Crossword Puzzle Clue Answers
We've seen 1 answer for the crossword clue 'Emulated a lion' in our database. It has been used in 2 crosswords, the latest of which was the Universal crossword on March 18, 2012.
Crossword answers for the clue "Emulated a lion"
Related Clues
- Guffawed
- Thundered
- Laughed loudly
- Had a big laugh
- Bellowed
- Howled like a lion
- Laughed heartily
- Sounded like a lion
- Expressed approval, perhaps
- Showed approval, or disapproval
- Howled with laughter
- Warned, lion-style
- Split the eardrums
- Clamoured
- Sounded like Simba
- Howled with glee
- Bellowed loudly
- Rolled in the aisles, so to speak
- What crowd did during jam
- Yelled at when in the way again
Last Seen In
- Universal - March 18, 2012
- Universal - October 03, 2009