Clues for the word "ODIN"
We've had 321 crossword clues used for this word, and seen it 1000 times in crosswords. It was last seen in New York Times crossword on March 24, 2025.
Definition of odin
- n. - The supreme deity of the Scandinavians; -- the same as Woden, of the German tribes.
Referring Clues
- Thor's chief love: thunder (4)
- Frigg's husband
- Norse Zeus
- Viking deity
- Valhalla V.I.P.
- God with an eight-legged horse
- Norse war god
- Sleipnir's master
- God of war and poetry
- One-eyed overlord
- Sleipnir's rider
- His horse had eight legs
- Thor's father
- God attended by two ravens and two wolves
- Cosmos creator, in myth
- Valhalla host
- God of war, magic and poetry
- Scandinavian god
- Receiver of the souls of slain heroes in Valhalla
- Husband of Frigg
- Supreme Norse deity
- God who presided over the Aesir
- Norse deity
- Chief Norse god
- God who gave up an eye to drink from the spring of wisdom
- God who rides an eight-legged horse
- God attended by Valkyries
- Father of Balder, the god of goodness
- He gave an eye for wisdom
- God with raven messengers
- Thor's lord
- One-eyed Norse god
- God attended by two ravens
- "The ruler of the universe"
- Valhalla boss
- Presider over banquets of those slain in battle
- Gladsheim palace resident
- Viking's deity
- Father of Thor
- God who rode an eight-legged horse
- Slayer of Ymir, in myth
- God of wisdom
- Valhalla chief
- Mythical dweller across the Rainbow Bridge
- Pantheon head
- Chief Norse deity
- Ruler of the Aesir
- One-eyed god of myth
- Figure in the Edda
- Aesir biggie
- Ruler of Valhalla
- Aesir bigwig
- Norse god of war
- Valhalla VIP
- Wednesday was named after him
- Balder sire
- Valhalla god
- Valhalla's chief resident
- God attended by the Valkyries
- Deity with an eight-legged horse
- Master of the Valkyries
- Thor's dad
- Norse war deity
- Norse god
- Frigg's husband, in myth
- God of both wisdom and war
- Valhalla dweller
- Frigg's mate
- Norse god of wisdom and war
- Asgard ruler
- Valhalla overlord
- One-eyed Norse deity
- Father of Balder
- Norse god with an eight-legged horse
- Chief Valhalla god
- Scandinavian war god
- Norse god who rode the eight-legged horse Sleipnir
- The Zeus of Norse mythology
- Husband of Frigg, in mythology
- Hod's father
- Balder's father
- He rode an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir
- Aesir leader
- He gave up an eye in exchange for wisdom
- Balder parent
- Mount ___ (highest point on Baffin Island)
- Chief god in the Edda
- Viking war god
- Most powerful of the Aesir
- God who gave up an eye to gain wisdom
- Chief Scandinavian god
- Rider of Sleipnir
- Valhalla bigwig
- Supreme Norse god
- Whom Wednesday was named for
- Balder's dad
- Chief god to 58-Down
- Scandinavian god of war
- Asgard god
- Valhalla presider
- Valhalla honcho
- King of the Aesir
- Norse god of wisdom
- Frigg's husband, in Norse myth
- Chief Norse gods
- Nordic deity
- Head Norse god
- Mythical creator of the cosmos
- Valhalla ruler
- Aesir's god
- Norse god of art and culture
- Valkyries' boss
- Big name in Norse mythology
- God of the Vikings
- Wednesday was named for him
- Supreme god of the Norse
- Boss of Norse gods
- Ruler over Valhalla
- Aesir ruler
- Wednesday's namesake
- Frigg's spouse
- Wednesday's God
- Top Norse god
- Ruler of Asgard
- Fighter of the frost giant Ymir
- Asgard honcho
- Role in 2011's "Thor"
- Role in 2011's "Thor"
- Frigg's hubby
- Norse nabob
- Viking VIP
- Anthony Hopkins's "Thor" role
- Valkyries' lord
- Major Norse god
- Valhalla host
- Whom Wednesday is named for
- He banished Thor in Marvel Comics
- Hopkins's "Thor" role
- Berserkers' inspiration
- God of war and magic
- Valhalla war god
- Norse "father of all"
- Frigga's fellow
- Thor's pop
- Vahalla host
- God in both Eddas
- God who commanded the Valkyries
- Major Germanic god
- Hopkins, in "Thor"
- Thor's father, in Norse mythology
- The Valkyries answered to him
- Son of Bor and Bestla
- Norse notable
- Role in "Thor"
- God with two ravens on his shoulders
- Norse god of war and poetry
- Norse god associated with magic
- Norse god of war and wisdom
- Two-time role for Hopkins
- Mythological deity with two ravens
- Jupiter's Norse counterpart
- Asgard head
- Father of Balder, in myth
- Two-time film role for Anthony Hopkins
- Saga VIP
- Anthony Hopkins' "Thor" role
- Major Norse deity
- Sleipnir's master, in myth
- Two-time mythological role for Anthony Hopkins
- Ruler of the Valkyries
- Figure in the Ynglinga saga
- Role in the 2011 film "Thor"
- Purported ancestor of Ragnar Lothbrok on TV's "Vikings"
- Anthony Hopkins's role in "Thor"
- Aesir god
- Viking god
- Character in 2013's "Thor: The Dark World"
- Valhalla's ruling god
- Hopkins' role in "Thor"
- A god of war
- Chief god of Asgard
- Anthony Hopkins two-time role
- God on an eight-legged horse
- Anthony Hopkins role in "Thor"
- God for whom a weekday is named
- Owner of the horse Sleipnir
- Norse god with raven messengers
- God who oversees Valhalla
- God who inspired Gandalf
- Hopkins, in Marvel movies
- Oslo god
- Thor's mythical dad
- Mr. Wednesday's real identity in "American Gods"
- The all-wise, of myth
- Frigga's spouse
- Loki's dad
- War god of 52-Across mythology
- Host of Valhalla
- Mythical Norse god
- His throne was Hlidskjalf
- God with nothing to eat, lacking energy
- Creator, in Norse myth
- Valhalla figure
- Norse Allfather
- Norse counterpart of Ares
- Norse god, husband of Frigg, father of Thor
- Ulster party rejected god
- Poetry spoken by popular deity
- Norse god of war
- Divine figure from sculptor needing no introduction
- The immortal love racket
- Top sculptor's god?
