Clues for the word "ELK"
We've had 472 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1610 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Family Time crossword on March 23, 2025.
Definition of elk
- n. - A large deer, of several species. The European elk (Alces machlis or Cervus alces) is closely allied to the American moose. The American elk, or wapiti (Cervus Canadensis), is closely related to the European stag. See Moose, and Wapiti.
- n. - Alt. of Elke
Referring Clues
- Wapiti
- Tennessee tributary
- Lodge member
- Forest denizen
- Soft leather
- Caribou kin
- Soft shoe leather
- Big game animal
- Hunter's quarry
- Antlered animal
- Deer kin
- Source of a bugle call
- ___ Grove Village, Ill.
- Hunter's quarry
- Man in a lodge
- Pliable leather
- Cousin of a moose
- American ___
- Animal with horns
- Wild bugler
- Animal that bugles
- Civic supporter
- Kiwanian colleague
- Forest animal
- Cousin of a caribou
- Pride : lion :: gang : ___
- Forest ranger
- Canada's ___ Island National Park
- Member of an order
- Head up North?
- Largish deer
- Fraternal fellow
- Canada's ___ Island National Park
- Yellowstone herd member
- Yellowstone Park animal
- Tennessee River tributary
- Forest ranger?
- Army of Hope member
- Lodge brother
- Cows and bulls
- Horned animal
- Benevolent fellow
- Puma prey
- Animal with a white rump
- Beast with a bugling call
- Variety of leather
- Redwood National Park sight
- Bull or cow in the forest
- Fraternity member
- Black ___ (Lakota visionary)
- Roar : lion :: bugle : ___
- Big game
- Deer's cousin
- B.P.O.E. member
- Lodge member or large mammal
- Bullwinkle's cousin?
- Jackson Hole beast
- Moose relative
- Fraternal order member
- Antlered game animal
- Jackson Hole bugler
- Reindeer relative
- Animal with a bugle?
- Benevolent order member
- Grazer whose name is Shawnee for "white"
- Yellowstone roamer
- Beast seen in Yellowstone National Park
- Tundra wanderer
- Bugling mammal
- Forest bugler
- Yellowstone "resident"
- Lodge frequenter
- "Benevolent" order member
- Animal on Michigan's state flag
- Beast spotted in Yellowstone National Park
- Yellowstone grazer
- Animal on Michigan's flag
- Bugling grazer
- Yellowstone animal
- Beast seen near Banff
- Canadian creature
- North Woods beast
- Order member
- Yellowstone Park beast
- Caribou cousin
- Bugling deer
- Herd member, and word found in 17-, 28-, 44-, and 59-Across
- Second-largest deer
- Large species of deer
- Yellowstone creature
- Finnish entrée
- Moose, to a European
- The Hartford logo
- Yellowstone beast
- Yellowstone sight
- Leather source
- Rockies bugler
- County in Kansas and Pennsylvania
- Bugling animal with horns
- Yellowstone sighting
- Glove leather source
- Deer friend?
- Red meat source
- Certain lodge fellow
- Big-game hunter's quarry
- Yellowstone bugler
- Soft leather source
- Certain lodge member
- Bugling beast
- Fraternal animal?
- Four-legged bugler
- Yellowstone herd
- Fraternal society member
- "Benevolent" fellow
- Large deer
- Majestic grazer
- Rockies roamer
- "Benevolent" guy
- Big deer
- Great Plains grazer
- Deer-family member
- Totem-pole depiction
- Fraternal one
- Fraternal-order member
- Leather used for moccasins
- It's seen on Michigan's flag
- Aspen-sprout eater
- Forest grazer
- Male with a rack
- Moose, in Europe
- Certain lodge brother
- Yellowstone National Park beast
- Reindeer's kin
- Rack packer
- Benevolent one
- White-rumped westerner
- Hunter's prize, perhaps
- Roaring ruminant
- Second-largest of the deer family
- White-rumped grazer
- Banff National Park beast
- Caribou relative
- Certain leather source
- Creature on Michigan's state flag
- Antlered critter
- They're game
- Hunter's trophy, perhaps
- Fraternal brother
- Game animal
- Certain fraternal order member
- Petroglyph animal
- Hunter's trophy
- Grizzly bear's catch
- Rockies resident
- Utah's state animal
- Member of the deer family
- Yellowstone bugling beast
- Pennsylvania's ___ Mountain (skiing area)
- White-rumped deer
- Deer relative
- Broad-Antlered Deer
- An atheist can't be one
- Beast that's a bugler
- "Benevolent" fraternal member
- Forest game
- Mountain lion prey
- Buckskin source
- Mountain lion's prey
- Animal on the Michigan flag
- Moose
- Hooved grazer
- Hunters quarry
- Brother since 1868
- Rockies ruminant
- Mammal that bugles
- Grand Teton grazer
- Stuffed head on a wall, perhaps
- Northern deer
- Fraternal lodge member
- Hunter's big game
- Bugler with horns
- Hoofed grazer
- Rockies grazer
- Antlered Canadian animal
- Common ungulate
- Bugler of the wild
- Fraternal member
- Bugle call responder?
