Clues for the word "ISM"
We've had 350 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 996 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Family Time crossword on December 22, 2024.
Definition of ism
- n. - A doctrine or theory; especially, a wild or visionary theory.
Referring Clues
- Suffix in political studies
- Doctrine: Suffix
- Pagan follower?
- Subject of academic study
- Belief
- Any doctrine
- Suffix with sex
- Political subject
- Doctrine
- Political practice, perhaps
- Credo
- School of thought
- Ending of beliefs
- Cause: Suffix
- Theory suffix
- Dogmatic conclusion?
- Suffix with hero
- You can believe it
- Follower of Lenin or Stalin
- An end to sex?
- Real ending
- Suffix with Darwin
- Suffix with organ or patriot
- Fanatic finish?
- Theory
- Philosopher's study
- Something to believe in
- Belief system
- Suffix with ideal
- Follower or Lenin or Stalin
- Philosophy
- Suffix with human or organ
- Intellectual conclusion?
- Surreal ending?
- Tour's end?
- System of beliefs
- Creed component
- Suffix with surreal
- Suffix with sex or sectional
- Ideology
- Suffix with manner or method
- An end to alcohol and sex?
- Conclusion of sex?
- Surreal suffix
- Marx follower
- Surreal ending
- Distinctive doctrine
- Mao follower?
- "School of thought" suffix
- Fatal attachment?
- Political doctrine
- Ideology suffix
- Capital ending?
- Marx follower?
- Suffix for Catholic or Protestant
- System of belief
- Philosophical paradigm
- 6-Across suffix
- Suffix with real
- Suffix with intellectual
- Belief suffix
- Conclusion for many believers?
- Dogma
- Oppressive belief
- Suffix with 49-Across
- Suffix with Mormon or manner
- Suffix with Marx
- Suffix with Tao
- End of sex?
- Imperial follower
- Creed
- Catholic ending
- Tenet
- Colonial addition?
- "Manner" attachment
- Professional ending
- Suffix with "skeptic"
- "Manner" attachment
- Suffix with "critic" or "manner"
- Certain belief
- "Patriot" add-on
- Skeptic or cynic follower
- A certain doctrine or theory
- An end to alcohol?
- Real finish?
- Suffix with "surreal"
- This can be the end to alcohol
- Attachment for "skeptic" or "cynic"
- Certain doctrine or theory
- Skeptic attachment
- "Skeptic" or "cynic" follower
- Darwin follower?
- "Capital" ending
- Sad ending?
- Suffix with "surreal"
- Ideal ending?
- Real suffix?
- Suffix for a patriot?
- Cannibal's end?
- Skeptic or cynic attachment
- Real attachment
- Hero's suffix
- Suffix with "hero" or "patriot"
- "Imperial" follower
- Belief: Suffix
- This may be the end to alcohol?
- Suffix with "organ" or "patriot"
- Belief: Suff.
- Ending for "capital" or "social"
- Suffix with "real" or "ideal"
- School: Suffix
- Suffix with "manner" or "mystic"
- Capital attachment?
- "Critic" chaser
- Suffix with magnet
- Suffix with "critic"
- Suffix with "real" or "manner"
- "Patriot" add-on
- Suffix with "skeptic"
- Attachment for "skeptic" or "cynic"
- Suffix with "critic" or "manner"
- Doctrinal suffix
- Ending for national or capital
- Suffix in political science
- Suffix with manner or magnet
- Mystic ending
- Cub tail?
- Political ideology
- Philosophy suffix
- It may follow sex
- An end to Satan?
- A doctrine or theory
- Journal addendum?
- Alcohol chaser?
- Suffix in poli sci
- End of a belief
- Philosophy ending
- Ending for "national" or "capital"
- Patriot's end?
- Belief, in brief
- Suffix of dogmas
- Suffix of doctrines
- Suffix with 68-Down
- Ending of doctrines
- Suffix with organ
- Suffix of beliefs
- Suffix with 16-Down
- Suffix of tenets
- Suffix with journal
- '-ology' kin
- Suffix with Mormon
- Doctrine suffix
- Doctrine ending
- Kin of '-ology'
- Social and capital ender
- Ending with sex or symbol
- De end?
- Suffix for a doctrine
- Human tail?
- Systemic suffix
- Cousin of -esque
- Put an end to alcohol?
- Mao or Marx follower
- Darwin or Mao follower?
- Real ending?
- Suffix meaning "doctrine"
- Ideological suffix
- Suffix with "ideal" or "organ"
- Real attachment?
- Suffix with fatal
- "Real" attachment
- Capital gain?
- Suffix with "symbol" or "social"
- Professional ending?
- Journal's conclusion
- Suffix with "symbol" or "skeptic"
- Doctrinal word ending
- Suffix with capital or Marx
- Mao or Stalin follower
- It might come after sex
- Bad thing after sex?
- Suffix with Tao or Mao
- Suffix for a school of thought
- Symbol attachment?
- Tao or Mao follower
- Patriot add-on
- Suffix with age
- Suffix with social
- "Capital" attachment
- Social suffix
- Ideal finish?
