Clues for the word "BASE"
We've had 324 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 702 times in crosswords. It was last seen in Family Time crossword on March 10, 2025.
Definition of base
- a. - Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs.
- a. - Low in place or position.
- a. - Of humble birth; or low degree; lowly; mean.
- a. - Illegitimate by birth; bastard.
- a. - Of little comparative value, as metal inferior to gold and silver, the precious metals.
- a. - Alloyed with inferior metal; debased; as, base coin; base bullion.
- a. - Morally low. Hence: Low-minded; unworthy; without dignity of sentiment; ignoble; mean; illiberal; menial; as, a base fellow; base motives; base occupations.
- a. - Not classical or correct.
- a. - Deep or grave in sound; as, the base tone of a violin.
- a. - Not held by honorable service; as, a base estate, one held by services not honorable; held by villenage. Such a tenure is called base, or low, and the tenant, a base tenant.
- n. - The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for support; the foundation; as, the base of a statue.
- n. - Fig.: The fundamental or essential part of a thing; the essential principle; a groundwork.
- n. - The lower part of a wall, pier, or column, when treated as a separate feature, usually in projection, or especially ornamented.
- n. - The lower part of a complete architectural design, as of a monument; also, the lower part of any elaborate piece of furniture or decoration.
- n. - That extremity of a leaf, fruit, etc., at which it is attached to its support.
- n. - The positive, or non-acid component of a salt; a substance which, combined with an acid, neutralizes the latter and forms a salt; -- applied also to the hydroxides of the positive elements or radicals, and to certain organic bodies resembling them in their property of forming salts with acids.
- n. - The chief ingredient in a compound.
- n. - A substance used as a mordant.
- n. - The exterior side of the polygon, or that imaginary line which connects the salient angles of two adjacent bastions.
- n. - The line or surface constituting that part of a figure on which it is supposed to stand.
- n. - The number from which a mathematical table is constructed; as, the base of a system of logarithms.
- n. - A low, or deep, sound. (Mus.) (a) The lowest part; the deepest male voice. (b) One who sings, or the instrument which plays, base.
- n. - A place or tract of country, protected by fortifications, or by natural advantages, from which the operations of an army proceed, forward movements are made, supplies are furnished, etc.
- n. - The smallest kind of cannon.
- n. - That part of an organ by which it is attached to another more central organ.
- n. - The basal plane of a crystal.
- n. - The ground mass of a rock, especially if not distinctly crystalline.
- n. - The lower part of the field. See Escutcheon.
- n. - The housing of a horse.
- n. - A kind of skirt ( often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mailed armor) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
- n. - The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
- n. - An apron.
- n. - The point or line from which a start is made; a starting place or a goal in various games.
- n. - A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
- n. - A rustic play; -- called also prisoner's base, prison base, or bars.
- n. - Any one of the four bounds which mark the circuit of the infield.
- n. - To put on a base or basis; to lay the foundation of; to found, as an argument or conclusion; -- used with on or upon.
- a. - To abase; to let, or cast, down; to lower.
- a. - To reduce the value of; to debase.
Referring Clues
- Kind of path or pay
- First or second, e.g.
- Safari camp
- Cornerstone
- Pedestal
- Corner of a diamond
- It may be stolen
- It may react with an acid
- Barracks site
- Item often stolen yet left where it is
- Kind of metal
- See 13-Down
- First, second or third
- See 52-Down
- Private area?
- Slider's goal
- Kind of pay or path
- Kind of coat
- Headquarters
- Resting place
- Pyramid part
- Barracks locale
- Bottom
- Military installation
- Mean
- It's frequently stolen
- When stolen, it stays in place
- First, second, third or home
- Private residence?
- Contemptible
- Military site
- Foundation
- First, second, or third
- Touch ___ (make contact)
- Mean and nasty
- Word before burner or runner
- Acid neutralizer
- Vile and nasty
- Pyramid's bottom
- Stolen diamond object
- It's stolen without being removed
- Bag of diamonds
- Home is one
- Oft-stolen diamond item
- Pyramid bottom
- Place for Who, What, or I Don't Know
- Diamond theft?
- Barracks spot
- Diamond theft
- Locale for Who, What, or I Don't Know
- Lowdown and dirty
- Bottom layer
- Military command center
- Hard-core followers, in politics
- Dishonorable
- First, second or third, on a diamond
- Despicable
- Diamond corner
- Low
- Found (on)
- Military training area
- Word with ball or board
- Army training area
- Stop on the way home?
- Diamond square
- First or third
- Situate
- Pedestal bottom
- Second or home
- Part of a pedestal
- Home plate, for one
- Military post
- With 30 Across, ballpark single
- Army outpost
- Infield bag
- Statue part
- Statue's bottom
- Air Force facility
- Spot for a slide
- Operations center
- Part of a diamond?
- Point on a diamond
- You're safe standing on this
- Pedestal part
- Oft-stolen object
- Lowest support of a structure
- Command post
- Runner's objective
- It may be first, second or third in its field
- Private home?
- Diamond bag
- Runner's place
- ___ 10
- Lowdown
- Hide-and-seek spot
- Foundamental principal or starting point
- Infield post
- It's high on the pH scale
- Ballplayer's theft
- Naval outpost
- Home port
- Turns litmus blue
- It turns litmus blue
- Center of operations
- Private dwelling?
- Private home
- Shilo or Petawawa
- Depraved
- First, second or third, at Fenway
- Igboble
- Ignoble
- Main ingredient
- Military operations center
- First or fan follower
- Sergeant's station
- Pyramid part
- Military facility
- Home plate, e.g.
- See 56-Across
- Vile
- Its pH is more than 7
- Acid's opposite
- GI's home
- Sordid
- Kind of camp
- See 1-Across
- Military outpost
- Infield corner
- Word before pay or path
- Air Force installation
- General headquarters?
