Clues for the word "DOUBLE"
We've had 79 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 106 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Evening Standard Easy crossword on February 17, 2025.
Definition of double
- a. - Twofold; multiplied by two; increased by its equivalent; made twice as large or as much, etc.
- a. - Being in pairs; presenting two of a kind, or two in a set together; coupled.
- a. - Divided into two; acting two parts, one openly and the other secretly; equivocal; deceitful; insincere.
- a. - Having the petals in a flower considerably increased beyond the natural number, usually as the result of cultivation and the expense of the stamens, or stamens and pistils. The white water lily and some other plants have their blossoms naturally double.
- adv. - Twice; doubly.
- a. - To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like; multiply by two; to double a sum of money; to double a number, or length.
- a. - To make of two thicknesses or folds by turning or bending together in the middle; to fold one part upon another part of; as, to double the leaf of a book, and the like; to clinch, as the fist; -- often followed by up; as, to double up a sheet of paper or cloth.
- a. - To be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as.
- a. - To pass around or by; to march or sail round, so as to reverse the direction of motion.
- a. - To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.
- v. i. - To be increased to twice the sum, number, quantity, length, or value; to increase or grow to twice as much.
- v. i. - To return upon one's track; to turn and go back over the same ground, or in an opposite direction.
- v. i. - To play tricks; to use sleights; to play false.
- v. i. - To set up a word or words a second time by mistake; to make a doublet.
- n. - Twice as much; twice the number, sum, quantity, length, value, and the like.
- n. - Among compositors, a doublet (see Doublet, 2.); among pressmen, a sheet that is twice pulled, and blurred.
- n. - That which is doubled over or together; a doubling; a plait; a fold.
- n. - A turn or circuit in running to escape pursues; hence, a trick; a shift; an artifice.
- n. - Something precisely equal or counterpart to another; a counterpart. Hence, a wraith.
- n. - A player or singer who prepares to take the part of another player in his absence; a substitute.
- n. - Double beer; strong beer.
- n. - A feast in which the antiphon is doubled, hat is, said twice, before and after the Psalms, instead of only half being said, as in simple feasts.
- n. - A game between two pairs of players; as, a first prize for doubles.
- n. - An old term for a variation, as in Bach's Suites.
Referring Clues
- *"Toil and trouble" preceder
- Two-base hit
- Stunt man, perhaps
- It can precede the first words of 17-, 28-, 35-, 47- and 61-Across
- Two-bagger
- Request to a bartender
- Twin
- Stiff drink
- Word that must precede 17-, 19-, 34-, 55-, and 58-Across to make sense of their clues
- Up a lot
- Bar order
- See 1-Across
- One batting result
- Dead ringer
- Look-alike
- Clone
- Spitting image
- It might be off the wall
- Stiff drink, maybe
- Stuntman
- At a faster speed
- Bar order after a very hard day, maybe
- With 55-Down, form of the contents of the circled letters
- Bad person to share appetizers with?
- Exact look-alike
- See 37-Across
- Twofold
- Type of lengthy album
- Offence of leaving one's car where it blocks another
- Increase by 100%
- Person who says one thing and does another
- Lookalike
- Darts player's favourite drink?
- Score of forty with one dart, perhaps?
- Twice
- Run to make the five ten
- Repeated consumption of 5 across (or 16!) might make you see it
- Stand in for the rehearsal or run
- Not a single feature that would make old-style toast
- Drink largely is an old habit, timeless
- Shot twice
- Facial feature two inches out?
- Spitting Image repeat
- Ringer - large drink
- Become involved in another roadside row
- Threads brought together, writing material up found in old jacket
- Substitute for 4, 9, 10, 14, 19, 21, 27 or 29
- Backwards and forwards we go on the Underground
- Huge blow, when gloomy for the most part, blew over the top
- ___ or nothing
- Twice appearing as an understudy
- Social security in social security (social security in social security)
- A drink that the darts player needs
- U-U-U-U like some meat? That's a huge blow!
- Cheat on XX
- One drink or two taking effect on blue fluid
- Twice as much
- A drink or two
- Comic butler needed no words to tickle audience
- With 45 Down, alternate puzzle title
- Can you drink one twice?
- Double ___ ( Canajun for coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar )
- Bid to run at this
- Twice the amount
- When you drink one, have you had a couple?
- Pay out some subs twice
- Strong drink, and part 1 of a word ladder
- Shotgun type
- With 57-Across, ice cream order depicted at 31-Down
- Be loud, perhaps twice as much
- Stunt stand-in
- Pay out a third of a rouble twice!
- One drink much like another?
- Darts player's favourite drink?
- Match
- Times two
- Word before "time" or "date"
- Good hit
- With 63-Across, tricky football play ... as represented by this puzzle's shaded squares?
Last Seen In
- Evening Standard Easy - February 17, 2025
- Daily Quick - January 08, 2025
- Daily Quick - December 31, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 22, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - December 20, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - October 10, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - September 29, 2024
- New York Times - September 26, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - September 10, 2024
- New Zealand Herald - August 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - July 22, 2024
- Daily Quick - June 09, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - May 23, 2024
- Your Life Choices - May 07, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - April 22, 2024
- Daily American - October 02, 2023
- Daily Quick - July 24, 2023
- Mindfood Daily - July 02, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - June 22, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - April 12, 2023
- Evening Standard Quick - March 30, 2023
- Daily American - March 15, 2023
- Your Life Choices - January 13, 2023
- Daily Quick - January 08, 2023
- Penny Dell Daily - January 02, 2023
- Daily Quick - December 31, 2022
- USA Today - December 24, 2022
- Penny Dell Daily - September 12, 2022
- Penny Dell Daily - August 18, 2022
- Daily Quick - June 09, 2022
- And in 76 more crossword puzzles...