Crossword Puzzle Clue Answers
We've seen 1 answer for the crossword clue 'Done in desperation at the final moment' in our database. It has been used in 1 crossword, the latest of which was the Guardian Quick crossword on April 30, 2012.
Crossword answers for the clue "Done in desperation at the final moment"
Related Clues
- Closing moment
- Desperation, of a sort
- Desperate final effort
- Desperation tactic
- Extremely desperate
- Sign of desperation
- End
- Kind of effort
- Desperate
- Like a desperate effort
- Eleventh-hour
- Done at the very end
- Done in desperation
- bitter end
- Like a Hail Mary pass
- Final moment
- Done in desperation (or at the point of death?)
- Delay while parking over street, just in time
- Glass apt to shatter in extremis
- Final desperate effort
Last Seen In
- Guardian Quick - April 30, 2012