- Corner on a diamond
- It turns litmus paper blue
- Air Force outpost
- Where barracks are built
- Supporting part
- Point of departure
- First, second, third, or home
- ___ pay
- Safe place
- General area?
- Place for GIs
- Home plate, for example
- Morally low
- Principle ingredient of a mixture
- Bag of diamonds?
- Diamond destination
- Military station
- Word with air or tax
- Army post
- Starting point
- Location in a game of tag
- With ball, our third most popular pastime
- Like metals used by 1-Across
- Lowest part
- One of an infield quartet
- "Who's on first?" word
- Military headquarters
- Position for Bud Abbott's Who or What
- First paint coat
- Groundwork
- Sea of Tranquillity, for the Apollo 11 astronauts
- Chief constituent
- Primary constituent
- Two, for binary arithmetic
- Word with "ball" or "board"
- Diamond component?
- Safe place on a diamond
- Army camp
- The "5" of 5^2
- Part of a statue
- When combined with 50-Down, this puzzle's game
- Plinth, for a pillar
- One of four on a diamond
- Place to lead a private life?
- Camp Lejeune, e.g.
- Part of AFB
- Political group unlikely to be swayed
- Army locale
- Naval station
- Soldier's home
- Bottom of a statue
- Stronghold
- High-pH substance
- Part of a trophy
- Private place?
- Iniquitous
- Slider's target
- ___ on balls
- It may be stolen in a park
- Bottom of a pedestal
- Fundamental principle
- Starting place
- Military hq
- Military center
- AFB part
- Military setting
- Machado's third?
- Home plate is one, officially
- Army installation
- Where you're safe even if tagged
- Triangle's bottom
- Mess setting
- Word before metal or instinct
- First, second or third, at Yankee Stadium
- A batter's goal is to reach ___
- First, second or third, on the baseball field
- Batter's goal is to reach first ___
- First, second or third on a baseball field
- Abject
- Army facility
- First, second or third in baseball
- "All your ___ are belong to us"
- Ignoble foundation
- Two, for binary
- Second or third, on a field
- Platform
- Thing in the Yankees' infield
- There is an umpire for each one
- Ace of ___
- Ignoble - HQ
- Interest charged by the Bank of England to commercial banks
- Plinth
- Shameful - headquarters
- Mean - military installation
- Is it bad down there?
- Bottom, foundation
- Found unworthy of honour
- Found to be contemptible
- Meanspirited
- Low bed
- Runner's goal
- Politico's core supporters
- Low-down
- Bust bottom
- Immoral
- Square on a diamond
- Either of two sides of a trapezoid
- Police radio control room
- Inferior ground
- Mean to establish
- Live without as a starting point
- Heard singer's bottom?
- Worthless pedestal
- See 6
- Ballpark theft
- Group of loyal followers, to a politician
- Something "stolen" during a ball game
- Jets' home
- Litmus-test result
- Home can be the first place to run!
- Lead-in to line
- Army station
- Core political support
- Statue bottom
- One's most ardent supporters
- Naval facility
- Politician's core supporters
- Vulgar
- Pedestal's bottom
- Diamond feature
- Candidate's dedicated supporters
- Politician's core support
- It's halfway around a diamond
- Where serviceman can't get much lower?
- Bottom place for service?
- Centre of operations
- First, in "Who's on First?"
- Part of a triangle's area formula
- Politico's core support
- Runner’s stop
- The place for the low soldiery?
- First layer of makeup
- Starting point for Swiss city lacking top wine
- It may be stolen while thousands look on
- Stalwart political group
- Core political supporters
- Bottom support
- Lowly
- 10, for the decimal system
- One of several on a diamond in the park
- Footing
- It may be stolen on a diamond
- It might be stolen in full view
- Good thing to reach on a baseball field
- High-pH compound
- Makeup layer
- An Angel may steal one
- Loyal political group
- Bottom of a trophy
- ___ of operations
- A pickoff move sends you back to it
- Pedestal or plinth
- Baseball location
- Reliable supporters
- Place for a soldier
- Reward for four balls
- Command center
- It turns red litmus paper blue
- Bag for a diamond
- First, second, or third place
- Private home?
- Bottom of a mountain
- First or home, e.g.
- Is it bad down there?
- One of four on a softball field
- "You're way off ___"
- Square on a softball field
- Touch ___ (get in contact)
- The "x" in x2
- Stop on the way home?
- One at the corner of a diamond?
- Baseballer's corner
- Part of a kickball diamond
- High scorer on a pH test
- Possible litmus test result
- Alkaline chemical
- Acid's counterpart
- Core supporters
- Bag that may be stolen
- Acid counterpart
- Home plate is the "fourth" one
- Client ___ (company's group of customers)
- General headquarters?
Last Seen In
- Family Time - March 10, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - February 11, 2025
- USA Today - February 07, 2025
- Mirror Daily - February 02, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 27, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 24, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - January 18, 2025
- USA Today - January 16, 2025
- Evening Standard Quick - January 13, 2025
- Daily American - January 11, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 09, 2025
- Daily American - January 08, 2025
- New York Times - January 08, 2025
- Penny Dell Daily - December 30, 2024
- LA Times - December 11, 2024
- LA Times - November 30, 2024
- Mirror Daily - November 26, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 20, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 11, 2024
- LA Times - November 08, 2024
- Your Life Choices - October 29, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - October 28, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - October 27, 2024
- Mirror Daily - October 25, 2024
- Penny Dell Daily - October 07, 2024
- Mirror Daily - September 30, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - September 28, 2024
- Daily American - September 19, 2024
- Evening Standard Quick - September 19, 2024
- USA Today - September 16, 2024
- And in 672 more crossword puzzles...