Clues for the word "IDS"
We've had 542 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 985 times in crosswords. It was last seen in LA Times crossword on March 17, 2025.
Referring Clues
- Some bracelets
- Freudian concerns
- 13-Down and others
- Roadblock requests
- Bouncers check them: Abbr.
- Proofs of age, for short
- Picks out of a lineup, for short
- Fingers
- Checkpoint requests
- Check cashers' cards
- Driver's lic. et al.
- Some cards and tags
- Tags
- Driver's licenses, in bars
- Wallet items
- Freudian topics
- Checks for ages, say
- Some may have photos
- Wallet cards, for short
- Some bracelets, briefly
- Psyche parts
- Bouncers' requests
- Bartenders check them: Abbr.
- Air travelers' needs, for short
- Driver's lic. and others
- Fingers, for short
- Bouncers' requests, briefly
- Entrance requirements, sometimes
- Co. badges
- Picks out in a lineup, for short
- Recognizes, briefly
- Passports and driver's licenses, for short
- Beer buyers' needs, for short
- Bar-goers' needs
- They're sometimes checked at checkout
- They're checked at checkpoints, in brief
- Driver's lic. and company badge
- Air travel needs, for short
- Co. photo badges, e.g.
- Driver's lic. and such
- Cards with photos, for short
- Fingers, to so speak
- They often have photos
- Doorkeepers' demands, briefly
- Airport checkpoint needs
- Barkeeps' requests
- Security needs
- Employee cards with photos, e.g.
- They're checked at the door
- Walletful, informally
- Badges, e.g., in brief
- Employee cards and such, briefly
- Wallet items, informally
- Photo badges and such
- C.S.I. tasks
- Bouncers check them, briefly
- Soc. Sec. card, et al.
- Psyche segments
- Drivers' licenses, e.g.
- Psyche sections
- Check-cashing needs
- Bouncers check them
- Fingers at a lineup
- Tags checked at the door
- Driver's lic., et al.
- Segments of psyches
- Door checks?
- Some have photos
- Puts the finger on
- Selects from a photo lineup
- Passports, e.g.
- Passports, e.g (abbr.)
- Passports, e.g. (abbr.)
- Driver's licenses, briefly
- Superegos inhibit them
- Security measures, briefly
- Proofs of age
- Name tags, briefly
- Passports and birth certificates, briefly
- Airline security needs, briefly
- What guards check
- Bouncers' reading material?
- Checked cards, for short
- Picks out of a lineup
- Fingers, so to speak
- Reasons for many DNA tests
- Fingers, briefly
- Teens may have fake ones
- Proofs of age, briefly
- Bouncer's requests, briefly
- Points out, as a perp
- Unconscious parts
- Cigarette seller's requests
- Egos' relatives
- Screens at the tavern door
- Parts of psyches
- DOB listers, often
- Border-crossing requirements
- Confirms the age of
- Border guards check them
- They're checked at checkpoints, briefly
- Security guard requests, briefly
- Credit cards, at times
- Pleasure seekers?
- Picks out of a lineup, briefly
- Bouncer's requests, for short
- They're checked at bars
- Bar requests
- Some tags
- Picture cards?
- Ones with photos are required at airports
- Hedonistic constructs
- Cred. cards, sometimes
- Security guard's requests
- Centers of aggression
- Carders' requests
- Employee badges: Abbr.
- What bouncers check
- Proof-of-age items, for short
- Passports, for example: Abbr.
- Carder's requests
- Bouncers request them
- Wallet cards
- Parts of the psyche
- Driver's lics., for example
- Self-survival centers
- SSNs, e.g.
- Employees' photo cards: Abbr.
- Psyche components
- Freudian concepts
- They're checked at some doors
- Proof-of-age items: Abbr.
