Clues for the word "INTO"
We've had 445 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1905 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Daily American crossword on March 10, 2025.
Definition of into
- prep. - To the inside of; within. It is used in a variety of applications.
- prep. - Expressing entrance, or a passing from the outside of a thing to its interior parts; -- following verbs expressing motion; as, come into the house; go into the church; one stream falls or runs into another; water enters into the fine vessels of plants.
- prep. - Expressing penetration beyond the outside or surface, or access to the inside, or contents; as, to look into a letter or book; to look into an apartment.
- prep. - Indicating insertion; as, to infuse more spirit or animation into a composition.
- prep. - Denoting inclusion; as, put these ideas into other words.
- prep. - Indicating the passing of a thing from one form, condition, or state to another; as, compound substances may be resolved into others which are more simple; ice is convertible into water, and water into vapor; men are more easily drawn than forced into compliance; we may reduce many distinct substances into one mass; men are led by evidence into belief of truth, and are often enticed into the commission of crimes'into; she burst into tears; children are sometimes frightened into fits; all persons are liable to be seduced into error and folly.
Referring Clues
- Passionately studying
- Division word
- Showing a fancy for
- Absorbed by
- Fascinated by
- Liking
- Passionate about
- "___ each life..."
- See 1-Across
- "___ each life some..."
- Go ___ detail
- "What's gotten ___ you?"
- Gung-ho about
- Digging, so to speak
- Van Morrison's "___ the Mystic"
- Put ___ question
- Eagerly studying
- Engrossed by
- Get ___ trouble
- Enjoying, in slang
- Get ___ (access)
- Against
- See 58A
- "___ My Heart" (1930 song)
- Keen on
- Grooving on
- Turned on by
- Excited about
- Obsessed with
- Captivated by
- Wild about
- Loving
- Excited by
- Enthusiastic about
- Keen about
- Put ___ words
- Word after bump or jump
- Get ___ shape
- See 58-Down
- A fan of
- Studying closely
- Look ___ (study)
- Making a hobby of
- Chant
- Having as a hobby
- Wrapped up with
- Division preposition
- Concerned with
- Enjoying
- Digging
- Mad about
- Plow ___
- Really liking, informally
- Preoccupied with
- Diggin'
- "___ Thin Air" (1997 best seller)
- Really digging
- See 44-Across
- Get ___ the habit
- Crazy about
- Very much a fan of
- "What did I just get myself ___?"
- Obsessed by
- Intrigued by
- "Journey ___ Fear" (Eric Ambler novel)
- "Come ___ my parlor..."
- Word with rip or dip
- A huge fan of
- Involved with, as a hobby
- Sondheim's "___ the Woods"
- Obsessive about
- Enamored of
- Serious about
- Divider's word
- Look ___ (explore)
- Gaga over
- A big fan of
- Greatly absorbed
- Really intrigued by
- Toward the center
- Avid about
- "___ each life ..."
- Riddle, part 3
- Very involved with
- Preposition in a division problem
- "... and ___ the fire"
- Basic division word
- Absorbed with
- "___ each life some rain must fall": Longfellow
- Enjoying a lot
- Totally enjoying
- Take ___ account
- Call ___ question
- Math class preposition
- "Out of the frying pan and ___ the fire"
- An enthusiast of
- See 43-Across
- Hooked on
- Taken with
- "Long Day's Journey ___ Night" (Eugene O'Neill play)
- "___ the Woods" (Stephen Sondheim musical)
- Krakauer's "___ Thin Air"
- "Be Honest-You're Not That ___ Him Either": Ian Kerner best-seller
- Digging a lot
- "___ the Woods"
- "What am I getting myself ___?"
- Intrigued with
- Absorbed by, as a hobby
- Involved with
- "Long Day's Journey ___ Night"
- Dividing word
- Enthralled by
- Jon Krakauer's "___ Thin Air"
- Enthralled with
- Fond of
- "Long Day's Journey ___ Night"
- Long-division word
- "Divided by" opposite
- Look ___ (investigate)
- Word of division
- Preoccupied by
- Sondheim's "___ the Woods"
- Antonym for "out of"
- Nuts about
- Lay ___ (upbraid)
- Word in division problems
- "___ each life, some rain ..."
- Word with "each life" or "thin air"
- Really involved with
- "What am I getting myself ___?"
- "Come ___ my parlor ..."
- Homophone of 41-Across
- "What am I getting myself ___?"
- Word with "bump" or "jump"
- Disappear ___ thin air
- Word with "each life" or "thin air"
- Word with "each life ..."
- Dividing word?
- Interested in
- "___ each life ..."
- Engrossed with
- "... ___ the wild blue yonder"
- "Out of the frying pan, ___ . . ."
- Preposition of division
- "And lead us not ___ . . ."
- Word with "look" or "back"
- Divisive word?
