piggys refusal
- Payment or support lead-in
- ___ sequitur: illogical conclusion
- Oul's opposite
- Violent opening?
- Intro to Euclidean geometry?
- Start for "profit" or "starter"
- One vote in Vichy
- Prefix with smoker
- Parisian's refusal
- Confrontational opening
- Part of 102 Across
- "No" in France
- Chamonix nix
- "Oui ou ___?"
- "Skid" or "stop" starter
- Fictional opening?
- Denial from Degas
- Kind of participant?
- ___compos mentis
- Denial from Dumas
- Stick or stop starter
- Renee's refusal
- Gigi's refusal
- Start to sense?
- "___ fiction television"
- Prefix meaning not
- Réponse négative
- Denial from de Gaulle
- 90s rock band 4 ___ Blondes
- Pierre's refusal
- Hollande's denial
- Result of a 1995 Québec secession referendum
- French negative
- Prefix with hazardous
- Luc's denial
- ___-compete clause
- Vote in France
- 'Smoking or ?'
- compos mentis
- Prefix with "smoking"
- Conventional start?
- Negative beginning
- The "N" of NGO
- Unwelcome guest
- Partisan or toxic preceder
- Prefix with refundable
- No, in Noyen
- Confrontational start
- Chalant beginning
- Prefix with issue
- Prefix for conformist or entity
- Veto in the French legislature
- Prefix with stop or skid
- Prefix with stick
- Prefix for combatant or entity
- Result of Québec's vote to leave Canada
- Plus or combatant preceder
- Start to profit?
- "Skid" or "stop" prefix
- Prefix that makes a word its opposite
- Payment beginning?
- Paris turndown
- Negative Quebec vote
- "Absolument pas!"
- Start to skid?
- Smoking or ___
- The "N" of NCO
- No, in Noisy-le-sec
- Prefix with G.M.O.
- Haitian negative
- Issue opener?
- Mimi's dissent
- Only spoken word (by Marcel Marceau) in Mel Brooks's "Silent Movie"
- Dijon disagreement
- "No" from France
- ___-combat role
- ___-fat milk
- Smoking alternative, once
- Quebec rejection
- Designation ditched after smoking bans
- 4 ___ Blondes
- Fiction starter?
- Breaking one's heart, 1-0, England out
- Bourgogne brushoff
- Parisian denial
- Negative French word
- Possible answer to "Parlez-vous anglais?"
- Dijon dissent
- Prefix for profit or dairy
- ___-stick coating
- Com or fat preceder
- Neufchatel negative
- Sic et ___ (Abélard work)
- Prefix with stick or stop
- Stop starter?
- Kin of a-
- Unwelcome guest, persona ___ grata
- Insane, ___ compos mentis
- French no
- Prefix with denial
- "Certainement pas!"
- ___-GMO (food label)
- Vote in un parlement
- Persona ___ grata (unacceptable person)
- Start to profit?
- Rouen rejection
- Nice no?
- Prefix for "toxic" or "fiction"
- Exclusion prefix
- Le Mans man's refusal
- Starter like un-
- Starter for starter?
- Champs Elysees turndown
- Fact or fiction starter
- Prefix with compete
- 'Smoking or ?'
- Part of NGO
- Prefix for sense
- Robespierre's refusal
- Smoking section alternative, once
- Prefix with compliance
- Macron's negative
- Pierre's negative
- "Je refuse!"
- "Je désapprouve"
- Prefix with "compliant"
- Word before combatant
- Start to stop?
- Le contraire de "oui"
- Prefix with "binary" or "conforming"
- "___ Sequitur" (comic strip)
- Prefix with binary
- Nice way to turn someone down?
- Denial from Denis
- Start to "starter"
- ___-binary
- Prefix for "disclosure"
- Denial from Deneuve
- No in Paris
- Possibly exclusive prefix, in no way positive
- Prefix for "issue"
- Nice refusal?
- Starter for starter
- Prefix with "fat" or "binding"
- Foreign denial
- Prefix for "existent"
- Prefix for "factor"
- Prefix with "essential"
- Prefix for "binary"
- Refusal in Rouen
- Starter for stick
- ___-GMO (food package label)
- Prefix for "conforming"
- Start to sense?
- Prefix for the alternative
- Nice turndown?
- Opposite indicator
- Fiction opening?
- The N in GNC
- The N in NGO
- Prefix with dairy or fat
- The "N" in NDA
- Excellent prefix for "violent"
- Prefix with event or issue
- Stop start?
- Prefix with "violent" or "fiction"
- ___-dairy (lactose-free)
- "What's Up?" band 4 ___ Blondes
- Sine qua -
- ___binary
- The "N" of NFT
- Partisan leader?
- Prefix with apology or denial
- Start to make fiction fact?
- Lead-in to stick or starter
- Prefix for "starter" or "linear"
- Persona - grata
- French for "no"
- Part of enby
- Thumbs-down in Dijon
- The "N" of NDA
- ___pareil capers
Last Seen In
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 24, 2025
- USA Today - March 19, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 17, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - March 10, 2025
- USA Today - February 26, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - February 22, 2025
- USA Today - February 18, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - January 29, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - January 16, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - January 15, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - January 15, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 10, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 06, 2025
- New York Times - December 31, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 13, 2024
- New York Times - December 03, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 02, 2024
- Daily American - November 13, 2024
- Daily American - November 11, 2024
- USA Today - October 30, 2024
- Your Life Choices - October 30, 2024
- LA Times - October 15, 2024
- USA Today - September 28, 2024
- Your Life Choices - September 10, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - August 20, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 19, 2024
- USA Today - August 14, 2024
- LA Times - August 08, 2024
- Daily American - July 27, 2024
- Your Life Choices - July 21, 2024
- And in 715 more crossword puzzles...