- Personality pieces
- Security requests
- What bartenders check
- Bartender's requests
- Photo ___
- Teens may fake them
- Admission requirements, perhaps
- Age verifiers
- They're often displayed in bars
- Air travelers' requirements
- Some are fake
- They're sometimes fake
- Freudian parts
- Psyche divisions
- 5-Down can be used for them
- Personality parts
- Asks for a driver's license, briefly
- Dog tags, e.g.
- You'll need these to board
- Green cards, e.g.
- Some badges, for short
- Bouncers read them
- They may be sought-after in bars
- Fliers' requirements
- Psych 1 subjects
- They may be required to enter
- They're often needed to go clubbing
- Hospital bracelets
- Some badges
- They're checked at LAX
- Ego counterparts
- Name tags, e.g.
- They may be checked at the door
- Recognizes in a lineup
- Name tags, for instance
- Bouncer's demands
- Items checked before flying
- DMV licenses, often
- Wallet items, briefly
- Beer buyers' needs
- They're checked at check-in
- Makes, as a perp
- Fingers, in a way
- Airport requests
- Face cards?
- Driver's lic., etc.
- Screens at the bar door
- Psyches' segments
- Letters meaning fingers
- Photo ___
- Selects at a lineup
- Doorkeeper's demands
- Licenses, e.g.
- Cards with unflattering pics, often
- Passports and such
- People might show them when going out
- Cards with photos
- Fingers for the D.A.
- They're often carried near bills
- Passports etc.
- Passports, e.g.
- Passports, visas etc.
- Travel docs
- Passports and driver's licenses, in brief
- Nametags, e.g.
- Credit card users may be asked for them, briefly
- Security demands
- Passports, etc.
- Ego companions
- They're needed to see some movies
- Driver's lics., e.g.
- Velvet rope requests
- They're often flashed in front of bouncers
- Wallet cards, briefly
- Components of psyches
- Employee badges, e.g.
- Egos' counterparts
- Check users' needs
- Passport, license, etc.
- Picks out of 42-Across
- Photo badges, e.g.
- Cards at the door
- Photo badges, for ex.
- Check-casher's two, perhaps
- Check-casher's pair
- Fingers, in a sense
- Freudian subjects
- 11-Down counterparts
- Egos' mates
- Dog tags et al.
- Bartenders check them
- Name-tags, for short
- Picks from a lineup
- They prove it's you
- Dog tags, for ex.
- Bartenders check them (Abbr.)
- Check-cashers need two
- Fingers a suspect
- Carders' demands
- Checkpoint demands
- Nametags
- They're usually required for admission to the bar
- Wallet items, in brief
- Driver's licenses and such, in brief
- Driver's licenses and such, briefly
- Liquor purchasers' requirements, casually
- Border-crossing necessities
- Name tags, for short
- Age-verifying cards
- They're checked at airports
- They're seen on airport carousels
- Cards with pics
- Passports, e.g., in brief
- Some purse items, for short
- Airport check-in needs
- They're often shown in bars
- SSNs, et al.
- Bouncers' demands
- Bar entrance requirements
- Driver's licenses and such: Abbr.
- Checks the age of, in a way
- They're flashed at guards
- Items checked by T.S.A. agents
- Driver's licenses, say (Abbr.)
- Proof-of-age cards
- Airport demands
- Some card nos.
- Carders check them
- Checkpoint needs, briefly
- Puts a face to a name?
- Age proofs, briefly
- See 25-Across
- They're checked in bars
- Age-verifying docs.
- Young people may carry fake ones
- Relatives of egos
- Points a finger at
- They may be checked at an airport
- Driver's licenses, e.g.
- Bar requirements
- They may be checked for R-rated movies
- Tags on bags
- Admission requirements, sometimes
- Dog tags, say
- They may be displayed for alcohol
- Airport security requests
- Picks from a police lineup
- Employees' wear, for short
- Requests at roadblocks
- Requests from bouncers
- They are displayed for alcohol
- Fake ones get people bounced
- Driver's licenses, often
- Dog tags, for instance
- They're needed to purchase liquor
- Names
- Clubbing needs
- Doormen get to see them
- Verification docs
- Driver's licenses and such, for short
- Some are faked
- Checks at the door, say
- They're checked before flying
- Name tags
- People may be bounced without them
- Checks eligibility, slangily
- T.S.A. requirements
- They may be checked for checks
- Name cards (abbr.)