- Suffix with "ideal"
- Ology
- Movement
- Doctrine, for short
- Suffix with "organ"
- Method ending
- Social conclusion?
- Suffix with Mao
- Capital ending
- Critic's conclusion?
- Suffix with "patriot"
- Organ ending?
- Suffix with "real"
- Ending for a 10-Down
- Suffix with "organ" or "real"
- Believe it!
- Hero follower?
- Patriot follower?
- Suffix with 20-Across
- "Capital" suffix
- "Real" suffix
- Tao follower?
- Ideal chaser?
- It might follow sex
- Suffix with "skeptic" or "cynic"
- "Catholic" finish
- Suffix with "alcohol"
- Suffix with British and Bush
- Suffix with patriot
- Suffix with "manner"
- Believer's suffix
- Suffix with "patriot" or "manner"
- Suffix with minimal
- Suffix with 90-Down
- Suffix for "Marx" or "capital"
- Suffix with "hero"
- School-of-thought suffix
- Art movement suffix
- Suffix denoting belief
- "Vandal" suffix
- Movement suffix
- Booster tail
- System of thought
- 13 Down closer
- "Catholic" ending
- Hero and capital follower
- Suffix with 9-Down
- "Liberal" attachment
- Suffix with "Darwin"
- Suffix for some creeds
- Suffix with real or sex
- "Catholic" conclusion
- Organ attachment?
- Suffix for social or vandal
- Suffix with pagan
- Journal addition?
- Ending for many schools
- Suffix with capital
- Social or capital follower
- Attachment for capital or real
- Suffix with "colonial"
- It's a real conclusion?
- Suffix meaning "belief"
- Ending for mom or dada
- Belief, informally
- Philosophy class suffix
- Suffix with "consumer"
- Suffix with real or social
- Brief belief
- A doctrine
- Suffix with hero or real
- Suffix with skeptic or real
- Suffix for Hindu or hero
- End of perfection?
- Suffix after sex or fetish
- Suffix with "symbol" or "real"
- Suffix with real or patriot
- Patriot ending
- Capital or patriot ending?
- Suffix with real or capital
- Suffix meaning "doctrine" which is not a valid Scrabble word by itself
- Suffix with "hero" or "capital"
- Distinctive theory
- Distinctive doctrine or practice
- Way of thinking
- Unspecified doctrine
- Ideology, informally
- Suffix with "cynic"
- Suffix with patriot or sex
- End of alcohol?
- Discrimination ending
- "The" end
- Crony's conclusion
- Belief ending
- Philosophical belief
- Absurd ending?
- Moral ending
- Ending for social or class
- Pagan follower?
- Magnet suffix
- Capital ending?
- Suffix with "patriot" or "parallel"
- Suffix with "symbol"
- "Absentee" add-on
- Ideal ending?
- Suffix for social and capital
- "Patriot" end
- "Real" stick-on
- Marx stick-on
- Suffix with sex or alcohol
- Suffix with "professional"
- "Brutal" suffix
- Real close?
- Surreal ending?
- Belief, briefly
- Suffix for ideal or dual
- Doctrine name suffix
- "Tao" or "Catholic" suffix
- Follower of Lenin or Stalin?
- Foundational belief
- Suffix with Marx or Lenin
- Absentee ending?
- Patriot follower?
- Attachment to commercial
- End of many religions' names
- Catholic ending?
- Ending for "sensational"
- Follower of Marx?
- Suffix meaning "ideology"
- Suffix with tour or Tory
- Suffix with "sensational"
- Suffix for "social" or "capital"
- End of a unit in religious studies?
- Suffix for a belief
- Can you believe it?!
- Suffix with Catholic
- Suffix with cynic or skeptic
- Suffix with "commercial"
- End of perfection or woke?
- Suffix for many belief systems
- End of class?
- Suffix with "Hindu" or "hero"
- Suffix with "critic" or "organ"
- Suffix with "rational" or "romantic"
- Suffix for a religion
- Ending for "Jain" or "Sikh"
- Belief system suffix
- Suffix for "social" or "magnet"
- Suffix with "magnet" or "real"
- Ending for "magnet" or "tour"
- Suffix with material
- Something to believe in, informally
- Follower of Marx
- Suffix for "manner" or "real"
- Suffix for "real" or "hero"
- Ending with skeptic or Surreal
- Suffix for "Catholic" or "social"
- Suffix with skeptic or manner
- Prefix with patriot
Last Seen In
- Family Time - December 22, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 02, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 16, 2024
- LA Times - October 18, 2024
- Family Time - October 06, 2024
- LA Times - September 29, 2024
- LA Times - September 27, 2024
- LA Times - September 21, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 11, 2024
- LA Times - September 09, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - September 09, 2024
- LA Times - August 29, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - August 24, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 10, 2024
- LA Times - June 23, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - June 20, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - June 19, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - June 15, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 22, 2024
- USA Today - May 20, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - May 19, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - May 16, 2024
- New York Times - May 13, 2024
- USA Today - April 10, 2024
- Family Time - March 25, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 19, 2024
- LA Times - March 07, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - February 21, 2024
- USA Today - February 21, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - February 18, 2024
- And in 966 more crossword puzzles...