Clues for the word "LOL"
We've had 385 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 535 times in crosswords. It was last seen in USA Today crossword on March 21, 2025.
Referring Clues
- Response to a joke on-line
- E-mail guffaw
- Response to an on-line joke
- Chat room abbr.
- Chat room chuckle
- Chatroom chuckle
- "Ha-ha," online
- Online guffaw
- Equivalent of "ur 2 funny"
- Online "ha-ha"
- Modern joke response
- Cyber-chortle
- Modern indicator of amusement
- Joke response
- Chat room joke response
- Online chortle
- Response to a funny text
- "That's funny!," in an e-mail
- Response to a joke in an I.M.
- Tickled user's response
- Ha-ha, nowadays
- Text te-hee
- Online chuckle
- "OMG, that's sooo funny!"
- Response to an e-mailed joke, maybe
- Cyber-guffaw
- On-line chuckle
- Cyber-chuckle hidden in this puzzle's theme entries
- Chat room chuckle (abbr.)
- E-guffaw
- Cyberspace chuckle
- Chuckle in a chat room
- On-line guffaw
- Chatroom guffaw
- Cyberchuckle
- Cybersnicker
- E-chortle
- "That's a riot!", in chat rooms
- Cyberguffaw
- Twitter titter
- Texter's guffaw
- Reply to a funny IM, maybe
- Letters to an on-line jokester
- Cyberchortle
- Bit of Internet mirth
- Electronic gag reflex?
- On-line cachinnation
- Chat room chortle
- "That's funny," in e-speak
- Alternative to a smiley face emoticon
- Chuckle in an e-mail
- "Ha-ha," on-line
- IM guffaw
- What might be sent to a card on the computer?
- Response to an IM'ed joke
- IM "Ha-ha!"
- Internet chuckle
- Online "Ha!"
- I.M. snicker
- Texter's tehee
- E-mail cackle
- Chat room guffaw
- Funny-text reaction
- IM delight
- Cybercackle
- Cyberroar
- IM chuckle
- Cyberspace snicker
- Chat room "That's a riot!"
- Wisecrack response, in modern shorthand
- Bit of high-tech amusement
- Online "That's funny!"
- Online "Ha-ha!"
- "Ha ha," in a chat room
- Chat-room guffaw
- "Ha ha ha" on a PC
- Cyberspace guffaw
- Cyberspace "Ha-ha!"
- Chat-room chuckle
- Online display of amusement
- Chat room chuckle, for short
- "Ha ha!" on the Internet
- "That's hilarious!" in chat rooms
- "Ha ha!" in chat rooms
- IMer's chuckle
- Chatroom chortle
- Ha ha, online
- Online yuk
- "U R funny!"
- Response to an e-mail wisecrack
- Titter in a tweet
- Cyberspace "Ha-ha!"
- Chat-room ha-ha
- On-line chortle
- Texter's titter
- Part of many an AIM chat
- Online cackle
- Emoticon alternative
- Cyberchuckle, and a hint to this puzzle's four longest answers
- AOL guffaw
- IRC chuckle
- Tickled texter's comment
- Tickled texter's titter
- "That's too funny!" in netspeak
- Texter's "that's funny!"
- "Ha ha!" on the Internet
- Email guffaw
- Online joke response
- "UR 2 funny" equiv.
- "Ha ha," in a chat room
- "Ha ha ha" on a PC
- [What you just typed was very amusing]
- "That link was hilarious"
- "LMAO" alternative
- "You're killing me," in texts
- "Ha ha ha!" online
- Follower of a chat room joke
- "Ha-ha," in email
- Texter's tee-hee
- [I'm so funny!]
- "I'm giggling audibly," in email
- Hi-tech titter
- Texter's 'That's funny!'
- Chatroom chuckling
- 'That's funny,' to a texter
- 'Very funny!' in chat rooms
- Chat room chuckling
- 'That's funny!' to a texter
- Chatroom chortling
- Chat-room chortling
- Chat-room chortle
- Internet giggle
- E-chuckle
- E-mail chuckle
- Cyber-chuckle
- Keyed-in chuckle
- Online 'Ha ha'
- ROFL alternative
- Joke follower
- "OMG ur so funny!"