- Hospital bracelets, essentially
- Age-provers
- They may be shown at a door
- Checkpoint necessities
- Bartender's requests, sometimes
- Passports and Health cards e.g.
- Badges et al
- Fingers, as a perp
- Things checked by the T.S.A.
- Check cashers' needs
- Passports, licenses, etc.
- Names, as suspects
- Carders ask to see them
- "CSI" successes
- They show you are you
- What bouncers inspect
- Check-cashing needs, for short
- Things bouncers check
- Wallet cards (Abbr.)
- Badges
- Driver's licenses, at times
- Subjects of some voting laws
- TSA requests
- Much-faked items
- What a bar bouncer checks
- Checkpoint requirements: Abbr.
- Fingers in a lineup
- Cards with a photo
- Sources of urges
- Terminal requests
- Cards in wallets
- Some people are bounced after revealing them
- Recognizes
- Employee badges, essentially
- Things displayed at checkpoints
- Passports, for instance
- Check-cashing requirements, for short
- Crooks may have fake ones
- Cards with photos, briefly
- Passports, for instance: Abbr.
- Many provide DOBs
- D.M.V. demands
- Driver's licenses, birth certificates, etc.
- Proofs of age (Abbr.)
- They contain libidos
- Some cards with pics
- Picks out of a lineup, informally
- Youthful bar patrons are usually asked for them
- Phishing targets, briefly
- Egos' complements
- Passports and dog tags
- TSA agents' requests
- Passports, for example
- Checkpoint requirements (Abbr.)
- Bouncer's checks, for short?
- Passports, and the like
- Driver's lic., credit card, e.g.
- Billfold items, briefly
- TSA agents check them
- Requirements for beer purchases
- Cards with pics, perhaps
- Beer sellers' requests, for short
- Some minors have fake ones
- Employee photo badges, for short
- Bar requirements, briefly
- Names names, briefly
- Cards
- Social Security cards, e.g.
- Picks out of a mug book
- Passports, for short
- Topics for Freud
- Egos' kin
- Freud's concerns
- Dog tags, for short
- Driver's license and SSN, for two
- They're checked at some movies
- Identification tags, briefly
- Bouncer's concerns
- What bouncers may check
- They're checked at liquor stores
- Club requirements, maybe
- They may reveal your age: abbr.
- Bouncers ask for them
- Proofs of who you are
- They prove that you are actually you
- Proof-of-age items, briefly
- They're checked outside bars
- Kids might have fake ones
- Doormen check them
- Need them to get into some shows
- Need them to get in to some shows
- Need them at will-call
- Required for over-21 shows
- Photo cards, for short
- -
- Club entry requirements
- Bouncers' requests, often
- Puts a name to
- Face cards?
- Driver's licenses and passports, for example: Abbr.
- Visas, passports etc.
- They can prove you're of legal age: Abbr.
- 37 Down counterparts
- You-are-you provers
- They might be checked by bouncers: Abbr.
- Names names
- SSNs and others
- Cards that show your birth date, often: Abbr.
- Picks from a police lineup, for short
- TSA's frequent viewings
- Picture cards?
- Passports, SSNs, etc.
- Check-cashing reqmts.
- SSNs, say
- They feature your face
- Security desk requests, briefly
- Needs at customs
- They often show DOBs
- What bouncers check, for short
- GIs' dog tags
- Passports et al.
- Cards checked at the gate, briefly
- Things requested by bouncers
- Some entrance requirements
- Face cards, informally?
