Clues for the word "LIGHT"
We've had 151 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 214 times in crosswords. It was last seen in USA Today crossword on March 09, 2025.
Definition of light
- n. - That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous.
- n. - That which furnishes, or is a source of, light, as the sun, a star, a candle, a lighthouse, etc.
- n. - The time during which the light of the sun is visible; day; especially, the dawn of day.
- n. - The brightness of the eye or eyes.
- n. - The medium through which light is admitted, as a window, or window pane; a skylight; in architecture, one of the compartments of a window made by a mullion or mullions.
- n. - Life; existence.
- n. - Open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.
- n. - The power of perception by vision.
- n. - That which illumines or makes clear to the mind; mental or spiritual illumination; enlightenment; knowledge; information.
- n. - Prosperity; happiness; joy; felicity.
- n. - The manner in which the light strikes upon a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall; the more illuminated part of a landscape or other scene; -- opposed to shade. Cf. Chiaroscuro.
- n. - Appearance due to the particular facts and circumstances presented to view; point of view; as, to state things fairly and put them in the right light.
- n. - One who is conspicuous or noteworthy; a model or example; as, the lights of the age or of antiquity.
- n. - A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or colored flame; as, a Bengal light.
- superl - Having light; not dark or obscure; bright; clear; as, the apartment is light.
- superl - White or whitish; not intense or very marked; not of a deep shade; moderately colored; as, a light color; a light brown; a light complexion.
- n. - To set fire to; to cause to burn; to set burning; to ignite; to kindle; as, to light a candle or lamp; to light the gas; -- sometimes with up.
- n. - To give light to; to illuminate; to fill with light; to spread over with light; -- often with up.
- n. - To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light.
- v. i. - To become ignited; to take fire; as, the match will not light.
- v. i. - To be illuminated; to receive light; to brighten; -- with up; as, the room lights up very well.
- superl. - Having little, or comparatively little, weight; not tending to the center of gravity with force; not heavy.
- superl. - Not burdensome; easy to be lifted, borne, or carried by physical strength; as, a light burden, or load.
- superl. - Easy to be endured or performed; not severe; not difficult; as, a light affliction or task.
- superl. - Easy to be digested; not oppressive to the stomach; as, light food; also, containing little nutriment.
- superl. - Not heavily armed; armed with light weapons; as, light troops; a troop of light horse.
- superl. - Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments; hence, active; nimble; swift.
- superl. - Not heavily burdened; not deeply laden; not sufficiently ballasted; as, the ship returned light.
- superl. - Slight; not important; as, a light error.
- superl. - Well leavened; not heavy; as, light bread.
- superl. - Not copious or heavy; not dense; not inconsiderable; as, a light rain; a light snow; light vapors.
- superl. - Not strong or violent; moderate; as, a light wind.
- superl. - Not pressing heavily or hard upon; hence, having an easy, graceful manner; delicate; as, a light touch; a light style of execution.
- superl. - Easy to admit influence; inconsiderate; easily influenced by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled; volatile; as, a light, vain person; a light mind.
- superl. - Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; wanting dignity or solemnity; trifling; gay; frivolous; airy; unsubstantial.
- superl. - Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged; dizzy; giddy.
- superl. - Easily bestowed; inconsiderately rendered.
- superl. - Wanton; unchaste; as, a woman of light character.
- superl. - Not of the legal, standard, or usual weight; clipped; diminished; as, light coin.
- superl. - Loose; sandy; easily pulverized; as, a light soil.
- adv. - Lightly; cheaply.
- v. t. - To lighten; to ease of a burden; to take off.
- v. i. - To dismount; to descend, as from a horse or carriage; to alight; -- with from, off, on, upon, at, in.
- v. i. - To feel light; to be made happy.
- v. i. - To descend from flight, and rest, perch, or settle, as a bird or insect.
- v. i. - To come down suddenly and forcibly; to fall; -- with on or upon.
- v. i. - To come by chance; to happen; -- with on or upon; formerly with into.