- Antonym for out of
- "___ the Night" (1985 film)
- Fascinated with
- Word with bump or jump
- Deeply involved with
- Quite keen on
- Division term
- "___ each life some rain ..."
- Look ___ (probe)
- Occupied with
- "And lead us not ___ ..."
- "Come ___ my parlor ..."
- Gung-ho over
- Take ___ account (consider)
- Word after bang, break or bump
- Infatuated with
- ___ the woods
- Whip ___ shape
- "___ the Woods" (Sondheim musical)
- Word with "thin air"
- Following heavily
- Word after "break" or "bump"
- Big on
- Word with "bump" or "ran"
- Really liking
- Look ___ (investigate)
- "He's Just Not That ___ You": 2009 film
- Word with "each life ..."
- Look ___
- Word with "bump" or "jump"
- Antonym for "out of"
- Jon Krakauer's "___ Thin Air"
- "___ the Woods"
- "Long Day's Journey ___ Night"
- "Be HonestYou're Not That ___ Him Either": Ian Kerner best-seller
- "Divided by" opposite
- "Out of the frying pan, ___ ..."
- "He's Just Not That ___ You": 2009 film
- Gaga about
- Really keen on
- What's gotten ___ you?
- Obsessed, in a way
- Involved in
- Inside of
- Absorbed in
- Enthused over
- Eating up
- Turn ___ (become)
- "___ the valley of Death ..."
- Bump ___ (meet)
- "... and lead us not ___ temptation"
- Separation word
- Busy with
- Quite fond of
- Quite fond of
- Really fond of
- Liking a lot
- Enjoying greatly
- Busy with and enjoying
- Really enjoying
- Really busy with
- Digging, in a sense
- Gung-ho on
- ___ thin air
- Enthused about
- Division problem word
- Enrapt with
- Crash ___; ram
- Cut ___ (deplete)
- Avidly engaged
- Totally jamming on
- See 105-Down
- See 53-Down
- Hooked on, say
- Bump ___
- "Out of the frying pan, ___ the fire"
- "So ___ You" (1976 Atlanta Rhythm Section hit)
- Krakauer's "___ the Wild"
- Word that causes division
- See 92-Across
- Very interested in
- Converse of "divided by"
- Digging ... or word after "digging"
- Word after "bang," "break" or "bump"
- "... swords ___ plowshares"
- "___ the crevasse!" ("30 Rock" line)
- Come ___ one's own
- Liking quite a bit
- See 18-Down
- Fully engaged, slangily
- Focusing on
- Step ___
- "___ each life a little ..."
- "He's just not that ___ you"
- Very fond of
- Really enthusiastic about
- Certain preposition
- Not anti
- A real fan of
- "___ each life some rain must fall"
- Not apathetic about
- Focused on
- Fascinated by, as a hobby
- Word after back or break
- "I'll look ___ it."
- Words with "bump" or "run"
- Word after "plow" or "bump"
- Enthused
- Really loving
- Homophone of "in two"
- Word after bump or break
- Passionate, in a way
- ___ pieces
- " ___ the wild"
- Delighted by
- Knowledgeable about
- Interested by
- "___ the wild blue yonder"
- Enraptured by
- Vanish ___ thin air
- 'What's gotten you?'
- Digging, to a hippie
- Really digging, as a hobby
- See 13-Across
- Quite taken with
- "____ each life, some rain ..."
- "for we which have believed do enter ___ rest" (heb. 4:3)
- Look ___: investigate
- Bump ___ (encounter)
- See 41-Across
- "___ the Groove" (Madonna)
- Consumed by
- "What have I gotten myself ___?"
- Really obsessed with
- Division direction
- "... ___ my parlor, said the spider to the fly"
- Thoroughly enjoying
- A preposition
- Compelled by
- Word associated with division
- Taking part
- Word with "plow," "bump" or "break"
- Having an enthusiam for
- Word after "look" or "ran"
- Focused, in a way
- Certainly avid about
- "... ___ the wide blue yonder"
- See 40-Across
- "... pan, ___ the fire"
- Word with "rip" or "look"
- Dividend preceder
- Not out of
- "Journey ___ Fear," 1942 film
- Whip - shape link
- See 69-Across
- Towards
- Preposition
- Dividing preposition
- Toward
- Don't get ___ trouble
- "Do not get ___ trouble"
- Break ___ pieces (smash up)
- Divided by
- 5 goes ___ 25 five times
- "___ the Groove" (Madonna hit)
- Two goes ___ four ...
- Preposition used when parking
- Madonna's "___ the Groove"
- Three goes ___ nine ...