- Moose's kin
- Caribou's cousin
- Caribou's kin
- Moose kin
- Canadian grazer
- Moose's cousin
- Northern grazer
- Forest mammal
- Moose cousin
- Red deer
- Reindeer kin
- Relative of a reindeer
- Reindeer's cousin
- Bugler in the woods
- Beast that bugles
- Great Smoky Mountains deer
- Taiga denizens
- Game with a rack?
- Jumbo deer
- Hunter's prey, perhaps
- Animal with a bugling call
- Forest creature
- One kind of fraternal-order member
- Grazer with a rack
- Utah state animal
- BPOE member
- Large game animal
- Beast on Michigan's flag
- Yellowstone resident
- Leather variety
- Antlered creature
- Member of a certain order
- Rotarian relative
- 1,000-pound Yellowstoner
- Yellowstone inhabitant
- Fraternal group member
- Something stuck in a rut?
- European's term for a moose
- One who observes a fraternal Hour of Recollection
- Animal roaming the Rockies
- Some bulls
- Majestic animal at the Grand Canyon
- Ungulate
- Yosemite grazer
- Mooselike mammal
- Antlered ruminant
- Bull or cow
- Antlered ruminants
- Antlered bugler
- "Benevolent" club member
- Game with horns
- Rocky Mountain ___
- Animal with antlers
- Grazer in Yellowstone
- Game with antlers
- Bugling animal
- Yellowstone National Park inhabitant
- Alberta's ___ Island National Park
- Rocky Mountain National Park bugler
- Bugler in a forest
- Lodge logo animal
- Canadian critter
- Game in a forest
- Large land mammal
- Certain ruminant
- Yellowstone Park grazer
- Reindeer cousin
- One of a benevolent order
- Roamer in the Rockies
- Deer cousin
- Creature in The Hartford's logo
- Image on the Michigan state flag
- Red deer or wapiti
- Broad-antlered animal
- Fraternal sort
- Benevolent and protective order member
- Animal on the Michigan state flag
- Deer family member
- Bugling beasts
- Fraternal club member
- Popular game?
- Large grazer
- Banff or Jasper frequenter?
- Rocky Mountain National Park beast
- Common deer of Europe
- Official 18-Across of Utah
- FDR was one
- Big bugler
- Member of an organization with an Exalted Ruler
- Creature on Michigan's flag
- ___ crossing: Canadian sign warning
- Moose's relative
- Image on Idaho's state flag
- Beast on Michigan's state flag
- Large northern deer
- Largest deer
- It's game
- Animal in a rut
- Rockies game
- JFK was one
- Antlered grazer
- North American deer
- Logo for the Hartford
- Northern game
- Member of a fraternal group
- Wyoming's National ___ Refuge
- Cervid
- Banff wildlife
- Meat they eat in Helsinki
- Venison source
- Yosemite roamer
- Tetons grazer
- "Benevolent" fraternity member
- Antler sporter
- Tundra beast
- Broad-antlered creature
- Alberta grazer
- Foal : horse :: calf : ___
- Pennsylvania county named for an animal
- "Benevolent" lodge member
- Rockies rover
- Majestic Yellowstone creature
- Large cervid
- Beast on Idaho's seal
- Big game?
- Game in the woods?
- Yosemite beast
- Beast that has no problem bugling
- Hunter's antlered prey
- "Civic" animal
- Wapiti, by another name
- Wolf pack's prey, perhaps
- Tributary of the Tennessee
- Neigh: horse: bugle: ___
- Some deer
- Higher-priced burger meat
- Cougar prey
- Male that might be in a rut?
- Animal with a rack
- Wawaskeesh
- Deer
- Deer's kin
- Member at lodge?
- Certain deer
- Forest forager
- Large deer relative
- Large antlered beast
- Large deer with antlers
- Big moose
- Large moose
- Herd members
- Helsinki entree
- Forest creature with antlers
- Herd animal
- Animal in a novel kind of situation
- Animal of the camel kind?