- Abbreviated yuk
- Hi-tech guffaw
- Texter's chuckle (opening 17-, 34-, and 55-Across)
- Texter's roar
- SMS interjection
- "IMHO, that's hilarious"
- "Very funny!," online
- IMer's "How funny!"
- "You're killing me," textually
- "U crack me up!"
- "OMG, too funny!"
- More than te-hee, online
- Online giggle
- IM giggle
- Doing much more than cqtm
- Quick "ha ha"
- E-mail giggle
- 2012 Miley Cyrus movie
- Response to a site gag?
- "That's hilarious!," in a tweet
- Twitter titter, and then some
- Texter's chuckle
- "Funny vid, thx"
- Texter's 'That's funny'
- Chatroom ha-ha
- Internet guffaw
- Net snicker
- Tweeter's "What a hoot!"
- Response to an online joke
- Typed chuckle
- Quick laugh?
- End of a texter's amusing comment, perhaps
- Bit of cybermirth
- Tickled texter's remark
- "U R 2 funny!"
- Internet acronym rarely meant literally
- 'Very funny!' online
- IM snicker
- [Ha!]
- "Hilarious," to texters
- [That cracks me up]
- Texting titter
- 'U R funny!'
- Digital chuckle
- Modern lead-in to cat
- Text giggle
- Alternative to :-)
- Online ha-ha
- "U R so funny" alternative
- Cyberyuk
- "OMG ur 2 funny"
- "Ha-ha," in email and texts
- Audibly amused, online
- [I crack myself up]
- Texter's "What a riot!"
- Palindromic bit of textspeak
- 'Very funny!' in a text
- IM 'ha ha'
- Response to an Internet meme, maybe
- "u r a riot!"
- [That is so funny]
- Online 'Ha!'
- Modern reaction to a riot?
- Texter's reaction to a joke
- Email chuckle
- 1-Across, in textspeak
- :-D alternative
- Written guffaw
- Common palindromic text
- Netizen's guffaw
- "Gr8 joke!"
- "Ur hilarious!"
- OED initialism since 2011
- Typed guffaw
- "U slay me!"
- "Haha, u r hilarious"
- "How hilarious!" in chat rooms
- Chuckle online
- "I'm cracking up," in a tweet
- Roaring online?
- Titter on Twitter
- "That's funny" online
- I.M. chuckle
- [You crack me up]
- Tweeter's titter
- Texter's "That's hilarious!"
- Cyber-giggle
- "Haha"
- It doesn't mean "lots of love"
- Facebook giggle
- Amused initialism
- "OMG, that's funny!"
- Response to a joke, maybe
- Chat room letters
- Chat room letters signifying laughter
- Chat room laughter letters
- "That's hilarious!" in cyberspeak
- Chatroom laugh letters
- "That's funny, screenname123!"
- ROFLMAO, but milder
- Abbr. near a smiley
- "That's funny!"
- "That's funny, lazerpwned1983!"
- Not quite ROTFLMAO
- "That's funny!" on the message boards
- Internet snicker
- "Ha!," in chat
- "U just got pwned"
- [Your comment amuses me]
- "I get the joke and it's funny but I have no time to write all this"
- Internet ha-ha
- Fifty-fifty to catch Frisbee when laughing out loud
- "Very funny," briefly
- Texting "ha-ha!"
- Text message chuckle
- "I'm chuckling audibly," in email
- Response to a funny GIF, perhaps
- "ur so funny!"
- Texted titter
- "Ha!," in texts
- Reaction to a meme, maybe
- Texting guffaw
- "OMG ur a riot!"
- "How humorous," in an online chat
- Facebook chuckle
- "Ha ha ha!," in a text
- "That text was very funny!"
- "Hilarious," online
- Hilarious text letters?
- Texter's "Ha ha!"
- Online response to a joke
- :-D
- "omg i'm dying!"
