Clues for the word "LIEGE"
We've had 108 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 311 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Penny Dell Daily crossword on March 20, 2025.
Definition of liege
- a. - Sovereign; independent; having authority or right to allegiance; as, a liege lord.
- a. - Serving an independent sovereign or master; bound by a feudal tenure; obliged to be faithful and loyal to a superior, as a vassal to his lord; faithful; loyal; as, a liege man; a liege subject.
- a. - Full; perfect; complete; pure.
- n. - A free and independent person; specif., a lord paramount; a sovereign.
- n. - The subject of a sovereign or lord; a liegeman.
Referring Clues
- Vassal
- Lord's worker
- Loyal subject
- Feudal lord
- Lord or vassal
- Monarch's loyal subject
- Feudal superior
- Lord of the manor
- Man of the manor
- Subject of the Middle Ages
- One doing the lord's work?
- Feudal vassal
- Feudal lord, or his subject
- Feudal subject
- Lord, or his subject
- Subject, or his lord
- Belgian city
- Person holding a fief
- City of eastern Belgium
- Sovereign lord
- Feudal lord or his subject
- Lord or his subject
- Feudal lord or vassal
- Loyal subject or city in Belgium
- City on the Meuse
- Fief holder
- Medieval subject
- Feudal figure
- Lord of the Middle Ages
- Flemish capital
- He merits allegiance
- Fedual superior
- Lord of a manor
- Feudal vassal or lord
- Hamlet, to Horatio
- "It's a secret ..."
- Loyal follower
- Faithful subject
- Loyal subject, or city in Belgium
- Belgium city on the Meuse
- Title fit for a king
- For whom a vassal worked
- Belgian burg
- One performing the lord's work?
- Subject's superior
- Royal supporter
- Title fit for a lord
- Title in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
- French speaking Belgian city
- Faithful follower
- Belgium's third largest city
- Lord of the fief
- Person owing allegiance to a feudal lord
- One working for the lord
- Renaissance Faire title
- Lord Lawson is extremely gung-ho Eurosceptic, primarily
- Porky, say, returning to Belgian city
- Lord with an exotic lineage
- Story's engrossing for one lord
- City in eastern Belgium
- Faithful, say, in economy with the truth
- Lordly Belgian city?
- Large Belgian city
- Old master in Belgian city
- Lord - Belgian city
- Place in Belgium's not the same after bum goes east
- It's not true that part of Limoges is here in Belgium!
- Belgian province
- Owing feudal allegiance
- Lord of a Belgian town
- Lord or vassal, say, in romance
- Say something insincere about European city
- Lordly European province?
- Feudal superior for Walloons?
- Feudal superior in Belgian city
- Master
- Belgian birthplace of Georges Simenon
- Loyal royal subject
- A feudal lord in Belgium
- Fake news planted by gruesome extremists in Belgian city
- In feudal times, a sovereign city in Europe
- Belgian, French-speaking city
- Belgian town faithful to a lord in the Middle Ages
- Lie over, for example, in Belgian city
- City in Belgium for example featured in story
- European city, for example, featured in story
- Feudal lord, say, in tale
- European city, say, featured in story
- Feudal lord, say, in story
- Subject, for example, in fiction
- Belgian city, for example, in piece of fiction
- Standard team? No, superior!
- Lord's subject
- Vassal's gone on vacation in pursuit of romance
- Superior pork pie and case of Grenache
- Medieval boss or subordinate
- Historically lordly part of Belgium
- Feudal lord or subject
- Mostly French-speaking city of Belgium
- Respected feudal figure
- Feudal lord – or subject?
- Renaissance Faire lord
- Worker for a feudal lord
- Feudal sovereign
- Lordly Belgian city?
- Lie around, for instance, somewhere in Belgium
- Medieval lord
- "My ___" (medieval term of address)
Last Seen In
- Penny Dell Daily - March 20, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 21, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - December 14, 2024
- LA Times - November 01, 2024
- USA Today - November 01, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - September 21, 2024
- Daily American - August 05, 2024
- New York Times - May 22, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 21, 2024
- Daily American - March 25, 2024
- LA Times - January 16, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - January 05, 2024
- Daily American - December 21, 2023
- Daily American - December 06, 2023
- New York Times - November 09, 2023
- Daily American - November 03, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - November 03, 2023
- Evening Standard Cryptic - October 12, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - July 31, 2023
- LA Times - July 07, 2023
- LA Times - April 24, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - April 22, 2023
- LA Times - April 18, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - April 18, 2023
- Daily American - April 12, 2023
- New York Times - March 25, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - March 10, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - January 26, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - January 12, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - January 08, 2023
- And in 281 more crossword puzzles...