Crossword Puzzle Clue Answers
We've seen 1 answer for the crossword clue 'Truffles et al.' in our database. It has been used in 3 crosswords, the latest of which was the Pat Sajack's Code Letter crossword on April 16, 2008.
Crossword answers for the clue "Truffles et al."
Related Clues
- Mushrooms, e.g.
- Mildew and such
- Mold and mildew, for two
- Things not wanted in locker rooms
- Mushrooms and molds, e.g.
- Mold and mildew
- Toadstools, e.g.
- Mushrooms and such
- Toadstools and such
- Mold and mushrooms, e.g.
- Mushroom soup ingredients
- Yeasts, e.g.
- Morels, e.g.
- Mushrooms and molds
- Mush-rooms
- Yeast and mold
- Mushrooms, molds, etc.
- Ringworm
- Mold, mildew, etc.
- Truffles, e.g.
Last Seen In
- Pat Sajack's Code Letter - April 16, 2008
- USA Today - July 14, 2004
- New York Times - August 16, 2000