- Nothing but clamour in Valhalla
- Disorientated Indo-European god
- He was worshipped in some foreboding
- Mythical creator of some foreboding
- The brooding god?
- Not right for sculptor to make a god
- For whom Wednesday is named
- 2011 role for Anthony Hopkins
- Wielder of the spear Gungnir
- Duck noise, by god!
- God - I nod (anag)
- God mostly at home
- Norse god is full of good intentions
- Imprisoner of Brynhildr
- Norse god back in Benidorm
- Norse pantheon bigwig
- Head Norse?
- Valhalla cheese
- Ruler at Gladsheim
- Ruler at Valhalla
- Edda figure
- Prominent character in the Edda
- Party rising in power in old Scandinavia
- Our Wednesday, or a godlike "duck noise" joke
- Row beneath the circle or in the gods?
- Top sculptor's god?
- God of peace?
- Artist shaving head for god
- See 10
- Chief figure in the Eddas
- Norse god of wisdom and poetry
- Deity incarnated as Mr. Wednesday in "American Gods"
- Volsunga saga deity
- Chief Asgard god
- Norse god played by Anthony Hopkins
- Norse god on an eight-legged horse
- Role in "Thor," 2011
- One-eyed deity
- Boss at Valhalla
- Chief god of Valhalla
- Norse god found in 26-Across
- Frigg's mythical hubby
- One-eyed god
- God right to desert French artist?
- Former Asgard ruler
- Anthony Hopkins, in "Thor"
- God in fallen idol making a comeback
- Norse god of poetry
- Mr. Big, to the Norse
- Norse deity of war
- Nothing but pandemonium in Valhalla
- Allfather of myth
- Ares : Greek :: ___ : Norse
- Wise Norse god
- Norse god who rode Sleipnir
- Revered Norse god
- VIP in Norse mythology
- Tolkien's inspiration for Gandalf
- Norse god for whom Wednesday is named
- He rules over Valhalla
- God who gave an eye in his search for wisdom
- The brooding god?
- King of Asgard
- Asgard head honcho
- Husband of Frigg, in Norse mythology
- Ruler in "Thor"
- Norse god married to Frigg
- Battler of the frost giant Ymir
- Hopkins' "Thor" role
- Stealer of the Mead of Poetry
- Norse namesake of Wednesday
- A brooding god?
- Good intentions involving god
- In Norse myth, the father of Balder
- Valhalla leader
- God played by Anthony Hopkins in "Thor"
- Thor’s father
- Norse god with an eye patch
- Mythical Norse god of war
- For whom the ravens Huginn and Muninn collect intel, in legend
- God of war
- Thor : Thursday :: ___ : Wednesday
- Do wrong in being a deity
- Norse god whom Gandalf has parallels to
- Frigg's one-eyed husband
- Heavenly piece of wood at the pine centre
- Frigga's husband
- Norse god with two ravens
- Allfather in Norse myth
- Anthony Hopkins's role in the "Thor" film franchise
- Anthony Hopkins's character in the Marvel Universe
- Norse god played in film by Anthony Hopkins
- One-eyed war god
- Aesir VIP
- "Thor" role for Anthony Hopkins
- Wednesday eponym
- Mr. Wednesday's true identity in Neil Gaiman's "American Gods"
- Frigg's husband, in Norse mythology
- So-called "All-Father" of myth
- Mythical figure who sacrificed an eye in order to drink from the well of knowledge
- Norse ruler of Valhalla
- Bigwig Norse god
- All-father of Norse myth
- Gungnir was his spear
- Norse god of war and death
- Mythological owner of an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir
- Sleipnir's rider, in myth
- God for whom Wednesday is named
- Deity for whom Wednesday is named
Last Seen In
- New York Times - March 24, 2025
- Penny Dell Sunday - March 23, 2025
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - March 09, 2025
- Evening Standard Cryptic - March 03, 2025
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - February 11, 2025
- New York Times - January 31, 2025
- Evening Standard Easy - January 27, 2025
- Daily American - January 26, 2025
- New York Times - January 19, 2025
- New York Times - January 12, 2025
- New York Times - December 30, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - December 24, 2024
- Penny Dell Sunday - December 15, 2024
- LA Times - December 10, 2024
- Mirror Mini - November 26, 2024
- Daily American - November 25, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - November 04, 2024
- Daily American - October 16, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - October 14, 2024
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - September 26, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - September 24, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - September 23, 2024
- USA Today - September 23, 2024
- USA Today - September 12, 2024
- Evening Standard Cryptic - September 12, 2024
- Evening Standard Easy - September 05, 2024
- King Syndicate - Eugene Sheffer - August 27, 2024
- USA Today - August 22, 2024
- LA Times - August 11, 2024
- And in 970 more crossword puzzles...