Clues for the word "ANS"
We've had 151 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 309 times in crosswords. It was last seen in New York Times crossword on November 17, 2024.
Referring Clues
- T or F, e.g.: Abbr.
- Question's opposite: Abbr.
- Ques. counterpart
- Opposite of a ques.
- Reply to a ques.
- Short retort
- A, B or C, on a mult.-choice test
- "T" or "F": Abbr.
- Response: Abbr.
- Follow-up to a ques.
- Ques. response
- Retort: Abbr.
- T or F: Abbr.
- Interview bit: Abbr.
- Years, to Yves
- Reply: Abbr.
- Partner of a ques.
- Ques. follower
- True or false: Abbr.
- The difference between what he said and what she said
- Choice on a multiple-choice test: Abbr.
- Blank filler: Abbr.
- Response to a 23-Across
- Yvette's years
- Quiz feature: Abbr.
- A, B or C, often: Abbr.
- True, at times: Abbr.
- R.S.V.P., e.g.: Abbr.
- FAQs bit: Abbr.
- Exam entry (abbr.)
- T or F, on some exams
- Response to a ques.
- Opposite of ques.
- Reply (abbr.)
- "Jeopardy!" ques.
- The A of Q&A (abbr.)
- T or F on a quiz
- Pt. of Q & A
- T or F, on exams
- RSVP, e.g.
- Short reply?
- Indefinite articles
- It may be final (abbr.)
- Response (abbr.)
- The A of Q&A
- T or F, e.g. (abbr.)
- True or false (abbr.)
- "100 ___" (display on the Eiffel Tower in 1989)
- FAQ part: Abbr.
- Sol.
- None of the above, sometimes: Abbr.
- Solution: Abbr.
- Counterpart of a ques.
- "100 ___" (Eiffel Tower display in 1989)
- Yes, no, or maybe, maybe (abbr.)
- None of the above, maybe: Abbr.
- Q & A part: Abbr.
- T or F, perhaps
- Q and A part: Abbr.
- What "A" might mean: Abbr.
- Blank filler: Abbr
- Part of Q&A
- French years
- Part of Q and A
- Q&A part
- Ques. reply
- Ques. partner
- The "A" of Q&A (Abbr.)
- Pt. of "Q and A"
- A, B, or C, say (abbr.)
- Q&A part: Abbr.
- FAQ response
- T or F, on tests
- Interview part: Abbr.
- "Jeopardy!" ques., really
- One on a teacher's key (abbr.)
- The "A" of Q (Abbr.)
- T or F, e.g.
- Prob. solver?
- Q&A pt.
- 100 ___ (Eiffel Tower display in 1989)
- T or F, often
- T, on a test question, say
- Questioner's quest: abbr.
- Questioner's quest: abbr.
- A, B or C, perhaps: Abbr.
- SAT's A, B, C or D
- Part of a Q&A: Abbr.
- All of the above, e.g.: Abbr.
- Ques. follow-up
- Buxom model's monogram
- Respond (Abbr.)
- Comeback to a ques.
- Mult.-choice choice
- Manchester's St. ___ Church
- Crossword entry: Abbr.
- Years, to Yvette
- Interview seg.
- Reaction to a ques.
- Trebek reads it first: abbr.
- Y or N, maybe
- Years, in Tours
- T or F, for ex.
- A or B on a test, maybe: Abbr.
- Quiz response: Abbr.
- Question's opp.
- Key entry: Abbr.
- Pleading in response to a complaint (abbr.)
- Ques. opposite
- Playmate who m. an oil mogul
- "Jeopardy!" monitor display: Abbr.
- Key component: Abbr.
- Abbreviated reply
- Brief reply?
- Part of a filled-out survey: Abbr.
- Comeback: Abbr.
- T or F, maybe
- T or F, perhaps: Abbr.
- Inits. of an ill-fated ex-Playmate
- "Jeopardy" "question" (abbr.)
- "T" or "F" (Abbr.)
- SAT fill-in: Abbr.
- It may be filled in with a No. 2 pencil
- Clue on "Jeopardy!": Abbr.
- The "A" of Q&A: Abbr.
- Solution (Abbr.)
- Puzzle hunt?: Abbr.
- Q and A part (Abbr.)
- Key part: Abbr.
- Years, in thiers
- Ques.'s counterpart
- Part of Q and A: Abbr.
- Part of Q
- Years, to Pierre
- Ques.'s opposite
- A, B, C or D, in multiple choice: Abbr.
- T or F, frequently: Abbr.
- Age units, in Arles
- FAQ snippet
- "Jeopardy!" ques., actually
- One in a tchr.'s key
- It comes before the ques. on "Jeopardy!"
- It's found in a key: Abbr.
- "Jeopardy!" clue: Abbr.
- Part of Q&A: Abbr.
- Brief response?
- T or F, say: Abbr.
- Short reply?
- Y or N, possibly
- FAQ entry
Last Seen In
- New York Times - November 17, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 27, 2024
- LA Times - June 18, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - June 12, 2024
- LA Times - May 17, 2024
- LA Times - March 27, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - January 26, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - October 27, 2023
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 06, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 07, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 05, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - June 23, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 18, 2023
- New York Times - May 02, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - March 09, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 02, 2023
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - November 24, 2022
- New York Times - October 25, 2022
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - October 07, 2022
- New York Times - January 25, 2022
- New York Times - February 06, 2018
- New York Times - February 04, 2018
- LA Times - December 31, 2017
- Wall Street Journal - November 28, 2017
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - October 14, 2017
- Wall Street Journal - September 27, 2017
- Pat Sajack's Code Letter - August 18, 2017
- USA Today - July 03, 2017
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - May 08, 2017
- New York Times - March 16, 2017
- And in 279 more crossword puzzles...