- Black ___ (Sioux medicine man)
- Coyote pack's prey
- Bugler in the wild
- Big game of a sort
- There's one on Michigan's flag
- Jackson Hole grazer
- State animal of Utah
- BPOE part
- Fawn : deer :: calf : ___
- Gang members of the animal kingdom
- Antlered one
- Yellowstone Park wanderer
- Steppe-dwelling cervid
- Wolf-pack prey
- Teton Range herd
- Large antlered animal
- Forest creature with large antlers
- Animal also known as a wapiti
- Forest beast
- Animal found in hotel kitchen
- Grazer on Michigan's flag
- Reindeer's relative
- Forest ranger?
- Member at lodge?
- Racked animal
- Gang members
- Herd at Yellowstone
- Creature in the woods
- Bugling forest dweller
- Bugle call maker
- Broad-antlered beast
- Noncollegiate fraternity member
- Rocky Mountain ruminant
- Mammal with a rack
- Grand Tetons beast
- Yosemite herd
- Animal of a novel kind
- Yellowstone ruminant
- Participant in antler wrestling
- Cougar's prey
- Some Yellowstone fauna
- Antler wrestler
- Creature with a rack
- Yellowstone grazers
- Member of a benevolent order
- Huge deer
- Moose’s kin
- Deer family animal
- 15-Across, in Eurasia
- Animal in a lodge logo
- Largest of the deer family
- Large animal in the Rockies
- Nigel Kennedy doesn't really possess such an animal
- Deer also known as wapiti
- Rocky Mountains grazer
- Species whose males have antlers
- National ___ Refuge (Wyoming wildlife area)
- Four-legged forest ranger
- Its species is Cervus canadensis
- A female one doesn't have antlers
- Idaho grazer
- Animal hidden in "Immanuel Kant"
- Animal at Yellowstone National Park
- Relative of the caribou
- Quadruped of a novel kind
- Big game species
- Deer's large relative
- Utah’s state animal
- Big-antlered animal
- Taos Pueblo painter Albert Looking ___
- Yellowstone deer
- Animal hidden in "Michael Kors"
- Animal that can weigh over a thousand pounds
- Mammal whose males bugle
- Fraternal order member since 1868
- It has a camel's tail and a kangaroo's head!
- Mammal that rhymes with a sea snail
- Bugler in the Rockies
- Rocky Mountain National Park sighting
- Deer in a lodge logo
- Large 8-Down
- A male one has antlers
- Antlered Yellowstone beast
- Animal of the camel kind?
- Animal hidden in "pretzel knot"
- Relative of a moose
- Creature in many national parks
- Beast also known as omashkooz
- Animal on Idaho's state seal
- Animal facing a moose on Michigan's flag
- Game measured by its number of points
- Huge northern deer
- Horned buglers
- Huge North American deer
- Big grazer
- Deer relative that bugles and glunks
- Animal also known by the Shawnee name "wapiti"
- Rocky Mountain bugler
- Yellowstone herd animal
- Sight at Rocky Mountain National Park
- Mammals also known as wapiti
- Beef alternative in burgers
- Creature that's a bugler
- Rocky Mountain National Park sight
- Majestic deer
- Beast sighted in the Rockies
- Part of a Western herd
- Large 5-Down
- Mammal with a white rump
- Large antlered creature
- Rocky Mountain ___ (state animal of Utah)
- Official state animal of Utah
- Large deer in the Rockies
- Rocky Mountain National Park grazer
- Deer with two ivory teeth
- Colorado's ___ Mountains
- Prey for a mountain lion
- Rocky Mountain deer
- Animal with a bugle-like mating call
- Antlered quadruped
- Large antlered deer
- Sighting at Yellowstone
- Yellowstone buglers
- Prey for gray wolves
- Deer that might bugle
- Creature on the Michigan flag
- Animal featured on the Olympic National Park quarter
Last Seen In
- Family Time - March 23, 2025
- USA Today - March 05, 2025
- LA Times - February 28, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 28, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 18, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - February 16, 2025
- LA Times - February 05, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - February 03, 2025
- Mirror Mini - January 31, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 31, 2025
- Family Time - January 27, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 26, 2025
- Family Time - January 26, 2025
- USA Today - January 21, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - January 20, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 18, 2025
- USA Today - January 14, 2025
- Family Time - January 12, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 10, 2025
- New York Times - January 05, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 01, 2025
- Your Life Choices - December 30, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - December 20, 2024
- New York Times - December 17, 2024
- LA Times - December 12, 2024
- Family Time - December 08, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - December 03, 2024
- Daily American - December 03, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - November 29, 2024
- LA Times - November 24, 2024
- And in 1580 more crossword puzzles...