- Eddie Vedder: "___ the Wild" soundtrack
- Santana "___ the Night"
- Dokken "___ the Fire"
- Vedder soundtrack "___ the Wild"
- Van Morrison "___ the Mystic"
- Tokio Hotel "___ the Night"
- Mazzy Star "Fade ___ You"
- Radiohead "Jigsaw Falling ___ Place"
- Benny Mardones "___ the Night"
- Cracker "Get outta my head or ___ my bed"
- Lemonheads "___ Your Arms"
- Phil Collins "Dance ___ the Light"
- Aimee Mann "Stranger ___ Starman"
- Neil Young "Out of the blue and ___ the black"
- '98 Page/Plant album "Walking ___ Clarksdale"
- Black Crowes "Freak 'N' Roll ...___the Fog"
- Alice in Chains "___ the flood again."
- "Get Outta My Dreams, Get ___ My Car"
- Nine Inch Nails "___ the Void"
- Keen on (informal)
- Interested in me? Sadly not
- Keen to get to the heart of one's subject of enthusiasm
- Very enthusiastic about
- ... almost completely ruining airbag clutched by faint-heart as well
- Taking an active and lively interest (in something)
- Enthusiastic about some Tim Winton novels
- A devotee of
- Enchanted with
- "Out of" opposite
- ___ the Wild (Jon Krakauer book)
- Jon Krakauer's "___ the Wild"
- "Grave Dancers Union" jam "Growing ___ You"
- Inside
- Towards centre of
- Enthusiastic about point of detail
- Keen on books in 10
- Enthusiastic about cooking? Not I!
- Enthusiastic about working? Not I!
- On the pull, women left digging
- Feeling
- "What's gotten ___ you?"
- Focused
- U-turn from out of
- Lay ___ (chastise)
- Cat Stevens "___ White"
- Enamored with
- "Crash ___ Me": Dave Matthews Band hit
- Preposition that can help you make a point
- "He's Just Not That ___ You" (2009 rom-com)
- Word for the divisive?
- "___ You" (2016 Ariana Grande hit)
- Word for dividing
- Math term
- "I'll take that ___ account"
- "... ___ the wide blue ..."
- Get ___ the swing of things
- Really taken by
- Not out of, U-turn
- Really enjoying, as a hobby
- "___ the Night"
- "What am I getting ___?"
- "... pan and ___ the fire"
- See 13 Down
- Word with "bump"
- Having a fancy for
- "Come ___ the light"
- Fall ___ line
- Digging, metaphorically
- Hit ___ a triple play
- Buy ___ (believe)
- Divisive word?
- Keen on, as a hobby
- Enjoying learning about
- Crushing on
- Fall ___ place
- Avid for
- "___ the valley of Death ... ": Tennyson
- Deeply absorbed with
- "Journey ___ Fear" (Welles movie)
- "What have I gotten myself ___?"
- Deeply engaged with
- Really excited about
- Come ___ being
- Come-play connector
- See 21-Across
- For this penetrating word, I trust to love!
- Liking very much
- Come ___, inherit
- "___ the West"
- "Spider-Man: ___ the Spider-Verse"
- "Look ___ my eyes"
- "___ the Unknown"
- "Come ___ the kitchen"
- Really feeling
- "___ the Unknown" (2019 song)
- "It goes ___ there and comes out here"
- See 6-Down
- "So ___ You" (Tamia hit)
- Penetrating preposition
- "___ America" (Trymaine Lee podcast)
- Digging or grooving on
- "___ the Thick of It" ("The Backyardigans" song)
- See 29-Across
- 17 ___ 612 is 36
- "___ the Unknown" ("Frozen 2" song)
- 17 goes ___ 85 five times
- Vanished ___ thin air
- "___ the Thick of It"
- "The pieces are falling ___ place"
- Fancying
- Broadway's "___ the Woods"
- Grooving with
- Walk ___ the forest
- "___ the Wild" (2007 film)
- "Step ___ my office"
- "___ the Unknown" from "Frozen 2"
- "Fade ___ You" (Mazzy Star hit)
- "___ the Unknown" ("Frozen II" song)
- Smitten with
- "Never run ___ a brick wall"
- Taking ___ account
- Not against
- Rides off ___ the sunset
- Division word?
- Totally crushing on
- "Put your back ___ it!"
- "Descent ___ Avernus" (D&D adventure)
- Vibing with
- Totally loving
Last Seen In
- Daily American - March 10, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 27, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 27, 2025
- Daily American - February 27, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 26, 2025
- USA Today - February 25, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 21, 2025
- Penny Dell Sunday - February 16, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 12, 2025
- Mirror Mini - February 08, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 01, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 25, 2025
- USA Today - January 25, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 18, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 17, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 16, 2025
- Mirror Daily - January 09, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 02, 2025
- Mindfood Daily - December 30, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 30, 2024
- New York Times - December 29, 2024
- LA Times - December 24, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 20, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 14, 2024
- LA Times - December 12, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 11, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 10, 2024
- Penny Dell Sunday - December 08, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 07, 2024
- Mirror Daily - December 05, 2024
- And in 1875 more crossword puzzles...