Crossword Puzzle Clue Answers
We've seen 1 answer for the crossword clue 'Spanish sparkling wine' in our database. It has been used in 10 crosswords, the latest of which was the New York Times crossword on February 28, 2024.
Crossword answers for the clue "Spanish sparkling wine"
Related Clues
- Vena ___ (vessel to the heart)
- Vena ___ (vessel to the heart)
- Vena ___
- Anatomical term that's Latin for "hollow"
- Vena ___ (main vein)
- Vena ___ (large heart vessel)
- Vena ___ (blood line to the heart)
- Vena ___: heart vessel
- Vena ___
- Vena ___: heart vessel
- Vena ---
- Vena ___ (passage to the heart)
- Vena ___ (large vein)
- Vena ___ (major blood vessel)
- Inferior vena ___
- Superior vena ___
- Vena ___: major blood line
- Vena ___ (major vessel)
- Sparkling wine – central feature of a Majorca vacation
- Spanish sparkling white wine
Last Seen In
- New York Times - February 28, 2024
- Mirror Quick - October 30, 2017
- Mirror Quick - July 12, 2017
- Guardian Quick - January 10, 2017
- Chronicle of Higher Education - September 16, 2016
- New York Times - November 01, 2011
- Guardian Quick - July 31, 2010
- Guardian Quick - August 10, 2007
- New York Sun - August 01, 2007
- LA Times - December 17, 2006