Referring Clues
- Beacon
- Traffic controller
- Smoker's request
- Theme of this puzzle
- Inner ___ (guiding force in the human soul, to Quakers)
- Not weighing much
- Green ___
- Word with brigade or bulb
- Gossamer
- Daytime
- Illumination and word that can be appended to the last words of 17-, 26-, 43-, and 57-Across
- *Airy
- Word with 69-Down
- Fluffy, as cake
- Not very taxing
- Far from strenuous
- Low-calorie
- See 10 Down
- Hardly hefty
- Beer variety
- Beer category
- It may be at the end of the tunnel
- Easy to lift
- End of a tunnel, proverbially
- Traffic signal
- Not demanding, as work
- It's at the end of a tunnel, proverbially
- It's often on at night
- Airy
- Optics topic
- ___ horse; or___ a fire
- PPCLI word
- Far from serious, as entertainment
- Easy to carry
- Feathery
- Trivial
- Frivolous
- 'Who's the Boss?' cast member
- Not heavy
- With 31-Across, favored weapon of 36-/39-Across
- Developing problem
- Miner's hat feature
- Pub fixture
- Work after work?
- Scanty
- What dying people might see, with "the"
- Delicate
- One often turned on
- Word often in this puzzle
- With 8-Down, lime shade
- Of little weight
- Give the go-ahead
- Ignite
- Illumination
- It might be ambient
- Caller's first guess at filling in the blank of the limerick "leafy greens fill most people with fright / we're reluctant to take a big bite / but some veggies are pale and they're also quite hale / it's okay to eat foods that are ___"
- Coastal attraction
- Not deep, as entertainment
- Hardly serious
- What's at the end of a tunnel, proverbially
- Word before or after green
- Easy to endure
- Red, green or amber signal
- Opposite of dark
- Easily digested, not containing much alcohol
- Easily digested
- Visible radiation
- * "Use an energy-saving bulb, rather than the old style..."
- Having little weight (5)
- Having little weight
- Debby Boone "You ___ Up My Life"
- Torch
- Frivolous answer to crossword clue
- Easy to take
- It helps you to see what's easy to take
- Such bulbs are easily removed
- It's pale, and easy to take
- Easy to take at top speed!
- It's easily taken to be illuminating
- Match - agile - easily digested
- It's dawn when you get off
- An airy "Come off it!"
- Slightly less sly, and easy to get away with?
- See 9
- Insubstantial Daybreak
- What a heavyweight may be in a match
- Settle what's not serious
- Fair
- Come down, but not too heavy!
- Easily lifted
- It's admitted in camera, briefly
- Form of radiation - not serious
- Short match
- Weighing little
- Come down and see it, so you'll understand
- Understanding, in metaphor
- Not serious
- Easily portable lamp, for example
- Easy match
- Smoker's request made for dieting
- Moored vessel warning sailors of a hazard
- See 8
- Easy
- Shed clue
- Fast mover's lung? (I'm not serious)
- See 27
- Illuminate
- Lower in fat or calories
- Daybreak, first ___
- Not a load-bearing beam
- Situation won't begin to be easy
- See 4
- See 25
- See 21
- See 1
- Kindle's brilliant!
- See 10
- See 23
- Easy crossword solution
- Kindle that could be portable
- Like pastel colors
- Gentle illumination
- Subject of optics
- Lamp
- It's neither dark nor heavy
- Bit of a blighter, but no 'heavy'
- U-turn from dark
- Far from heavy
- Set fire to
- Slight reduction, not serious
- Like a feather
- Trite rhyme not taken seriously
- Is such reading illuminating?
- Easy to take when slightly reduced
- ___ sleeper
- Come down and brighten up
- Like Bubble Wrap
- Slightly less clever, but easy to enjoy
- Extremely long sort of year!
- Ray, come off it!
- As opera, not grand
- Word before "reading" or "show"
- Land of the rising sun?
- Easy to pick up
- It travels at nearly 300 million meters per second
- Slightly less sly, and easy to get away with?
- Kindle
- Like pastels
- Match, for a cigarette
- Word that can follow flash or flood
- & 8 Easy times in the far distance
Last Seen In
- USA Today - March 09, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - December 13, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - December 04, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - November 30, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - October 23, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - October 11, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - September 20, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - September 13, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - August 29, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - August 22, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - August 21, 2024
- Daily Quick - August 09, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - August 01, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - July 15, 2024
- New York Times - July 01, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - June 26, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - June 07, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - May 08, 2024
- Daily Quick - March 21, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - March 11, 2024
- Daily Quick - February 23, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - January 09, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - November 30, 2023
- Daily Cryptic - November 30, 2023
- Evening Standard Cryptic - November 13, 2023
- New York Times - November 08, 2023
- Mindfood Daily - October 24, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - September 27, 2023
- Daily Quick - September 27, 2023
- USA Today - September 22, 2023
- And in 184 more crossword puzzles...