Clues for the word "CHESS"
We've had 210 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 309 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Your Life Choices crossword on March 15, 2025.
Definition of chess
- n. - A game played on a chessboard, by two persons, with two differently colored sets of men, sixteen in each set. Each player has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two castles or rooks, and eight pawns.
- n. - A species of brome grass (Bromus secalinus) which is a troublesome weed in wheat fields, and is often erroneously regarded as degenerate or changed wheat; it bears a very slight resemblance to oats, and if reaped and ground up with wheat, so as to be used for food, is said to produce narcotic effects; -- called also cheat and Willard's bromus.
Referring Clues
- Popular newspaper column
- Castle locale
- Kind of board
- Black-and-white set
- Kasparov's game
- Deep Blue specialty
- Battle of wits
- Deep Blue's game
- Game of kings and queens
- Game with pins
- Mating game
- Game played on 64 squares
- Setting for a check
- "Through the Looking-Glass" game
- Speed ___
- The mating game?
- Game with 16 men on a side
- Game played with bishops
- Game of bishops and knights
- Game with kings and queens
- Its openings are often studied
- Knight's activity?
- Grandmaster's game
- What a patzer plays
- Game with many openings
- Knight's realm?
- Game with at most one mate
- Word that can precede the first word of the answers to the asterisked clues
- Game with gambits
- It has two kings and two queens
- Game of kings and castles
- ___ set
- Game with kings and pawns
- Game with kings and castles
- Ancient pastime
- The mating game
- Game of kings and queens?
- "Through the Looking-Glass" game
- Where there's a quest for a mate
- Game that features mating
- Endgame game
- Where the queen conquers more than the king
- Game believed to be of Indian origin
- Where the queen travels farther than the king
- Game played with men and a board
- Fischer forte
- Spassky's passion
- Pastime with pawns
- Game with knights
- Game with checks
- Checkers alternative
- Benjamin Franklin's "The Morals of ___"
- It involves one's quest for a mate
- Game with knight moves
- ___ set
- Activity requiring four bishops
- Fischer's forte , once
- Game of forks and pins
- Venerable board game
- Many men get captured in it
- Spassky's game
- Kasparov's forte
- Game with pawns and knights
- It includes a lot of checks
- Fischer's game
- Bogart played it by mail
- Game with forks and pins
- Yanofsky's game
- Game with pawns
- Game with horses
- Mating game?
- Game played with 32 men
- Fischer's skill
- War for 30 men and 2 women?
- Game of strategy
- It may include a checking account
- Magnus Carlsen's game
- Game where the ends of the answers to starred clues are commonly heard
- What a check might be delivered in
- Game in which pieces can be forked
- Game with rooks and pawns
- Deep blue's forte
- Setting for a castle
- 1988 Tim Rice musical
- "As elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you could find anywhere outside an advertising agency," per Raymond Chandler
- Match with bishops
- Game with knights and pawns
- Many of its pieces are lost during play
- Game with kings and rooks
- Strategic board game
- Venue in which mating occurs
- Musical whose plot involves a two-person tournament
- "Life is a kind of ___": Benjamin Franklin
- Game with rooks
- Game with capturing
- Fischer's forte
- Veselin Topalov's game
- Game where it's not cool to call some pieces "horses"
- Where queens are more powerful than kings
- A board game for you and your mates?
- Board game with a king and queen
- Game played on a checkered board
- Traditional board game
- Game with 32 pieces
- Logical pastime
- Board game
- Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus musical
- Game involving mates
- It's played during a witches' Sabbath
- The Mating Game in black and white
- On board, it gives duchesses heart
- Game for two
- In which the men try to prevent the mate coming on board
- A game of men
- What may be pursued on board revolutionary ship
- On board, the mate puts an end to it
- In patches, some game!
- Game in which men get pushed around
- It's played in matches, sometimes
- The historic Hessians' game
- The duchess's game
- It's over when mate of the French deserts a noblewoman
- "The gymnasium of the mind," to Pascal
- Musical - board game
- Revolutionary on board like this?
- It employs men on board red ship
- He's in the Civil Service game
- Game aristocrats lacking rights
- Rivals seeking mates, 11 and 26
- Musical 24
- "Mental torture," per Garry Kasparov
- Board meeting activity?
- Game may be caught by a man with craft
- Game show
- He's in the Civil Service. What a game!
- Musical game
- Ancient war game whose name may have derived for the Persian for 'king'
- Aristocrat losing some French game
- Caught famous pianist in musical
- Musical, presumably in black and white!
- Caught, she's out in game
- Musical, first to captivate pianist
- This game teaches strategy, in part
- He's seen in wings in Carmen Jones (a musical)
- Titled lady losing first two in game of skill
- Chapter on English pianist making musical
- Conservative speeches I prepared for bishop, say
- Some coaches spoil game
- County in short leading second game
- Boxes, losing tense contest in 9
- Karpov's game
- Strategy game
- Board game with pawns
- Bobby Fischer's game
- 32-piece pastime
- It involves kings and queens in a witches' sabbath
- Noble misses kick-off for Dundee United game
- Mate ends this old duty husband introduced
- Mind game
- Kin of checkers
- The mating game?
- Game with pawns and rooks
- A board game for you and your mates?
- Kingly pursuit?
- "___ makes man wiser and clear-sighted": Vladimir Putin
- Game with pawns and bishops
- 32-piece game
- Board game using pawns
- Promotional activity?
- Game with a mate
- Game of kings
- It's played slowly and movingly
- Mating game?
- Game that needs checking
- Subject game of this puzzle
- In each essential, a mind game?
- A game to master?
- *Influential record company named for co-founding brothers Leonard and Phil
- Quest for a mate
- Game on an 8x8 board
- Game of kings and pawns
- Game with grand masters
- ***Game with rooks (1 and 2)
- Phiona Mutesi's game
- Game with queens
- Game in Vonnegut's "All the King's Horses"
- Musical with the song "Endgame"
- As played in a match, essentially
- Pastime for Napoleon and Benjamin Franklin
- Ancient board game
- "The gymnasium of the mind," per Pascal
- Game with two queens
- Judit Polgar's game
- Nona Gaprindashvili's game
- "The Queen's Gambit" game
- Game that can end in two moves
- Where queens are most powerful
- Game
- Game of checkers?
- Fischer's specialty
- Activity with castles
- "The gymnasium of the mind," per Blaise Pascal
- It has thousands of openings
- The game of Charlie and Rudolf
- Xie Jun's game
- Game with castling
- Board game combined with boxing in a hybrid sport
- "A foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever, when they are only wasting their time," per Shaw
- Game with grandmasters
- "The Queen's Gambit" activity
Last Seen In
- Your Life Choices - March 15, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - February 24, 2025
- Your Life Choices - January 15, 2025
- New Zealand Herald - December 28, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - December 28, 2024
- LA Times - December 09, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - December 06, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - November 28, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - November 02, 2024
- Family Time - October 27, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - October 16, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 07, 2024
- Daily American - October 07, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - October 05, 2024
- Daily Cryptic - September 05, 2024
- Mindfood Daily - August 16, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - August 09, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - July 25, 2024
- Daily American - June 17, 2024
- Daily Quick - June 15, 2024
- USA Today - June 09, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - May 15, 2024
- Daily American - February 16, 2024
- Your Life Choices - January 03, 2024
- Daily Quick - December 20, 2023
- LA Times - December 03, 2023
- Daily Cryptic - November 02, 2023
- Daily Quick - October 18, 2023
- LA Times - September 18, 2023
- USA Today - September 16, 2023
- And in 279 more crossword puzzles...