- [U r hilarious]
- Response to a good meme, maybe
- [That was a funny one]
- Bit of texting mirth
- Brief chuckle
- Text suggesting delight
- "OMG, 2 funny!"
- "That's so funny," in a text
- "That was hilarious!"
- Letters sometimes followed by :D
- "OMG, that's hilarious!"
- "OMG haha!"
- Facebook titter
- Alternative to "U R funny!"
- Facebooker's "Funny!"
- Texter's "Very funny!"
- Twitter guffaw
- Letters of gr8 amusement
- Palindromic text
- WhatsApp chuckle
- Web prefix with cat
- "UR 2 funny!"
- Chat “ha!”
- Cyber-chuckle and this puzzle's theme
- "Ha-ha," in a tweet
- Not quite ROFL
- Online response to humor
- Howl that's seen but not heard
- Not just a "heh"
- Text message "Very funny!"
- GIF-sharing response
- "That's funny!," in a text
- “OMG, 2 funny!”
- Abbr. that debuted in OED in 2011
- Text chuckle
- "OMG, funny!"
- Esport with the map Summoner's Rift, for short
- BuzzFeed reaction button
- "Totes hilarious!"
- Typed "Ha ha!"
- Twitter chuckle
- "good one"
- Texting chuckle
- "Funny tweet!"
- Response to a funny meme
- “u r 2 funny!”
- Social media chuckle
- Texter's chortle
- Shorter "That's funny!"
- Text of approval
- "You crack me up," in a text
- "That's so funny!"
- IM chortle
- Enthusiastic online "Ha-ha!"
- Online outburst
- Crack up, in textspeak
- "ur a riot!"
- Bit of online mirth
- "Ha-ha!"
- Modern lead-in to speak
- "good 1!"
- "u r so funny!"
- "So funny!"
- "2 funny!"
- "u got jokes!"
- Quick "That's funny!"
- "Kidding!" letters
- "thats rly funny"
- Response to a forwarded meme
- Equivalent of some crying emojis
- "ur funny!"
- "omg so funny"
- Response to a funny gif
- "___ ur too funny"
- "That's hilarious! /gen"
- Cybergiggle
- Equivalent of the Face With Tears of Joy emoji
- Response to a texted joke
- :-) alternative
- Text back and forth?
- Amused reaction
- Has online?
- "Haha" alternative
- Less strong version of "lmao"
- "hehe"
- "hahaha thats hilar"
- Letters of amusement
- "OMG, that cracks me up!"
- Group chat chuckle
- Silly string?
- Response to a funny text, and a hint to this puzzle's five longest answers
- Text that's often an exaggeration
- [Cracking up]
- "haha! ur a riot!"
- Reaction to a funny GIF
- "That's hilarious!," in a text
- Response to a meme, maybe
- "Ha, good one," in a text
- "ur soooo funny!"
- "Hilarious!," in a text
- Snapchat snicker
- Text guffaw
- [I'm cracking up as I type this!]
- "hahahaha"
- IJBOL equivalent
- "omg ur funny!"
- "heh," but stronger
- "hahaha"
- "OMG, hilarious!"
- "What a hoot!," in brief
- "u should be a comedian!"
- "ha, good meme"
Last Seen In
- USA Today - March 21, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - March 19, 2025
- LA Times - March 19, 2025
- USA Today - March 18, 2025
- LA Times - February 14, 2025
- USA Today - February 12, 2025
- USA Today - February 11, 2025
- USA Today - January 28, 2025
- LA Times - January 09, 2025
- LA Times - January 06, 2025
- New York Times - December 30, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 04, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 22, 2024
- USA Today - October 31, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - October 31, 2024
- LA Times - October 06, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 06, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - September 05, 2024
- LA Times - September 01, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 13, 2024
- LA Times - July 30, 2024
- Penny Dell Sunday - July 28, 2024
- LA Times - July 28, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - July 18, 2024
- New York Times - July 17, 2024
- LA Times - June 25, 2024
- LA Times - June 06, 2024
- New York Times - May 13, 2024
- USA Today - May 01, 2024
- USA Today - April 13, 2024
- And in 505 more crossword puzzles...