- Bag tags
- Clubgoers' needs, briefly
- TSA checkpoint requests
- Many include photos
- Photo cards
- Bar cards, briefly
- Cards checked at the door
- Driver's licenses and passports, for short
- Picks from a lineup, briefly
- Bouncers screen them, briefly
- What irises can be used for
- Names, briefly
- Cards with DOBs
- Driver's license and others: Abbr.
- Lab coat attachments
- Walletful
- Cards shown to get past bouncers
- Superegos’ relatives
- Cards at a club, say
- Credentials, for short
- Border crossers' needs, briefly
- Tags on bags, briefly
- Cards checked by bouncers
- Bouncers examine them
- Driver's license and others
- You provers
- Passports and dog tags, for short
- Proof of age cards, in short
- Cards brought to casinos?
- Air traveler's needs
- Driver's license and SSN
- Bouncers ask to see them
- DMVs issue them
- See 51 Down
- Things shown to bouncers
- TSA checkpoint needs: Abbr.
- Fake ___
- Voiceprints, for HSBC
- Cards with you on them
- They have names and photos
- Cards checked for building access
- Nametags, for short
- Proofs of who you are, for short
- Shows yourself
- Two forms of them are found in 18-, 38- and 60-Across
- Cards from DMVs
- Boarding requirements, briefly
- Requests at security lines
- Students' cards, briefly
- SSNs and such
- Some theft targets
- They're checked at check-ins
- Liquor store requests
- Things shown to TSA agents
- Security checkpoint requests
- Teens' may be fake
- "You" cards
- Cards on lanyards
- Passports, driver's licenses, etc.
- Cards shown at security desks
- Teens may have fake ones (Abbr.)
- Cards issued by the DMV
- Driver's licenses, etc.
- DMV documents
- Proofs people are who they say they are
- What adults present for library cards
- "Real" ones were first issued in the 2010s
- Face cards, for short?
- Bar necessities, at times
- Drivers' licenses and such
- Luggage tags, e.g.
- Licenses, passports, etc.
- Cards that show your DOB
- Documents shown to TSA
- Clubs often require them, for short
- Cards, say
- Things checked by T.S.A. workers
- Students' cards
- Some items in purses, for short
- Picks out of a lineup, say
- Driver's license, passport, etc.
- "We card" cards, for short
- Things that may be checked at the door, for short
- Points to, in a way
- Green cards, passports, etc.
- Docs with DOBs, often
- TSA checkpoint needs
- Passports and driver's licenses
- College freshmen might have fake ones
- Driver's licenses, for example
- Employee badges, for short
- Selects out of a lineup, informally
- Cards handed to a bouncer
- Club door requests
- They might be checked at the door
- Points the finger at
- Picks out, for short
- Passports, driver's licenses and such
- Cards shown to bouncers
- Self images?
- Freudian constructs
- Items often stored in plastic protectors
- Cards with personal info
- Confirms someone's age, for short
- Cards checked at bars
- The DMV issues them
- Passports, learner's permits, etc.
- Points out
- Cards shown to bartenders
- They may be used as proof of age
- Employee badges, e.g., for short
- Cards checked by the TSA
- Cards brought to bars
- Checks the age of
- Cards presented to bouncers
- Some cards
Last Seen In
- LA Times - March 17, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - March 11, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 01, 2025
- New York Times - January 28, 2025
- LA Times - January 23, 2025
- USA Today - January 23, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 16, 2025
- New York Times - January 15, 2025
- LA Times - January 07, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 02, 2025
- USA Today - December 20, 2024
- New York Times - December 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 16, 2024
- USA Today - December 06, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 30, 2024
- LA Times - November 22, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 19, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 13, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - November 02, 2024
- USA Today - November 01, 2024
- Family Time - October 28, 2024
- LA Times - October 22, 2024
- LA Times - October 21, 2024
- USA Today - October 17, 2024
- USA Today - October 13, 2024
- Mirror Mini - October 11, 2024
- USA Today - October 04, 2024
- USA Today - October 02, 2024
- New York Times - September 29, 2024
- USA Today - September 24, 2024
- And in 955 more crossword puzzles...